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Today about 3 AM Gail and Brian began their trek east. The last email I got said they were going to try to make it into New Mexico today--that's about a 700 mile haul. Goal is ATLANTA for New Year's Eve.
********************************************** Baseball players don't make excuses...they make adjustments.
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Hey EH, Don't take it too hard...while it's difficult to have them away...

The Siskiyou pass can be a bear in winter chains or not (I grew up right nearby) but Ashland is a charming little community...lots to see and do, nice people, college town, plays, great dining, couple great brewpubs...

Some would say that your guffaw was a blessing...

Next time my wife messes up my chains I'll be happy to spend some time there...

Cool 44
Keep us posted JT.

Where abouts did you grow up 44? I spent a summer in Grants Pass, four months in Central Point, and threee years in Klamath Falls.

Absolutely beautiful country. And Ashland is a very cool a lad, I enjoyed many evenings at the Oregon Shakesperian Festival with my folks. I never realized how 'top notch' that festival was and continues to be until I moved so far away.

LadyNMom...where are you?
Last edited by gotwood4sale
JT - I'm guessing they make their goal today.... they're energized and ready for the trip to their new home. I'll say in New Mexico today... close enough guess?

We should have encouraged her to share her route with everyone... she could have done a book... "Who I Met On The Way To My New Home" as she stopped and stayed with posters all along the way! Just imagine the adventures of meeting posters as you traveled all the way across the country!
Originally posted by Beezer:
I thought they were moving to NC? If so, going I-10 seems a bit out of the way....unless they're going somewhere else along the way.

Beezer--I convinced her to go I-10 to I-20--taking the southern route to avoid the winter weather--which is kicking up along I-40. Plus, she has relatives and Brian has a girlfriend in the Atlanta area--hence the New Year's Eve goal. Finally, it's only about 50 miles difference in the two routes. Here is what today "should" look like (I'm guessing Abilene)...
(cue the Weekend Update theme)....
...just got the following email from Tom:
Gail and Brian left yesterday. stayed overnight in Tucson - didn't have internet service at hotel. ran into rain and snow leaving Tucson yesterday. Plan to stop in Sweetwater or Abilene, Texas tonight. Animals fine except cat has learned to sneak around car screen.

Listening to audio tape by Tony Larussa, "Three nights in August", about a series with the Cubs. Gail said that Brian is learning a lot of strategy from the tape that he can use against Lynchburg.
Last edited by JT
JT - You're cheating!!! Big Grin Where did I put Gail's cell phone number....

I was a bit more conservative today than needed to be, but also had her going on the wrong interstate. So, I'll predict they make it to Shreveport, LA tomorrow.

What's their exact route BTW? Gail told me, but I can't remember past I10 and they left that a long time ago! Smile
OK JT - If you get an email tonight that just happens to say "Shreveport, LA", it's just a coincidence! Wink

I had shared this with Gail... but what an experience to travel across the country with your child.... something you both would always remember. Like the trip Luvbb refers to above when her two oldest traveled across country... a rare opportunity to spend a lot of time talking and laughing with a loved one. We should probably all do it at least once. Smile
I'm expecting a note that says JACKSON, MS. That will put them within 5-6 hours of Atlanta for Saturday. Of course, with all the rain and storms they may hit today, Shreveport might be a good idea, too (BTW, Shreveport was my ORIGINAL projetion when I sent her a sample itenerary).
Last edited by JT
lafmom ...
a rare opportunity to spend a lot of time talking and laughing with a loved one. We should probably all do it at least once.

Please don't tell my husband ... he thinks my silence is golden when we travel.

JT ...
If my kid gets to head straight to Mobile from Tucson this spring (we hope we hope we hope), can I have him contact you for driving recommendations? Looks like you have an awfully good handle on this cross-country thing.
Well....I'm hoping this far I can't work out how to send emails from a hotel internet system.....hoping I don't flunk hsbaseballweb posting!

Tonight we are in Vicksburg, MS......the first right after we crossed the Mississippi River.....took us to a LaQuinta....after a very long day of driving.....we gratefully fell into the room.....the animals too..... Demon the cat has worked out how to get through the grate and now travels on the floor, beneath my feet....for mile after mile.....9 hours in all today.....Lucky, the dog, is still trying to work it out but in the meantime....I'm becoming more convinced that cats are indeed smarter than dogs.....

It took us longer today because of the rain in some areas it was torrential....minimal visability.....very slow driving....but we are happy we went the southern would have been worse going our Texas posters......from what we could see on the 20....and even with sure do have a big, wide open, and from what we could see....a beautiful state.....Louisiana posters.......we went through it too fast to take much in....except did see some Little League have our vote too......

....we are hoping to be in Atlanta tomorrow....a few days rest before we head up to our new home....North Carolina.....yes! son told me this afternoon that he can see a difference in me the closer we get to the east coast...and I think he is right....after 25 years I'm going home....not New England....but close enough!!!

Traveling with my son has been a wonderful experience....except when it comes to choice of music....I do believe we reached a truce today....when he put on another hard rock cd....I put on a ski cap and proceeded to stick all the paper napkins and tissues I could find up under the cover my ears.....I then began poising for all passing worked......probably helped by the stares we were getting....20 year olds can be very self conscious...........tomorrow Atlanta......thank you for this thread.....I've enjoyed reading it tonight....and nominate JT for hsbaseballweb navigator of the year award.....

I hope that all our family members travelling this holiday season have a safe trip.....
Last edited by LadyNmom
Her: "He's touching me."

Him: "Am not!"

Her: "Are too."

Him: "Am not!"

Her: "Mmmmmmooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm !!! Make him stop."

Aw, the joy of cross-country travel with kids in the car ... oh wait, different scenario, right?

Glad to know that Gail and Brian are safe and sound on the east coast. We will miss having them here on the Left Coast but I completely understand the desires of Gail's heart in this matter. Oft times I wish I could return to my eastern roots as well. Even though I know she is a bit farther south than where she grew up, nevertheless there is more commonality between the northeast, the mid-atlantic, and the southeast than between the east coast and the west coast.

Enjoy your new year, Gail.

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