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There has been discussion amongst HSBBW members about starting a HSBBW Hall of Fame.
While the criteria has not been established yet, I thought perhaps we should ask everyone their opinion.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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I'm gonna have to agree with PG(and also Bee if I'm not mistaken). Halls of Fame are for
"players" no longer in the "game"-retired, so to speak, and I wouldn't like to see the likes of PG,Fungo,Opp,TR and many others no longer posting their wisdom on this site. This is not to diminish the idea that all of these fine people do not deserve the recognition and thanks for posting long after their sons have moved on but I agree with
PG/Jerry that when one is elevated to a certain level that it may tend to cause another
who may have an excellent point to make to remain silent because they may feel less qualified.

This is an excellent site and has become one-in my opinion- because of the diversity of opinions and the vast knowledge and experiences that have been given. Would not like to see that stifled in any way.
I believe there should be 2 yearly "distinguished members", otherwise it becomes a popularity contest and this site is about sharing as a unit and not as segregated groups. There are numerous small forums that each have HOF candidates, and others who have left us for one reason or another who many of us have never heard of. Their voice and their contributions should not be overlooked.

Each and everyone that has been mentioned are worthy of the credits, but my guess is that each and everyone would say they are not worthy of the honor. This is a team effort and if nothing else that is a message that should shared. Newbies that come on this board should see it is not a class structure. The "Old timer" designation is just that, we are old timers, not special, just old timers. That is a designation that only shows an extended dedication, sharing of knowledge and experiences, and extra time on our hands. IMHO
Last edited by rz1
As one of the nominees let me say this and perhaps I speak for others---whatever happens it won't change why I am here and that is to help others from my own experiences---I just flat out love the game and love talking about it and debating its nuances and if what little I have learned from my experiences helps just one player than it is all worth it


As a relative "newbie" I'm not sure this is my place but I AM sure that such a move deserves some real thought....While there is no denying that here are some giants here...and with all due respects, and admiration for those considered...lets swim against the stream for a moment...

Whether a HSBBW Hall of Fame comes to fruition in cyber space or not, it certainly already exists in many of the member's mind...that is evident.

- An excellent observation from the Woodman. It does already exist. And works. Naturally. And one might say comfortably.

- Institutionlizing that HOF? It has been my experience that the very nature of instiutionalization changes things. Usually for the worse.

- "Standards for worthiness and consideration will be largely agreed upon in advance..." Longevity? Popularity? # of posts? I remind you that this is not baseball where the statistics are at least a starting point. "But it's really not all that hard 44...we all know a great post/****/great art when we see it"...Right.

- Longevity. Always found it distasteful in business, or sports when longevity and or politics is valued over performance simply for longevities and politics sake, and particularly when such is instiutionalized.

- Contribution? "No, no, no, 44 you have it all wrong, this is on the basis on contribution...." Whose to say what contribution is valued more than another? That is one of the beauties of this place. Outside of Bob and Mn-Mom whose extra contributions are undeniable.. ...Everybody brings something unique. Some frequently. Some infrequently. Some loud. Some soft. All equal.

- Content? Does this make the post of an Old Timer any less valuable than a HOF? Regardless of content?

- Change in concept? Does this alter the goal to become to reach those ego/perfromance/status platforms rather than simply wanting to help? Or not be willing to offer the converse side of a discussions for fear that you may make the wrong posters, or the powerful angry? Will this homogneize a great deal of the content? Will it put power to petty jelousy?

- Borderlines? There are some awfully amazing people who lurk here, or post infrequently yet who have contributed mightily. Does this make them any less important? What about thsoe who have made real contributions but not engendered themselves into the voting public? Will they remain feeling slighted? Slip away?

I believe it was telling and wonderful that so many have been nominated. As John Lennon said in the song Instant Karma, "Who in the H*** do you think you are? A superstar? well right you are..." Well my friends, as it sits we are all superstars. Is that such a bad thing?

As a compromise I would suggest that if the BSBBW does so that the the numbers be kept very, very low.

Again I am not strongly into one view or another. But I am sure that the HSBBW works beautifully as it sits. And I am sure that the HOF idea needs to be REALLY looked at from all sides and for some time before you risk the Golden Goose.

There, I've said it and risked my hope for any future honors which is my point exactly...

With respect,

Last edited by observer44
Didn't we have some sort of poll or contest awhile ago as to our "favorite" posters (or something to that effect)? And didn't it magically disappear? IMO, rightfully so.

To me, this is more of the same. I voted against the HOF in the poll. There are the occassional uprisings here and and there in the forums, but overall...the HSBB is a pretty darn good and well oiled machine. Why mess with it by implementing "HOF" designations? IMO, it would only serve to elevate some while ignoring others, cause divisions, and might perhaps hinder some from asking questions and/or challenging the opinion of certain posters. All of which are contrary to the purpose of the HSBB sight...educating ourselves to help our sons. JMHO.
Oh my need a new voting machine. You can't be kept in the dark. I'll call my friend Chad at Diebold...he'll fix you up with something to suit your needs...

And luvbb...I remember that also. Although I'm sure that effort was well intentioned it was best to leave it behind. There are some parallels between that and this interest in establishing a HSBBW Hall of Fame. We certainly would not want to revisit that's rather scorched.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
When I went into my Wayback Machine, I recalled that shortly after I joined this message board, a particular player's pop's son had been called up to the official Major League. That player's pop's designation changed at that time from "Old Timer" to "Hall of Fame"--because his son MADE IT!!!!

I thought it was a great designation for those lucky websters then, and I still think it's a great designation now.
And luvbb...I remember that also. Although I'm sure that effort was well intentioned it was best to leave it behind. There are some parallels between that and this interest in establishing a HSBBW Hall of Fame. We certainly would not want to revisit that's rather scorched.

Gotwood, don't get me wrong...I believe BOTH efforts were/are well intentioned Smile. As far as "We certainly would not want to revisit that's rather scorched"....sorry, I'm going to have to plead ignorance with that statement .
Originally posted by Moc1:
I'm gonna have to agree with PG(and also Bee if I'm not mistaken). Halls of Fame are for
"players" no longer in the "game"-retired, so to speak, and I wouldn't like to see the likes of PG,Fungo,Opp,TR and many others no longer posting their wisdom on this site. This is not to diminish the idea that all of these fine people do not deserve the recognition and thanks for posting long after their sons have moved on but I agree with
PG/Jerry that when one is elevated to a certain level that it may tend to cause another
who may have an excellent point to make to remain silent because they may feel less qualified.

This is an excellent site and has become one-in my opinion- because of the diversity of opinions and the vast knowledge and experiences that have been given. Would not like to see that stifled in any way.

Good points.
One of the reasons why I felt Bob, HW and OPP make good HOFers, they don't post much anymore.
I like the HOF idea, but I also like the idea that it goes to those who have made an impact and no longer visit us that often.
But I also have to agree with Luvbb, she brings up good points.
There are many posters (not all HOF caliber) that have helped me through the recruiting process...

HOF in my opinion is just dumb and has nothing to do with why I visited this site in the first place. I think most of the people who give out advice etc do it out of goodwill and wanting to help just to help.

Quite frankly I do not agree with the advice some HOF candidates have given and would not want newcomers to think that HOF was an endorsement of their advice.

Kudos and thank yous from a post is enough recognition.
When I went into my Wayback Machine, I recalled that shortly after I joined this message board, a particular player's pop's son had been called up to the official Major League. That player's pop's designation changed at that time from "Old Timer" to "Hall of Fame"--because his son MADE IT!!!!

I thought it was a great designation for those lucky websters then, and I still think it's a great designation now.

I agree with you play baseball..........
Novice Dad,

Thanks for setting me straight by referring to my idea as dumb. The profundity of your argument convinced me that you must be right and I and my shallow ideas should go elsewhere.

Obviously, I've got some more maturing to do so I'll be back after I spend some time in the "Pre- High School" forum. Would you join me?
Last edited by Bum
by ssmom: What am I missing?
431 views,..yet only 28 votes so far.
careful analysis would show that not voting does express an opinion Wink

ps - half of those votes can be attributed to Gotwood4sail (no pun) & his buddies in the sunglasses via their tinkering with the propriatary code in the vote counting software

Last edited by Bee>
This thread is demonstrating that the idea at best is divisive to some extent and at worst is destructive. But the fact is, it probably does not make much difference either way except to make certain people feel good and others feel uncomfortable. Whenever something becomes somewhat of a popularity contest -- even well-intended -- in some way it detracts from what it was. Even the real Baseball Hall of Fame has aspects of this as demonstrated by the cases of Ron Santo on one side and Bill Mazeroski on the other. I just don't think that kind of thing makes this a better place. My vote was no.
By the way -- and I really don't want to go where it is none of my business -- I don't think Novice was making any judgment about Bum. He just does not like the idea (very separate from the person) and expresses very valid points. No where do I detect any personal attack in his post and I doubt any offense was intended or should be taken. I have to agree that it is not the best idea I have seen for the reasons I already have stated.

And to underscore my main point, even though I believe that the idea (though well-intended) is misguided, Bum's post the other day about his Mom is one of the best I have ever read here and ought to be memorialized somehow in the Golden Threads forum, which serves as a Hall of Fame in a very real way right now.
From the Message Board manners page:

"High School Baseball Web is intended to be an "Idea and Information" exchange, help keep it that way."

There have been (and continues to be) some great contributors to these forums. Let's not get too full of ourselves. We are all astute enough to recognize and applaude those great posters. I'm with whomever mentioned limiting this HOF to Bob and Julie.
Last edited by itsagreatgame
Good points on BOTH sides of the fence,..but its the VOTE that COUNTS!!!

VOTE VOTE VOTE websters!

Get your neighbor to vote,..your sons,...( pet poodles don't count,..and Itsinthegame sorry, that goes for monkeys too. Frown Big Grin Wink )

VOTE,..only 43 posters have voted so far out of like a kazillion registerered websters.
Its 8:30 am central.

Make sure to tell your fellow webster that his/her vote counts!
Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by Bum:
Novice Dad,

Thanks for setting me straight by referring to my idea as dumb. The profundity of your argument convinced me that you must be right and I and my shallow ideas should go elsewhere.

Obviously, I've got some more maturing to do so I'll be back after I spend some time in the "Pre- High School" forum. Would you join me?

No problem I prefer the t-ball circuit where the juiceboxes are the most important thing along with the smiles of the players.

I appologize for offending you, not my intention but as others said lets not take ourselves to seriously...
Originally posted by itsagreatgame:
I'm with whomever mentioned limiting this HOF to Bob and Julie.

You must be beside yourself!

(Edited by GW4S 03-01-07)

Oops! I got the two its mixed up! Itsinthegame nominated Bob and Julie earlier in a post and I thought he was standing beside himself when I mistakenly thought it was him who said "I'm with whomever mentioned limiting this HOF to Bob and Julie." I now realize that itsagreatgame said this and not itsinthegame. Sorry.

And that beautiful picture of mom...hawking the RC cola...those lucky Mets fans!

I couldn't help but notice in the background of that stunning photo of that Bob "The Big Kahuna" Howdeshell immortalized in a totem pole? That's definitely the likeness of a "Big Kahuna" squatting there on the bottom...keeping the entire totem pole steady and soaring!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

quote: - half of those votes can be attributed to Gotwood4sail (no pun) & his buddies in the sunglasses via their tinkering with the propriatary code in the vote counting software...

Hey, hey now...

How many votes can we change with only one finger at a time?

I only wanted the thing well thought out. I'll go with the group politic.

...No shady deals going down here...

Cool 44
quote: - half of those votes can be attributed to Gotwood4sail (no pun) & his buddies in the sunglasses via their tinkering with the propriatary code in the vote counting software...

I've also heard there was rumbling from the FL contingent about "hanging chads" and humidity soaked ballots.

Originally posted by Bee>:
ps - half of those votes can be attributed to Gotwood4sail (no pun) & his buddies in the sunglasses via their tinkering with the propriatary code in the vote counting software


Oh you guys in Ohio...always looking, searching, and scouring for someone who is trying to get an edge or leg up on the others! Just because I, got vote wood4sale, happen to reside in Cook Co., Illinois should be no reason for you to cast suspicion my way. What would I possibly know about vote tampering?

And my friend from the Golden State, Poll Rigger observer44 Cool , he's not getting paid anything so just leave him out of this...besides he hasn't been around today...he enrolled in a Loyal Minion refresher short course and he should be busy taking the exam now and looking over the shoulder of the guy in front of him for the answers.

If you'll excuse me Bee>...I've got to take this call...


Chad I can't talk now...I've got a visitor.

Keep it down, keep it down Chad...yes he's trouble...I think he's on to us...yes, yes he has been scouring.

I'll take care of him just do what you do best...and don't bold.

Don't worry Chad...when you've finished I'll pick you up at the spot we agreed upon Chad.

Yes, yes Chad...I'll be in the black's a Huey Chad...don't jump into that white one like you did last time.

I know you were confused Chad...just get it right this time...and for heaven's sake stay away from the tail rotor.

It was indeed a hassle you know how many strings I had to pull to get you out of U.S.Coast Guard custody?

Listen to me Chad...If you must contact me again before we meet use our super secret telesponder.

Yes Chad...the super secret one...we got rid of the secret was obsolete...and don't forget your decoder ring.

Sorry Bee> you know. I don't hear a helicopter. Do you?
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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