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by gotwood: Oh you guys in Ohio...I happen to reside in Cook Co ... What would I possibly know about vote tampering?

excerpts: "COOK COUNTY, Illinois - a Chicago newspaper reported machines failed and votes were still uncounted two days after the election due to lost memory cartridges which contain the results ... officials assured the public that though nobody knew where all the ballots and computerized memory cartridges were, they were “most assuredly not lost.” (that's my story & I'm sticking to it!)

"U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) said. “This is Chicago. This is Cook County. We created vote fraud, vote scandal and stealing votes."

hmmm, Woody - we'll just take your word for it Wink

now ya got the guys in the sunglasses shadowing me Eek

why didn't ya just tell us Monday what the final results would be we could saved some bandwidth Roll Eyes
Last edited by Bee>

Originally posted by luvbb:
Let's just say this one had me a bit "stumped". Wink

Don't worry luvbb...take a couple of swigs of this...

The "Zing" graphic was a tribute to your response to Novice ordinary "zing" banged out on my keyboard would have done your response justice...your hilarious and good natured response deserved much fanfare and flourish!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
HI HSBBWer's!!!

Had a crummy day at work today,...and decided to do a little chillaxen ( that's what my teenage son calls a combination of chillin' and relaxin', when done simutaneously. Whoa.... that last word was a biggie for this tired, over worked, ssmom's brain! ) with my fellow posters, to take the edge off.

Okie dokie,...its 7 pm Kansas time and we have had 50 votes so far. That an increase and one that makes SSmom happy,...but it could be better!!

I have all the confidence in the world that if we dig a little deeper, through the cobbwebbs ( Fungo,..where are you? ), check under the tables ( Hey Its,..I think these are YOUR mozarella wrappers under here!! ), or perhaps better yet, we check out who might actually be dancin on top of the tables, ( Woodsman, JT, RZ1, ClevelandDad, Beezer???? Time to get down!! You dynamic dancin' fancy feet dudes!! TPMom & Luvbb,..would ya please make those fellas get control?!! )
we'll find some more posters who will be willing to vote!

Think we should close the polls Friday? ( or perhaps Saturday night, to give people who work during the week a chance to catch up with the rest of us & vote )

Let me know what ya' all think.

( I will be on a short break. Gotta go get a refill of vino er uh, cocoa. Better make that a double. ) Wink
Last edited by shortstopmom
Yesterday I was complaining about having a rough day at work and drinking my share of vino hot cocoa,....goofin around,...being silly as usual.

This morning I read the article about The Bluffton Universityy Team tragedy.

I am at a loss for words.

Am going to keep quiet today,...hugging my kids and appreciating our lives, my families lives, and my friends lives,..including all of you.

Please continue to vote today. The numbers are coming in slowly,..but they are coming in. One at a a time. I believe we are at 51 votes so far this morning.

~ I will check back tomorrow with you all ~

Peace, hugzzzzzz,....and with the sincerest appreciation.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Good Morning HSBBW'ers,

I bring hot coffee, fresh donuts,...and a still so very heavy heart.

The sun is shining here this March morning in Kansas,
...yet at the same time it is snowing.
So odd, yet so beautiful.

Today I wish to sit amongst friends and family.
Today I wish to smile.
Today I will remain deeply greatful
to have those opportunities.

Its good to read from fellow posters.
Its good to hear & listen to what you have to say.
Brings a special kind of comfort to my day.

God Bless the Bluffton baseball team, their families, their friends, their community, and our baseball family.

I will take steps forward this season, in their honor, and in the honor of others we have so tragically lost.
Last edited by shortstopmom
Sunday morning,.....and by now most of you are probably get a little weary of this poll,..but I want to make sure I finalize details and finish what I started. ( just a personal issue with me )

Now admitingly,...I know this is not an official poll of any kind and the outcome does not necessarily have to, by any means, solidify the fate of a HSBBW HOF.
I do however hope it will reflect certain stats and perhaps give us a generalized idea of how those, who were interested enough to vote, felt.

As of this morning,.... the vote stands in the
" no " favor ( 34 to 21 ).

( Theres still a few donuts in the back, if anyone is interested. ) ha!
not all of 'em like doughnuts evidently

Apparantly not. Who wooda' thunk???

Perhaps I should have offered chili cheese nachos
( heavy on the jalapeno's ),....canoli's,.....or last but not least, my famous shortstawpmomma's liver & lima bean casserole????
Oh yeah! If that dont bring the non-voters out of the shadows and up to the ol' ballot box, nothing will. Nummy!!! ( tee-hee ) Wink

I think you are correct Woodsman,...the people have spoken on this matter.


On a personal note I am kinda bummed.
Thought it was a fun idea and was looking forward to " doing something good " after such a tragedy stricken sad week. Frown

Think maybe the son and I will hit the batting cages tonight. That always brings the ol' spirits up! Big Grin
Last edited by shortstopmom
I applaude your efforts.
There are so many great people here who have contributed so much, really hard to vote without causing hard feelings.

A suggestion, I know this is a High School BBW, but has grown to beyond that over the years. We all look for the same for our boys, that they will reach the highest level of ball, major league. As we all know, not too many get there(but their parents have a great ride along the way).

I admire the folks and look up to those boys that have achieved this goal, because I really do feel, even though they had the talent, mom and dad were with them every step of the way and I am sure provided guidance and good parenting and helped them to formulate goals to reach their dream.

So I recommend that those folks whose sons play or have played at the highest level become HSBBW HOFers, without votes. Just a suggestion.

This way, for their futures, you can help motivate your player to work his butt off because you want to be in the HSBBW HOF. Big Grin
Why would anyone be opposed to recognizing some of the people that helped make this site what it is? I don't understand. It's not like they have to help fund the multi billion dollar building that is sure to follow. It isn't like these awards cost as much as say the Oscar. The walk of fame is at least 5-10 years away. I don't understand. What an outstanding list of people to be recognized. Thank all of you for your efforts.
Thanks for trying, ShortStop Mom. I think you could have done something great. Keep up the good work!

P.S., sometimes new ideas go up against the status quo. Maybe we could have a vote in a year or so when the reaction is less immediate. Up or down, folks, thanks for your vote!
Last edited by Bum

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