Originally posted by Fungo:
This time of year we always find ourselves having to talk about "other" things. Guilty as charged! --- we came here to get involved in things --- baseball things.
I take it with this rambling story that you're feeling a little remorseful about inciting the great "Tebow Eye-Black" debate, possibly better known as the "Forum for Religious Intolerance and National Podium for what We Believe In". NAAAHH!, you shouldn't feel the need to create call for more purist baseball talk after having incited that conversation. The debate was a great accomplishment (as the participants duly pointed out toward the end several times). I learned a lot, and would nominate it for a Golden Thread. In fact, I think its worthy of a top 10 list.
Top 10 things I found really amusing or enlightening about the great Tebow Eye-Black debate:
10) Eye-Black is apparently effective under night-lights as well
9) Big white letters on eye-black apparently don't reduce its effectiveness
8) Lots of people think the NCAA is responsible for carrying out the 1st amendment
7) In spite of our well-evolved self sense of enlightenment, most people truly have no desire to see, hear, explore, or understand anything that threatens their set of beliefs.
6) A few people actually think that the concept of Separation of Church and State is tied to the rules governing amateur collegiate athletics as well
5) Although most of us are mainstream Christians, we really think it took a lot of courage for a kid to display a mainstream Christian message on national TV
4) Apparently Atheists are led to such a drastic spritual conclusion with with no real belief in anything, and so they should be relegated to the back of the line with respect to what they get to express publicly - right behind Hitler and those nasty "Allah" people.
3) The best way to deliver a real zinger is to preface it with "Great post, but..."
2) You can never go wrong by extolling the virtues of a good, God-fearing Christian kid. Works every time.
1) The creator of a thought-provoking public forum on Free Speech and public expression can shut it down when he feels it has run its course (or gets uncomfortable?).
Yeah, let's talk Baseball now.