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These type of topics will always turn this way eventually. There is no way around it. When you talk about politics and or religion you are going to have people get upset. You are going to have people that will never agree. So its best to air it out and then let it go. Get the focus back on why we are really here. Baseball. Lets wait another year or so and we can go through this once again and air it out and then let it go again. Its time to move on and get back on the topic that we all love to discuss.
It sounds like were all having baseball withdrawls.

My son had his first scrimmage for the spring yesterday. It was beautiful weather.
He moved out a week ago and is here today to visit and have dinner.

Fungo, no Ho cake but I have a nice banana bread in my bread maker. Chicken in the crockpot and my son is here with us.

Fungo,You are a great guy, love your post PS I accidently deleted a post on the eye black thread. Cleveland dad was able to retrieve it. sorry I was trying to edit
Last edited by fanofgame
How is closing the Tebow thread "middle of the road"? As moderator, you have every right to make sure the rules are followed. But why choose to close a thread instead of reprimanding a rule breaking poster. How is closing the thread a better response to questionable posts than warning the poster or deleting his posts.

Can you imagine if every time a car speeded on the road the police closed the road instead of giving the speeder a ticket?

Dear old dad I think you bring up a good point and maybe my explanation will help you understand my way of thinking. There are a large number of forums here on the HSBBW and with the exception of only a few they are all related to baseball. I other words they are all supposed to be headed in the same direction --- which is baseball related. If a thread (a road in you analogy) becomes detoured by a poster (a speeder in your analogy) everyone follows their tracks and responds to the "rule breakers" post. Yes you could come in and reprimand the rule breaker and delete his/her post but the detour has already been established and no one is on the actual road. Closing the road (thread) actually has no impact on drivers reaching their destination. In reality the road is open and the DETOUR away from the destination is what was closed. The road is still intact if someone wants to open another thread going down that road same they can do so. Good question.
Originally posted by Fungo:

Dear old dad I think you bring up a good point and maybe my explanation will help you understand my way of thinking. There are a large number of forums here on the HSBBW and with the exception of only a few they are all related to baseball. I other words they are all supposed to be headed in the same direction --- which is baseball related. If a thread (a road in you analogy) becomes detoured by a poster (a speeder in your analogy) everyone follows their tracks and responds to the "rule breakers" post. Yes you could come in and reprimand the rule breaker and delete his/her post but the detour has already been established and no one is on the actual road. Closing the road (thread) actually has no impact on drivers reaching their destination. In reality the road is open and the DETOUR away from the destination is what was closed. The road is still intact if someone wants to open another thread going down that road same they can do so. Good question.

Huh? 1 + 1 + 1 = 4?

I think I need a roadmap after that explanation!

I was looking for the "Let's Talk Baseball" thread. Did I hit the wrong key?

Stinking keyboard hasn't worked right every since I started that thread about politicians wearing eye black with advertising when delivering a speech about religous intolerance.

By the way, I saw some pretty good baseball played this weekend. Nice little showcase type tournament at Cal State Fullerton. I didn't know any of the kids but it sure beat watching TV!

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