Hey everyone. I have a question that'd I'd really appreciate a response to if anyone has any insight on the subject. About 4 days ago or so, I recieved my first actual personalized "letter" from a college. I'm a junior and the letter was dated Sept. 1st, the first day college coaches can contact juniors by letter. My question is here: the letter has some background information about the college, they seek competitive players and students, etc... and then the last paragraph goes on to state: We are in receipt of your recent online questionarre submission (which i did fill out). The questionarre provides us with a blueprint of your abilities. I appreciate your time.. etc., Now that this first step is complete, we can properly and intelligently begin the recruitment process . He then thanks me and leaves a phone number.
My question is: What exactly does this mean? If someone could help me and provide some more insight, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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