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I understand the joke, but I don't see why all of these people rip Lebron so much. Yes, he looked like a fool hosting such a large event just to announce where he would "take his talents" and he didn't perform as expected by the nation. But, I really think he is becoming a scapegoat, if not already. So the guy made a mistake and then ran his mouth off again, declaring "Not 5, not 6, not 7..." but man people in this country are just having a parade on him. Where was Chris Bosh ALL season. Yes, he did perform a few times in the playoffs, but so did Lebron. Sorry, just venting after a few months of this criticism to him.

I agree there is alot of people ripping LeBron. Some of the criticism is fair and some is not. I personally have a problem with the way he handled THE departure, THE announcement, and the welcoming party in Miami. It was just classless and egotistical IMHO. Somebody of that stature in the game should act like they have been there before even if they have not. I would be embarrassed if that was my son.

After a lot of thought after the NBA final, I came to the conclusion that it is LeBron. He had a cast of no names in the NBA final when he was with Cleveland. He had cast of NBA All-Stars with Miami when he just lost to Dallas. Same result (lost in the NBA final) and he is one of the only constants in that equation. No doubt he is one of the best individual players, but I'm really beginning to doubt if he is one of the best team players in professional basketball. Give it some thought.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Yesterday I was listening to Colin Cowherd on the radio and he made and interesting point. Jack Nicklaus sp? finished in second 22 times, Larry Bird scored single digit points in back-to-back finals GAMES! Elgin Baylor was 1-8 in the finals. Magic johnson was 5-4 in the finals. So how bd did he really choke? As soon as he wins one nobody will ever give him a hard time. It's od how after on success everyone forgets all of a perons failures.

Well said!

Dallas played great, out of their minds at times. I don't think anyone was going to beat them, especially after Miami blew game 2.

People seem to forget how Lebron played against Boston and Chicago to get to the championship. It is odd how he disappears at times, and he did act like a fool when he signed with Miamii, but there's way too much hate. Other than acting stupid at times, this is an amazing talent (freak of nature) who doesn't get in trouble, doesn't cheap shot, and seems to be a great teammate.

There are many others that actually deserve to be hated. But you gotta be extra special to be hated as much as Lebron.
When I look at the Lebron what I see is the world of AAU basketball that we live in now.

He is an amazing talent with skills probably not seen before. However I don't think he was ever taught how to play within a team concept, thats why he "disappears" so often. He simpy doesn't know what to do at times.

He's compared to MJ who played under Dean Smith at Carolina. Michael knew the game and how to play within a team concept when he entered the league. Lebron never learned it and never will. During the regular season you can get away with individual talent because the teams dont try all that much. But during the playoffs everything changes and the team game takes center stage.

I think that the negative stuff said about Lebron is as much about people venting that the individual has taken over the team approach in the league and he has become the poster child, rightly or wrongly, for that resentment.

For me, despite his talent, I don't enjoy watching him and unfortunately feel much the same about the NBA as a whole today.
Last edited by igball
Originally posted by junior5:
Yesterday I was listening to Colin Cowherd on the radio and he made and interesting point. Jack Nicklaus sp? finished in second 22 times, Larry Bird scored single digit points in back-to-back finals GAMES! Elgin Baylor was 1-8 in the finals. Magic johnson was 5-4 in the finals. So how bd did he really choke? As soon as he wins one nobody will ever give him a hard time. It's od how after on success everyone forgets all of a perons failures.

Times have certainly changed over the years....

Jack Nicklaus won more Major Tournaments than anyone on the PGA Tour and is arguably the greatest golfer ever, but IMHO when Tiger came onto the scene and the media blitz that followed helped to bring pairity to golf. When I was in high school, golf was for kids that couldn't make the baseball team. It's not that way anymore, and like him or not, Tiger (along with Nike, Gatorade, video games, etc...) made Golf a cool sport to play, and more people have taken the sport up in the last fifteen years.

Larry Bird didn't have to score for his team to win, he did whatever was necessary and when they needed him to score he stepped up. I hated Bird (I'm a Lakers Fan), but I miss the rivalry. I respect him more now 20 plus years later. Bird couldn't jump, couldn't run, and wasn't the best athlete on the floor. But he could shoot the lights out, pass the ball, and was fundamentally sound...and after the game, you'd read the boxscore and his line was always incredible: 27pts, 12reb, 7asst, 3stls and a W!

I never saw Elgin Baylor play in person, I've only seen the highlights. Yes, he was 1-8 in the Finals. What we fail to realize is he was in the NBA Championship Nine times. Without looking it up, I believe 7 of the 8 losses were against Red Auerbach's Green Team from Beantown with Cousy, Havlicek, Russell, etc...arguably the greatest team ever "Pre-Free Agency" era?

Magic Johnson was 5-4 (like Elgin, he played in Nine NBA Finals) in the Finals. More importantly, he and Larry Bird single handedly brought the NBA back out of mediocrity in the 80's. Magic's game six versus the 76ers in the 1980 Finals is still arguably the greatest individual performance in a championship clinching game; 42pts, 15reb, and 7asst...and he was a Rookie! Magic is still my favorite player of All Time in the NBA, with all due respect to Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and my current favorite player...yes, Kobe Bryant!

Michael Jordan was the Greatest Player of All-Time, his statistics and most importantly his rings speak for themselves. LeBron James is a freak of nature. He has mad skills, and athletically is the Anti-Larry Bird. He's still young and has the potential to win multiple championships. Lebron lost a ton of fans (not just in Cleveland!) with that little stunt he pulled last summer. IMHO King James will need to win at least two Titles to get the respect he deserves. But he needs to grow up fast, because right now he doesn't have the maturity to lead a team to a championship...JMO!
Originally posted by bsbl247:
Originally posted by junior5:
Yesterday I was listening to Colin Cowherd on the radio and he made and interesting point. Jack Nicklaus sp? finished in second 22 times, Larry Bird scored single digit points in back-to-back finals GAMES! Elgin Baylor was 1-8 in the finals. Magic johnson was 5-4 in the finals. So how bd did he really choke? As soon as he wins one nobody will ever give him a hard time. It's od how after on success everyone forgets all of a perons failures.

Times have certainly changed over the years....

Jack Nicklaus won more Major Tournaments than anyone on the PGA Tour and is arguably the greatest golfer ever, but IMHO when Tiger came onto the scene and the media blitz that followed helped to bring pairity to golf. When I was in high school, golf was for kids that couldn't make the baseball team. It's not that way anymore, and like him or not, Tiger (along with Nike, Gatorade, video games, etc...) made Golf a cool sport to play, and more people have taken the sport up in the last fifteen years.

Larry Bird didn't have to score for his team to win, he did whatever was necessary and when they needed him to score he stepped up. I hated Bird (I'm a Lakers Fan), but I miss the rivalry. I respect him more now 20 plus years later. Bird couldn't jump, couldn't run, and wasn't the best athlete on the floor. But he could shoot the lights out, pass the ball, and was fundamentally sound...and after the game, you'd read the boxscore and his line was always incredible: 27pts, 12reb, 7asst, 3stls and a W!

I never saw Elgin Baylor play in person, I've only seen the highlights. Yes, he was 1-8 in the Finals. What we fail to realize is he was in the NBA Championship Nine times. Without looking it up, I believe 7 of the 8 losses were against Red Auerbach's Green Team from Beantown with Cousy, Havlicek, Russell, etc...arguably the greatest team ever "Pre-Free Agency" era?

Magic Johnson was 5-4 (like Elgin, he played in Nine NBA Finals) in the Finals. More importantly, he and Larry Bird single handedly brought the NBA back out of mediocrity in the 80's. Magic's game six versus the 76ers in the 1980 Finals is still arguably the greatest individual performance in a championship clinching game; 42pts, 15reb, and 7asst...and he was a Rookie! Magic is still my favorite player of All Time in the NBA, with all due respect to Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and my current favorite player...yes, Kobe Bryant!

Michael Jordan was the Greatest Player of All-Time, his statistics and most importantly his rings speak for themselves. LeBron James is a freak of nature. He has mad skills, and athletically is the Anti-Larry Bird. He's still young and has the potential to win multiple championships. Lebron lost a ton of fans (not just in Cleveland!) with that little stunt he pulled last summer. IMHO King James will need to win at least two Titles to get the respect he deserves. But he needs to grow up fast, because right now he doesn't have the maturity to lead a team to a championship...JMO!

Great post!
Originally posted by xbaseballkidx11:
I understand the joke, but I don't see why all of these people rip Lebron so much. Yes, he looked like a fool hosting such a large event just to announce where he would "take his talents" and he didn't perform as expected by the nation. But, I really think he is becoming a scapegoat, if not already. So the guy made a mistake and then ran his mouth off again, declaring "Not 5, not 6, not 7..." but man people in this country are just having a parade on him. Where was Chris Bosh ALL season. Yes, he did perform a few times in the playoffs, but so did Lebron. Sorry, just venting after a few months of this criticism to him.

Looks like you covered all the bases here on why King James has all that comes his way. He asked for it, now he's getting it.

Bottom line is he choked, then chumped out by letting others take over in crunch time. Good thing he didn't come to NY because he'd never survive the deserved criticism. He's jusat a loudmouth chump with no rings.

Let's face it, the only reason James signed with Miami is because he knows he can't carry a team with a decent supporting cast to win a championship. Even with two of the best players in the league with him, he still couldn't get it done.

All he's gotta do is look at the big man on the other team that won the crown. Nuff said.
Last edited by zombywoof
All he's gotta do is look at the big man on the other team that won the crown.

You're on to something there zomby. Many of the same critical comments were pointed at as recently as a few years ago. Dirk has grown a lot over the years. If James could humble himself to learn what's Dirk's figured out, it would benefit James. But it's pretty clear James doesn't think he has anything to learn.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
All he's gotta do is look at the big man on the other team that won the crown.

You're on to something there zomby. Many of the same critical comments were pointed at as recently as a few years ago. Dirk has grown a lot over the years. If James could humble himself to learn what's Dirk's figured out, it would benefit James. But it's pretty clear James doesn't think he has anything to learn.

Lebron James, while a gifted basketball player, is lacking in many of life's critical skills. Is it possible that he leads his teams in assists because he lacks the confidence to be a clutch shooter and take over games? Who was the male role model and mentor in his life? Certainly not his absent biological father. Many have become successful well adjusted members of society who didn't have a father figure in their lives but it is a challenge and the mother more likely than not is exceptional.

Lebron can put huge amounts of money in other people's pockets and as a result he gets a certain percentage of that, does that make him a success? Obviously we can't know him personally but if his shallow image that he portrays in interviews is a true reflection of his inner content, then Lebron has lightyears to go before he becomes a true success. He still has time but the bridges he's burnt thus far he's going to regret.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
TPM, so you really think in the NBA finals he deferred to Wade because he was being polite and deferring to Wade since it was "his" team? Please. We're not buying south Florida swamp land here today. Roll Eyes

I was agreeing with PG, he should just stop trying to be a good polite teammate and take over.
Yes, the Heat is Wade's team he has been the franchise player, LeBron has to adjust, he's not it anymore.

Last edited by TPM
If James thought he could take over in the finals he would have. It's not like Wade was dominating and James would have been taking away from him. They were struggling for ANYONE to take over and James declined to attempt to step up when he was on his sports' biggest stage. Maybe he'll be great one day, he's clearly not now. He has to do a lot more than adjust. He has to learn and improve. He's simply not there yet. He's not even the best player on his team.
Last edited by Tx-Husker
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
He's not even the best player on his team.

I am not disagreeing, I am a big DW fan. Perhaps we are saying the same thing, when he had a chance to take over, he didn't. Why? Because he didn't want people to say he took over DW's team. As much as he says he doesn't care what people think, he does. He needs to grow some, JMO.

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