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Yesterday was an interesting day. I was rummaging through some old VHS movies looking for a particular flick when, lo and behold, I found a dusty tape marked in faded pen. I struggled to make out the words: "(Son's) Very First Baseball Game." I forgot it even existed.

I couldn't wait to review the footage. I immediately ran upstairs, plugged it in, and watched in amazement my seemingly fragile six-year old son playing "Coach-Pitch". His grin went from ear to ear as he twirled and doddled, missing every routine play, but with such obvious passion even then. And it occured to me.. he has been playing baseball now for a very, very long time.

So who is this boy, if not a ballplayer? And who are your sons, aside from the ballpark?

My son's biggest passion besides baseball is debate. During debate season, he applies the same sort of dedication and energy as to baseball. As a pitcher on the diamond I see it as very complimentary skill, in that it imparts confidence, moxie, the ability to think on his feet.

So I wonder tonight, when thinking of all of you. Off the field, besides baseball, what is your son's favorite pursuit?

It would be interesting to hear from some of you.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. --Mark Twain

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A lot depends of the level of play and the age of the player. As a player moves up through the higher “levels” of competition things do change. Baseball demands increase and the “focus” we used to talk when they were younger becomes a reality instead of just a buzzword. There are only so many hours in the day and once a player begins college and college baseball the options are drastically reduced simply because of time constraints. Friends, girlfriend, golf, music, movies, and fishing trip now and then seem to fill in the small voids. Professional baseball also leaves little time for “other favorites” especially during the playing season. Days off are a rare commodity and are usually used for nothing more than rest and relaxation. In my opinion if you’re dedicated to baseball, then it’s difficult to do real justice to another “favorite”. Some may call that shallow but other call it focused ---
Last edited by Fungo
Great question, Bum!

Sounds as if our boys might have fun together off the field as well as on the field - my son's second passion seems to be political/economic philosophy and argument/debate.

Just last night he checked out "The Road to Serfdom," for reading in his spare time. Not for a class or anything, just because I told him about Hayek.

For a dad who is a a tad into politics himself, it is a lot of fun to have him interested in this as well as baseball!
Rob, I remember in a previous discussion your son played for BBNW's '09 Oregon team. We were down at U of Portland for the championship game ('08's). I was really impressed with the city (except for the incredible traffic). By the way, love the blog! I found myself agreeing with all of it.. there is a lot of fiscal insanity out there.. I own a business and it seems sometimes government treats me as the enemy. Someone should tell them the best form of welfare is a job.
Last edited by Bum
Rob, Great blog!

Fungo again hit it on the head with his age and level of play comment. Most everyone on this site would be lying if they didn't say there son's off field passion is baseball, workingout or what ever. However, everyone has a side show. In my sons case he's always used the "variety is the spice of life" theme, and I think many athletes, because of the "committment" issues do the same and that's why we always feel that their sport is the only thing they live for. The cool thing about variety is that you end up a "jack of all trades master of none" which is never boring and you are never at your wits end looking for something to entertain yourself with.

This site carries a variety of age groups. I've transformed from LL, to HS and now the last year in college ranks. I thought this was a good thread because as I thought back on my sons "pastimes" they have changed as fast as he has gotten older. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that cooking, which is directly related to his passion for eating, would be one of his "todays" pastimes. I think he he would go as far as having a cooking show on tv and call it "Making a mess with Ryan"

If you asked him what his pastimes are, he'd say studying. After HS, quality time to enjoy a "favorite" pastime is hard to find.
Last edited by rz1
My son is a competitive sort outside of baseball and some of his activities involve playing for money. He is an excellent poker player. Loves to golf. Loves to go bass fishing and has caught some big ones at college. He was the three-time high school champion in table tennis (that's ping pong not beer pong Big Grin) and is the resident champion at his college. Since moving to college, he has learned how to surf. The funny thing with that activity was his 12 year old sister picked it up quicker than he did and she had a ball rubbing that in on him Smile

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