Welcome to the site. I agree with above advice. You cant force it. There are kids who can get by on natural abilities only for so long. Eventually they have to want it enough themselves to get after it.
Your talking to parents on here who have players some who have reached the MLB.Some minor leagues, many high profile colleges.
These people have lived it, breathed it, the game of baseball becomes more exclusive at each level.
I haven't seen good results from dads, or moms over the years who have pushed their sons.More times than not I have seen detrimental results even scarring the relationship.
We never had to push with baseball, our son had to work hard to compete.
You will know soon enough if he has the desire and love of the game to push to new heights.It is a lot of work, a lot of sacrifices.
Build a relationship with your son of mutual respect and love. When baseball is over and it will end for 99.9 percent you don't want a fractured relationship at the end of it.
I cherish our son. He is a beautiful young man. Baseball is over for him. The adjustment seemed like it was meant to be.
I am very glad we never let baseball dictate our love for one another. Make sure your son knows no matter what he chooses you will be there and support him. Love him unconditionally no matter what happens on the field.