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Just back from watching a little Minor League Ball in Clearwater (good Lord is it hot) and just have to brag a "scoasch"...

cadKID#1 (now OFCRkid) is tied for the HR lead in the Gulf Coast League, and was invited to Instructional Ball this Fall.

He was granted additional 30 Day Leave to finish Rookie Ball. No word from the Pentagon yet...

Even the Bloggers are being kind.

Go Air Force!!!
Go Navy!!!
Beat Army!


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It must be awfully fun to read flattering stuff about your son! Congratulations on all his success so far!

I know we promised everyone the entire story about how the entire "commitment thing" will play out, but due to the fact that many aspects are still not decided, we are still under somewhat of a "gag order".

Having said that, the media around the country has not always been flattering or kind... in fact they have been downright mean. One paper in Macon, GA, decided that they would make OFCRkid look like a draft dodger, insinuating that he was "shirking his commitment to his Country." The resulting comments from readers made it sound like a lynch mob would be waiting if he ever did show up for Active Duty. They started comparing him to TO and a variety of other "bad boys" in sports. Certainly not what we ever expected for this kid who has signed up to defend our freedoms, but just wants a little flex time or delayed deployment to see if he can bring a little positive PR to the Military while doing what every LL'er dreams of some day doing. Karl is the one who has taken it the hardest. When his former teammates read all this, I thought they were going "address the issue". Yikes...

But like so many, we take it one day at a time, and we put our trust in whatever higher Authority makes the ultimate decisions in Life.

Blue skies & calm seas,


Last edited by AcademyDad
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:

Other than the first line in the article, it seemed like it wasn't all that controversial. I think Mr. Rec-tum er, sorry Rector was trying to gin things up a bit at Karl's expense.

Precisely - it is what these cowards do for a living. They start the flame - and then run. Most of the times - they go even farther than that. And they do if from afar. And many use fictitious names as well.

Gin shouldnt be for free - there should be a price for ginning. IMO

Sorry again... the really inflaming articles appeared right after the Draft, and they are no longer in the "active recall files". The line in this article that had the PR guys upset was as follows:

"The power-hitting first baseman, who turns 22 on Aug. 16, has said he is willing to fulfill his military commitment in a number of ways - during the offseason, after he finishes his pro baseball career or an extended time in the reserves."

...said he is willing to fulfill...? Anyone who knows any kid who has gone through any one of our Service Academies knows that these kids operate under YES SIR / NO SIR / NO EXCUSE SIR. I can assure you that OFCRkid will go anywhere, anytime that his Superiors tell him to.... "is willing to..."? Pulllease...

In fact it's funny, because the Coaches in Clearwater have asked OFCRkid to tone down the "sir" stuff. I think it makes them feel a little older... not understanding the respect stuff (or just not used to it...) But it has been mentioned several times that they do love having another guy in the dugout to help lead. Quite a few younger kids on the team, living away from home for the first time... sowing... well whatever...

Blue skies & calm seas,


It seems like such a no-brainer that the Armed Forces and the Service Academies should have set policy in place that would allow the world class athletes the chance, if they get it, to play professional sports. They pay millions to tell you that by joining the service you can "be all you can be" yet restrict them from an opportunity that could certainly be used as a very effective marketing tool to get top notch athletes and students to make that choice. There are a lot of ways to serve your country.

I am glad to see that some relaxation of the rules has been made and hope they get it right moving forward. Since Army and Navy are in the Patriot League I can wait two more years before they do. Wink

Go Lafayette
Last edited by jmepop

Thank you everyone for your kind words about OFCRkid, but with all due respect, we do ask at this time that this thread not turn into a discussion (debate) on whether Academy kids should be allowed to serve their country in "alternate ways" (basically playing ball). You cannot possibly imagine how many of these debates we get dragged into on virtually a daily basis.

I can assure you that your most generous contributions to both of my sons' educations will not be "frittered away" by them becoming over-paid professional athletes, that forget where they came from... Our nation is at war, and one phone call from the Powers That Be would be all it would take for either of my sons to report to Action immediately. They did not attend the Academies as a training ground for professional sports, and they will fulfill their obligation in whatever way their Superiors order.

I should shut up now.


Respecting AcademyDad's wishes, my post is not intended to address a "should they / shouldn't they" discussion. I am not commenting about what decision should be made by Karl's military superiors, but rather about the unfortunate comments by some detractors (in articles etc., not here).

Having a successful graduate of any Service Academy temporarily represent his "employer" by playing professional baseball seems like a wonderful Public Relations opportunity. I'm guessing that there are officers in our armed services whose primary responsibility is Public Relations, and the taxpayers pay their salaries. Why would any sensible citizen object to Karl representing the Air Force in such a visible and positive role? Confused

Last edited by MN-Mom
I had only bits and pieces of the thread until I read MN-Moms post and the read the whole thing.

One of the best features of this site is the support that is provided because we understand what our sons have gone through to accomplish what they do.

The roller coaster looks much different to those that have not experienced their first ride......................

Best wishes for your son's professional baseball career, AcademyDad.

And, If had a talented son that was considering one of the service academy's, I'd be watching closely...........
Originally posted by FormerObserver:

The roller coaster looks much different to those that have not experienced their first ride......................

You've got that right FO...after one ride I tell you I'm not getting near that monster again! I'm still quaking!

If you're ever driving through Melrose Park, IL and you see this innocuous, yet inviting, sign...just keep on keepin' on...

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Awesome story cadDAD,
Thats not a bad place to be Stationed.
I love Clearwater.
I have Family there.
Actually half the State of Florida is Family in some way our another??

Have been Hosting Minor Leaguer's,
Some moved up.
Some on the injured list.
And Some playing out the rest of there season.
Before they head home our to other assignment's.
You can tell when the end of the season is near for these Guy's.
They have the day off.
There all still Resting?LOL
Soon they'll all be gone.

Son actually has had some time off, 3 wks.
Completed 2 summer session's.
Goes back to College next week.

They don't care about me??
There going to leave me alone with the,


Life is good today.
On the rollercoaster of life.


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