John Wooden...class...pure class.
Before and during my college years at Oregon State University I had the privilege to watch him coach those mighty Bruin basketball teams.
It was very satisfying to watch the OSU Beavers occasionally beat Wooden's Bruins, win or lose you knew your team had faced the best. Win or lose Wooden commanded, deserved, and earned respect. Never was that respect ever difficult to pay.
I think the following comment by a
Los Angeles Times blog reader describes the immense stature of Coach John Wooden best...
dju77 at 8:56 AM June 05, 2010
About a year and a half ago I had the honor to see Coach Wooden present his "Pyramid of Success" to a group of about 50 successful business men from the Baby Boomer Generation, many with inflated egos. I myself am just a young man and was working at the event. His appearance came as a surprise to all guests and when he entered the room he was pushed to the front in a wheel chair, looking extremely frail. At first I felt uncomfortable being there, as if his past greatness was being exploited and that we were being introduced to a shell of Coach Wooden but as soon as he started to present the group went into complete silence and hung on his every word. His message could not have been anymore poignant. He was incredibly engaging, passionate, and motivating. By the time he was done the room that was primarily filled with men immediately jumped into a standing ovation and most people including myself had tears in their eyes. In that hour he was able to deflate those egos and help everyone realize the simplicity of being a successful individual (not businessman) and how to be a beneficial contributor to society. His presence will be missed but I can only hope that the lessons and examples that he has set for so many will continue to be passed on from one generation to the next. Thank you coach.
Your gift to all of us, Coach Wooden, is your legacy. Yes indeed coach...thank you very much.