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Say i pitch on a saturday and pitch to the point of soreness. I usually get sore in the back of my shoulder and inside of elbow that lasts a day or two. Would it be bad to pitch on saturday then lift upper body sunday or when i am sore? I mean bad as would i increase the injury potential. THANKS!
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Blue, are you asking because you are being made to do this lifting by a coach, trainer, or parent? Or are you asking because you want to do this lifting?

Either way it is not safe for you to lift after pitching as you say "to the point of soreness". That means that you have tore down basically all of your major and minor muscles in your arm, shoulder, bicep, and elbow. You can tell this simply by the lactic acid that has built up. It's extremely important that you run poles or sprints after you pitch. Lay off the upper body lifting for a min. 3-4 days to allow the tissue and muscle to rebuild. Work on your lower body or core.
My pitcher is sitting here and I asked the question. He has always been required to run and bench press (college and pro ball) on recovery day (the day after one pitches), depending on how much he threw and if he is sore.

Everyone is different and this should be discussed with a trainer and never pitch to the point of being sore.
Last edited by TPM

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