Raider05 ,
First of all I am very sorry that it has taken so long to get back to you . In regard to you weight program , there are a couple simple suggestions . First of all , with the positions that you play in both sports , they should compliment each other in the weightroom. As a quarterback , shortstop , and pitcher you are looking to improve your arm strength . The exercises are the same for what your are trying to achieve . I would stay away from the overhead lifts , such as Military Press , Lat Pulldowns , Clean & Jerk , and Push Press type lifts . The question seems to be : Can I be a pitcher and still be strong ? Well the answer is YES . Right off the top of my head I can think of atleast 5 pitchers that threw atleast 96 MPH or harder , and could Bench Press 225 lbs. for atleast 15 reps . It doesn't matter what sport that you play , that's good endurance . Even if Football is the sport that you would like to play in college , the lifting will have alot of similarities . Make sure that you're staying on a good Flexibility program , Shoulder Program , and Long Toss program . If you have any other questions , please never hesitate to ask , and I promise that I will try to answer in a more timely manner ,
Best Wishes ,