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I am curious if anyone knows if PG or any other organization rated/ranked Tim Lincecum in high school. He was 5'10 and weighed 150 pounds throwing 90. I wonder how many schools or organizations passed on him by size alone, not to mention the funky mechanics? He is not much bigger than that now, but man is he something.
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Not sure CD has agreed to the bet, but I'm hoping my next avatar isn't a Buckeye.

I think this one has to stay up for a month according to rz's rules.

BTW, Last weeks game against Indiana was a gift!

My prediction, always wrong...

Wisconsin or MSU, probably MSU - Rose Bowl
Wisconsin or Winner of Iowa and Ohio State vs. Alabama or LSU in Orange Bowl.
Originally posted by BBB08:
I am curious if anyone knows if PG or any other organization rated/ranked Tim Lincecum in high school. He was 5'10 and weighed 150 pounds throwing 90. I wonder how many schools or organizations passed on him by size alone,

I've read a couple of places that he was only 5-9 and 135 lbs. when he began freshman year in college.

On the basis of size alone, I would have passed on him if I were a college coach.
Last edited by freddy77
Originally posted by freddy77:
Originally posted by BBB08:
I am curious if anyone knows if PG or any other organization rated/ranked Tim Lincecum in high school. He was 5'10 and weighed 150 pounds throwing 90. I wonder how many schools or organizations passed on him by size alone,

I've read a couple of places that he was only 5-9 and 135 lbs. when he began freshman year in college.

On the basis of size alone, I would have passed on him if I were a college coach.

Why would you have passed on someone who throws 90? 90 is 90 irregardless of size.
Can't help recalling my first Tim Lincecum sighting:

I'd gone up to Cape Cod for a long weekend to visit my son, who was playing there. The night I arrived, I got in too late to make much, if any, of his away game in Cotuit; so, I went to my hotel on the eastern coast, checked in, and caught the last half of the Harwich - Orleans game in Orleans.

To say that I was impressed by Harwich's pitcher that night would be an enormous understatement. More about that in a moment.

The next morning, my son and I were having breakfast. Early into our conversation he said, "Dad, you've GOT to see this kid for Harwich pitch. I love watching him throw. He's got amazing stuff that he seems capable of throwing at will."

Before he could say any more, I said, "I saw him. Is his last name Lincecum?"...and for the next 5 or 10 minutes, we sat there mutually singing his praises.

I must say that after seeing him pitch on the Cape, neither of us has been too surprised by his enormous accomplishments since.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Not sure CD has agreed to the bet, but I'm hoping my next avatar isn't a Buckeye.

I think this one has to stay up for a month according to rz's rules.

BTW, Last weeks game against Indiana was a gift!

My prediction, always wrong...

Wisconsin or MSU, probably MSU - Rose Bowl
Wisconsin or Winner of Iowa and Ohio State vs. Alabama or LSU in Orange Bowl.

PG and biggerpappi - we have a bet. I'll be honest, I am more conservative than rz1 and not willing to risk as much. If the Hawkeyes win, I will wear the Hawkeye avatar for one week and if the Buckeyes win, you guys can dawn the Ohio State colors for a week. Anything has got to be better than that skunk that PG has been forced to wear since he lost the bet to rz1 Big Grin

Prediction - Rick Stanzi will have a better NFL career (at QB) than Terrell Prior. I believe Terrell might have a great career at another position (e.g., wide receiver).

Great story Prepster!
Last edited by ClevelandDad

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