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obrady, that's incredible. Kinda like when our high school coach moves JV players up to varsity when we enter the playoffs to let them know what to expect the following year -- only on a much more expensive scale!

My son played little league and it was a wonderful experience. At age 14, his team advanced to the state tournament and my son got the only hit off of the Fort Worth phenom in the championship game. Wouldn't trade those experiences and memories for the world...

Georgia won just a little while ago with a homerun in the bottom of the 8th. Lots of tension, frustration, and elation on the players' faces at various times -- not to mention the rabid chanters in the stands from Japan! When the game ended and several Japanese players collapsed in tears, the Georgia players went over to console and hug them. I had tears running down my own face.

To me -- the national and ultimately international competition, the awesome webgems, the display of human emotion, the comraderie, and the compassion -- that's what it's all about.
My biggest complaint... which after it is read, isn't much... but it seems like the least they could do... would be raise the fences. If a kid saves a homer, I want it to be actually difficult. Now maybe it doesn't need to be so they all have to climb it like GMJ, but a little higher. Plus maybe all these half swings that the ball was 2 inches off the ground won't go out. Frustrating from a pitcher's perspective!
Originally posted by obrady:
Did you see that the Japanese team brought next year’s team with them to Williamsport? They also will have an American kid playing for them.

I will admit I know nothing about Little League. How can they already know who the Japanese team will be next year? Don't they have to go through everything that the American teams do?

And if they are already together, doesn't that mean they are probably already playing/practicing together.
its fun to watch those kids act like there big leagures. it must be an amazing experience for those kids. even though i do agree that there is better talent at that age especially in the Dallas Metro. and they need to move those fences back another 20 ft. I saw a kid for Lubbock take a check swing and he put the ball out come on thats not even fair to the pitcher.
Last edited by RACCOON Baseball

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