For regular local games - during the week,day games are a pain.
If it's a tournament that had specific dates - like the 24th through the 27th, then I would expect that my team should be ready to play first thing in the morning on the 24th and the last game could be on the evening of the 27th.
There's one rather large organization that runs HS tourneys in Florida that I swear I will not let my kids play in again because their scheduling is so bad.
The straw was a couple of weeks ago. A 3 day tourney Friday, Saturday Sunday. 20 teams attending. Some local, some a few hours drive away. Figure about half are staying in hotels. 3 game minimum.
I figured that would be 5 pools of 4. Tops from each pool move on. Nothing complicated.
But no....
Decided to have 2 pools of 10 teams. Play 3 random teams in the pool, then take top 2 teams from each pool. So you end up with coaches not only trying to win games - but trying to shut out their opponents while also running up the score.
You know, I could live with that. It's dumb, but whatever...
What really killed me was the scheduling. You would think Fri-Sun - 3 game minimum - okay play 1 on Friday, doubleheader on Saturday, playoffs on Sunday, or swap Fri & Sat. Seems reasonable.
Scheduled 1 game for Friday. 1. For the whole tourney. 1 single game.
So now you have some teams playing 1 on Saturday, then a double header Sunday morning, or vice versa - then having to immediately start playoff games if they make it.
No matter what you had to play at least one 2hr game Sunday morning. Maybe 2. Then another 2 playoff games that are 7 innings - no time limit.
Really? Did I mention that our team was scheduled to play a game at 8:30, then another at 11:00 - which seems fine except the second game was scheduled at a different park a half an hour away.
Ended up having to pay for Friday night in the hotel, which wouldn't have been needed because our Saturday game wasn't until noon. Couldn't cancel the hotel because the schedule didn't come out until Thursday evening.
Okay - rant over.