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Having locked a recent thread, I've received pms from posters active in that thread as well as the thread "Tournament Results." 07pddad personally was upset and asked for a public apology. Further, he stated that he just wanted to chime in on his son's team. Therefore, I apologize to 07pddad. MLB#33 ask that I treat everyone with fairness. I have always strived to do so. However, "fair" is relative. As long as we all respect the intent of the site and follow the Board Manners, we will all get along.

BTW, it has been suggested via pms that Itsrosy and I are friends. Well, lets remove the mystery. We are friends! That is one of the benefits of this site.

All new members are welcome. I would hope that they would find the same enjoyment I gain from this site. However, should any agendas such as those prevelant last year at this time become apparent, the Moderators of this site will step in.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Original Post
Just opening this thread up momentarily (then will close it again) to say Thank You to CoachB25 and other moderators for keeping this site much more civil and pleasant than many other sports discussion forums.

CoachB25 has my complete support and confirmation for the decisions he makes in keeping discussions from becoming inflamed. The Illinois forum is one of the most active ones on our site, which is GREAT! But as CoachB25 alluded to, this was also the home of one of the most difficult and time-consuming series of arguments and personal disagreements ever seen on the site, and was very time-consuming and troublesome to a bunch of moderators including me.

The steps that moderators need to take to keep things from getting out of hand will not always make every member happy. But actions like locking threads or publicly scolding a poster are done with thoughtful concern, for the overall benefit of the site and most of its members.

Thanks again to CoachB25 and other moderators - you do a great job! And thank you to all of our members who participate in helpful and interesting discussions.

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