3fingeredglove,That was for you 3, I love fishing.
I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?
Rob Kremer,quote:
“What a bunch of jargon. I mean really”
Thanx, I think? I get great results from this drill !
I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?
“I bet those batting practices are a real blast for the kids”
We have a great time, I try to make it as fun as it is informative!
”Out of curiousity....just where and when does the Zen meditation portion of the practice take place? “
Curiosity is good! Not so much the practice but right whenever they step in!
“And do you have problems with kids doing shadow puppets”
What is a shadow puppet? If my guess is right, Yes!! I don’t think you using this device has helped your child in the least and may be developmentally disabling with his eventual manliness, please stop.
I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?
Gotwood4sale,He speaks? Good to know.
“You kinda' lost me Yardbird at " The most important thing..." “
Sorry for your loss, for you an accompanying photo would have been more apropos but I was trying to communicate with the other gentleman not you.
”Reading through the technique you describe reminds me of the Lamaze© classes that my wife and I took before the birth of our first child. I was there for the birth of all four of our children and all I remember that worked well were the epidurals!”
Going through Lamaze© failure by you on the first one must have been devastating to her knowing now that she and not you had to resort to that horse needle with the future C sections. Had you only took the classes seriously like the reaction to my post?
Are you belly aching here? Go fetch a picture of Peptobismo® so we can all get back to normal.
I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem? Well, hmm no not you!