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The most important thing a youth batter must learn is how to start his initial forwards shoulder rotations with out letting the early path degrade (“Bow Loop lead in”) from his Shoulder joint, arms and hands performing any contractions other than static Isometric sets from full length.

Meaning he must keep it together in the beginning and let it fly when rotation gets half way.

Do not let him loose ½ of your equation being to long!!
Only the beginning should be changed!!
“Short to it and long through it”

I have my clients do mental shadow practice and take it seriously and use some time.
I have them take their stance by concentrating on setting their top half posture!!!
Have them go through a setting sequence in their mind and physically, teach them to take their first set with their fingers and wrists by putting his elbows against his ribs then set his finger grip with the wrists straight (no dorsi or plantar flexion). Now have him radial (thumbs towards the body) flex his wrist to full length. Now have him set his shoulder joint angle to full length by leaving his lead elbow down then pendulum swing it back and up while maintaining the shoulders straightness to the target (ball release area).
At this point is where he must practice a good total set by having all his motors (muscles) and joints at full length and then slightly contracted into what is called and isometric static contraction that must be maintained burring the torso load (timing phase) to the start of actual barrel forwards movement that comes long after the bats rearwards initial rotation. When they get to the stance set (stop them from moving around) have then practice their load stride phase then you must impress the mental image to them that when they start their forwards movement arms and hands must keep their contraction set so they can then go at the proper time later not at the start. Ask them to feel the start and to muscle up, to keep it together just after they turn into rotation with their bottom half work. Have them load slow then start torso rotation fast then stop at mid drive and start over. The important part here is the concentration on keeping the top half inside at the start of the swing.

This drill is critical! And must be practiced and never is! Because it is boring, the kids must be taught to use this technique not only before swings but also physically and mentally at the same time practiced during practice. I tell the kids this drill must be approached with all seriousness and quiet concentration like it was a Chinese Marshall arts drill, this always revs them up.

Do one set of 20
Last edited by Yardbird

That was for you 3, I love fishing.

I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?

Rob Kremer,

“What a bunch of jargon. I mean really”

Thanx, I think? I get great results from this drill !

I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?


“I bet those batting practices are a real blast for the kids”

We have a great time, I try to make it as fun as it is informative!

”Out of curiousity....just where and when does the Zen meditation portion of the practice take place? “

Curiosity is good! Not so much the practice but right whenever they step in!

“And do you have problems with kids doing shadow puppets”

What is a shadow puppet? If my guess is right, Yes!! I don’t think you using this device has helped your child in the least and may be developmentally disabling with his eventual manliness, please stop.

I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem?


He speaks? Good to know.

“You kinda' lost me Yardbird at " The most important thing..." “

Sorry for your loss, for you an accompanying photo would have been more apropos but I was trying to communicate with the other gentleman not you.

”Reading through the technique you describe reminds me of the Lamaze© classes that my wife and I took before the birth of our first child. I was there for the birth of all four of our children and all I remember that worked well were the epidurals!”

Going through Lamaze© failure by you on the first one must have been devastating to her knowing now that she and not you had to resort to that horse needle with the future C sections. Had you only took the classes seriously like the reaction to my post?

Are you belly aching here? Go fetch a picture of Peptobismo® so we can all get back to normal.

I would like to hear your answer to this gentleman’s problem? Well, hmm no not you!
Last edited by Yardbird

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