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ok what are the opinions out there? Does it effectively add velocity? Two points of view include Pitching Central and also an article in Collegiate Baseball Magazine (Alabama taem which won last years mythical National Championship) this month about their long toss programs(pretty extreme). On the other hand read the stuff on sometimes(Dick Mills) Totally believes its a waste. I've always done some long toss, and i was a pitcher myself..what do ya'll believe?
"Well your the best i've ever had, and the best **** hitter I ever saw".
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Roy Hobbs,
Dick Mills is selling something and long toss is free. Hmmm...One would have to believe his comments are a Dick Mills’ marketing strategy. For every coach that endorses Dick Mills’ program there are a thousand that instruct their players to long toss. Mr. Mills’ program may be good but his marketing strategy is not if he says long toss is a “total waste”. Dick Mills’ son Ryan got 2 million to sign as a junior out of college and he uses this as proof that his program works. I wonder how many billions of dollars have been paid to pitchers that long toss??
good point fungo. always leary of the sellers when the people with jobs between the lines are saying something else. we long toss and we havent done any scientific studies but our kids velocities do go up(which may or may not have to do with longtoss - i believe it does) but most importantly our guys throw complete games with no arm injuries, major soreness,etc.
We long toss as well. I'm not quick to jump on the latest fad. I go with what is time proven. I think that Coach Rasmus' program, as reported in Collegiate Baseball, has proven that for his program, it works. Nice article and congratulations to Coach Rasmus and his team. Having been there once as an assistant coach, it is quite an honor to have your team recognized in this manner.
I long toss, but I don't like to call it long toss. Because when people say they long toss I get this image in my head where they go and throw as hard and as far as they can with the ball going as a rainbow. When I warm up to pitch, I throw on a line to my partner until the ball starts to go in an arc. But I do that to build up intensity before going on the mound. I don't do it to increase velocity because IMO I don't think it can, but it is debateable. But I do it just to build up intensity (so does Johan Santana :P)
I think to build velocity its like throwing harder to begin have to push yourself to throw at some point with maximum effort.. I think a good crowhop and finish helps to speed up your body which helps create velocity gains. I've told my kids for years when asked how to throw hard or increase have to thow hard to throw harder..

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