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With the cold and snowy winters in Rochester and limited facilities, their is no where I can long toss on a regular basis.

Unfortantly did not have the chance to long toss this fall becuase of football.

My question is, if I dress extremely warm and go out to the street to long toss in 30 degree and below weather, will it hurt my arm in anyway, and will I still be able to strengthen my arm?
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You missed my point. You could still throw with the effort to throw 250ft, into a net that is 20 feet away. Doesn't matter how far way it is, it's the effort that matters.

The only thing is you have to be able to gauge what your max effort feels like.

Unless you get a radar gun or some other device to provide you that feedback. That would be ideal, but you could still throw without one.
Well...then getting back to your original concern, I wouldn't think you would hurt your arm if you long tossed outside and you dressed very warm (in layers).

I would just make sure to be very much warmed up before you start increasing your distance. Maybe even double your normal warm up that your would do if the weather wasn't so cold.

Start slow, get good and warmed up (you should start breaking a sweat possibly) then start airing it out.
RobV I think you are missing the point rhbaseball was trying to make, When doing long toss specifically to strengthen your arm gauging doesn't matter or anything like that. Do what is most fun about throwing a baseball...let it fly. While keeping your mechanics sound, just let it go. You don't need a gun to do that. (remember the point is not to gauge up to throw to the target, but through it)
No, I understood his point perfectly. He is trying to build arm strength.

What difference in effort/arm strength does it make (other than the release point/ trajectory of the ball) if I throw into a net 10 feet away, or throw the length of a football field?

Is the effort required any different? Would my arm strength improve if I threw with the same effort in both?

Other than it being more "fun" to long toss outside, you could still train to improve arm strength in either situation. And..if the original poster is concerned about the cold hurting his arm...then why not train inside?

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