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Hi, I'm a 14 year old baseball player, live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and is wondering how to find interested schools in the United States. I'm not sure how to ask schools, and I was wondering if there are any high school coaches that want to take a shot at me. I would preferably want to play in Maine, but to be perfectly honest, I just want to play baseball. Doesn't matter where! Up here, we don't even have enough kids for my age group! I think I am a average player, but if I just had a coach, I think I could become a very decent pitcher. I'm about 6 feet tall, left handed, and could develop a power arm, but I also can throw a deceptive knuckleball. I just need a high school that wants to win baseball games, and could possibly board me for the school year. I am sure my parents could pay for my necesities, but I'm sure there are some genuinly kind hearted individuals in the States who would like to see their high school team have an addition to the roster that could start, relieve, and most of all, close out baseball games. I don't pitch, I could, with a little coaching, be a utility player, but first base, third base, and the outfield arer my specialties. Could you please get back to me if you know of, or are a individual looking for a new player, that is in dire need of some good old, american baseball. Because I've been starved of baseball for far to long, to be a loser. I want to be a winner!
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Wecome aboard the HSBBW LeftyCanada.

Your best bet to pull this off is to organize an exchange program.

Find a high school in a baseball breeding ground, maybe in one of the Gulf States, where people think hockey is "skippin' school without anyone knowin' it."

There's got to be a high school kid in those areas who desperately wants to go north of the border to play hockey rather than hooky.

Perhaps the families and school districts could work out a swap?

This may not be as far fetched as it seems eh?

Lefty: Sounds like you're very passionate about the game and of course, we love that here (in the USA and HSBBW!). I've got to admit though, I'm a little confused. Are your parents willing to relocate to the USA in order for you to fulfill this desire of yours? Are you looking to maybe board at a private school? I'm not really sure how realistic you are being with yourself unless you can give me some more info. You can't just "run away" to the USA and join a HS baseball team. How supportive is the rest of your family about this. And BTW, if you're 14, 6 feet tall already and a lefty, any coach down here is going to try you out on the mound first.
To reply to Poptime, I'm 100% sure that my parents couldn't afford to pay for an expensive boarding school, led alone relocate! I wish, but we arn't exactly what you'd say a "high income" family. My idea is very far fetched anyways, but all I was looking for was a very informal means of boarding. I know this is veeeery unlikely to happen, but all I need is a family willing to let me live in their house for a baseball season. I didn't expect this idea to come easily, nor for it to come true, but I would like to think it could.
Lefty I am just heading out of town but I will try to help.
My son was contacted by a HS in Georgia to play his senior year in a HS in Georgia. The coach would house him and he had to meet certain rules. #1 was that he could not have graduated . I don't believe that you can go sooner than your senior year. My son was finished his senior year so he passed the offer on to another player subject to the coaches approval. The other player went but I am not sure how things went for him. He played for the Canadian Thunderbirds in Hamilton Ont. You could call the owner Mel Oswald and he may be able to help you.
You should research this but you are still a couple years away from being able to do this. Meanwhile work hard at your game and try to amass video of some games especially in grade 10-11 . For US college get some good video and make a DVD to promote yourself. My son took an extra year in HS to take some courses he didn't have or really need but more to play basketball.. That extra year turned out to be a lot of fun and was well worth it.
I attended Dalhousie in Halifax for 4 years and I enjoyed the city.

If you have any questions I will try to help when I get back. We are on our way to see the Jays kick the Yankees and then heading up north. Ya there is an up north here in Southern Ontario.

Good luck and I will be back on the week end.
Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:
My son was contacted by a HS in Georgia to play his senior year in a HS in Georgia. The coach would house him and he had to meet certain rules. #1 was that he could not have graduated . I don't believe that you can go sooner than your senior year. My son was finished his senior year so he passed the offer on to another player subject to the coaches approval.

How can that not be looked as recruiting by a high school? If a parent does not move and the player only goes to a school and a coach house him?

I can understand a foriegn exchange program but not just a coach contacting the best players he can find and offer to house them in their home or even another player or one of their school's supporters. Maybe that goes on and I just don't know it.

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