Here is the sitch...Our HS field butts up to a park that contains a few fields operated by our local park district for PONY and travel teams. We were walking by the field used by the 13Us and a kid was arguing with his dad over something. Didn't quite get the entire conversation but I did figure out that it was over looking good uniform/equipment-wise vs being practical. Obviously the kid was trying to look good but it was not practical for game play. My son looked at me and reminded me of a situation a few years back where we got into a similar argument.
My son was 13U and was pitching. We were playing on a turf field which allowed spikes. As this is the big year for kids to wear metal spikes they are the in cool you need to have them spikes for the kids to wear. The pitchers mound was a portable mound and did not handle spikes well. My kid was slipping all over the place. He came into the dugout and would not listen to reason from myself or the other coaches. He kept insisting he knew better and he needed to wear the spikes. Finally after walking two kids the next inning one of the coaches convinced him he needed to put on turf or tennis shoes. Unfortunately he did not bring his shoes to the game. He wore flip flops. At this point Im pretty pi$$ed off from his attitude and basically took off my shoes (we were both size 12s at this point) and threw them out of the dugout onto the field for him to put on. My kid made the comment to me, as we walked by this, that it actually took him until his Frosh year in HS that looking good doesn't matter if it hurts your game play.
We laugh about this now but at the time we probably didn't talk for an hour after the game. BTW I have since matured.
Anyway, Im sure others have had incidents where their kid would have rather looked good playing the game then be practical. Throw them out here if you have them.