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Dear HSBBWebsters,

As our newer members may not know, I am a US Dept of Defense employee stationed overseas (Seoul, Korea). I am a teacher as well as Head Coach to a great group of American high school ballplayers who are here with their US military and civilian servicemember families.

At long last, we have the opportunity to travel outside of Korea and play the Great American Pastime in Beijing, China (approved) and Tokyo, Japan (pending approval). After six years of playing the same four or five teams over and over again, these trips have added a new level of hope and excitement to the team. However, we are required to fundraise all expenses ourselves.

We have a good, good team this year and would love to take our game to new locales. We just opened our first conference series and are 2-0. We no-hit the defending champs (Krak Junior-Junior, a sophomore RHP, did the damage), and one-hit the other. The only thing possibly preventing us from getting out of town is the usual: can we raise enough money to get 16 Falcon players up in the air?

Again, I come to my friends at the HSBBW for any help at amount is too small. Please remember that you are helping to support a group of teenage athletes who are overseas because their parents are here in the service of our country.

You can donate securely online through our "ChipIn" here, or you can mail a check if you prefer (checks are NOT made out to me!). PM me and I will send you the address/name of our school activity fund for checks.

All donors will receive a receipt from our school activity fund. I hope my length of time as a fellow webster will help assure donors that I am not a scammer (-: and that your donations will absolutely 100% go to help cover travel costs and lodging for the team.

In thanks, we will be making a large vinyl banner, with all donor names visible on it (or we will possibly do individual placards) which the team will hold up atop the Great Wall for a photo opp. Donors will then receive a framed photo, as well as the cut-and-finished section bearing the donor's name. If our Japan trip is approved (a prestigious 10-team tournament featuring US Service school teams from Japan as well as international schools), we'll also get a photo in a classic Japanese setting.

Our fundraising efforts, under our unique circumstances, have been Julie-Approved!

Thank you!!

KRAK (our Team Blog)
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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I do indeed approve of this! What a great opportunity for our members to show support for baseball players AND their parents who are serving our country overseas.

I jumped at the chance to be the first Chip-In-er. Who wants to be second? Smile I encourage you all to Chip In to help our "adopted" overseas sons play some great baseball!

Last edited by MN-Mom

I just tried to make a donation... filled out the form amd clicked to process... I keep getting this message...

Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.

Yet all the information is complete. It appears the area I can't get to work is the type of card. I've tried three times without getting it to go through. Please advise and good luck.
Last edited by PGStaff
Hi Jerry,

I just went in and 'walked' myself through the process. The only couple things I can think of that might be missed are the amount and the CSC number (3-digit code on back of card)??

Other than that, I will have to inquire with PayPal CS and see if they can figure out why you're having trouble. The other two donations thus far have gone straight through.

I will let you know if I can solve this, and I'm really sorry!!
Last edited by Krakatoa
biggerpapi, thanks for the tip of a refresher. I'm sure the HSBBW has many new members who may be saying, "HUH?!", so here's a little background.

I was offered a DoD job in Korea back in '96. Wife was 7 months pregnant with our daughter, and the two boys were ages 6 and 3. Things were pretty tight and this looked like a chance to get out from under some school loans and such. So, here we are, 13 years later. Never thought we'd stay this long, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to keep everything afloat! Fortunately, as a teacher at an American school here, we have an American schedule and we get to come back home every summer and visit as many people as we can in our annual trek. We're also fortunate in that our base is basically an American town, pop. 22,000 or so, set down in the heart of Seoul.

That's the skinny from this side of the world! The sun never sets on the HSBBW Empire (or Bwempire).... Infidel08 and Haverdad have the other parts covered!! (Good morning, guys!!)

(oh, and if you visit our team blog, you'll see me over on the far right, representing the RSN - - the kid in the Seahawks sweatshirt is my sophomore son....the kid with the Boston cap is from Boston, the kid up above him with the great Oscar Gamble just came here from Bakersfield, CA.....the kid with the APEX jersey is from Apex, NC....etc....we are a very diverse group! Lots of fun!)
Last edited by Krakatoa
puma1, thank you for your desire to help us out! After you click the link (above) you'll be on our ChipIn page (the description, etc). There's a little 'widget' over on the right - a little graphic box - and you'll see an orange button that says ChipIn! on it. Click that and that will direct you through to PayPal where you can contribute easily and securely.

Hope that helps, and than you again.

Thank you ALL who have donated! We appreciate it so much; it's just so cool to see the guys' faces light up when we discuss this trip (May 22-25). Though it's only a 2.5 hour flight, the airfare is quite high and your donations will definitely help make it more manageable for our US 8th Army families!
We're up around 60 degrees this week! Flowers are starting to appear and perhaps next week will be the most beautiful few days of the year - Cherry Blossom time. One road in our base is all cherry trees and when they blossom it's a sight to behold. They only last about a week, though - very fleeting. The sense of smell gets a real treat walking down that road those few days.
One of my webster buddies suggested I state our fundraising goal. To cover all expenses for both trips (16 pax) it will take roughly $10,000. It's a huge amount and I am doing my best to insure that our overseas service families aren't unduly stressed by these trips. It's a tough economy for all of us, here and back home. You can't imagine the appreciation my players' parents feel for the support being shown by your donations.

We are also working hard in other ways to raise funds: seven weeks signed up to run the High School 'Snack Shack', a car wash at the commissary, a Bid-For-Beauty Day where other students can bid to use extreme hold gels and spray-on haircolor to style the player's hair any way they want. We're pretty limited in what we can do, but we're making the most of the opportuninites we do have. Many have contacted hometown church congregations, hometown newspapers, etc., for support.

Policy prohibits my mentioning players by name, but here are their home states(and Commonwealth):

Puerto Rico
Texas (2)
North Carolina (2)
and a couple that are US citizens but were born here on base and have grown up here!

To those who've donated thus far, THANK YOU SO MUCH clapping
Thanks All!!

Interesting tidbit -- just reading on Yahoo about the fact that it looks very likely that NK will go ahead and launch whatever this is they're launching.... and we're on our way south to play a Korean high school team consisting of deaf players. They're good, too! It's so cool to watch how they communicate on the field. We do this every year (and they come up to play us at home, too).

Life and baseball go on despite all the crazy stuff going on in the world!
Last edited by Krakatoa
Yes, they did launch but it is widely considered to have fizzled out over the Pacific somewhere - a DUD!

An update on our travel fundraising: we are approximately 2/3 of the way to our goal and in fact have a Car Wash at the commissary today - great weather for it and the kids are pumped as we won both our conference games yesterday and are in sole possession of first place. We hope to do well today to support our trips (Japan, 2.5 hour flight east, and then China, a 2.5 hour flight west).

Here is an article on the upcoming tournament in Japan - for the first time ever, they have opened it to teams outside the greater Tokyo area. We are Seoul American.
We will definitely face some tough competition, as several of these schools field teams with all-Japanese rosters.

We are still looking for donations if any Websters are in a position to help us out! All donors will receive a nice photo of our team holding a banner with their name on it atop the Great Wall of China.

You can donate securely online through our "ChipIn" here

Thanks for following our progress (and missile launches!) Cool
Last edited by Krakatoa

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