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Over the past 12 months or so, my son has lost 6 to 8 mph on his fast ball. The coach thinks he has an injury. He says he has no pain, his mechanics are the same, and all his other pitches are working exceptionally well. (Curve and change-up).

He doesn't remember having any sharp pains, will complain occaisionally his arm is sore after pitching 7 innings. Nothing in the elbow.

I want to take him in for an MRI, but I don't know were to start.
Shoulder, elbow, back ,etc.

Any thoughts or insights?
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OfftoCollege - You need to start with an evaluation by your physician. Insurance companies will not pay for MRI without proper evaluations and lower level studies performed. If the physcian clears him, then I would obtain an evaluation by a sports physical therapist who can look at his entire body to see if there might be a problem (as you hit on) with a part of his body other than his arm/shoulder. A good orthopedic/sports med doc is the place to start.
My son was pitching in early spring in a tournament. The weather was brutal, Cold ,rainy sunny and wind. I was turning blue EH! He had 7 Ks in 3 innings, popped up 3 in the 4th and threw 3 pitches in the 5th and pulled himself.
He said his arm was stiff and did not feel right. 1st time ever) To date he had thrown 31 innings with1 earned run given up and 1 unearned run. He said there was no pain but his elbow was stiff and a little discomfort. He didnot think it was serious and just took it easy. He appeared in 4 games after that and was not the same kid. After a game in Cleveland where he pulled himself after 1 inning I took him to a Chiropractor who specialized in pitchers and does evaluations for MLB teams.
He told us the elbow was fine and his Ulna was swelled. He offered that he was compensating mentally for the discomfort enough to change his velocity and movement.
The next couple of weeks he took it easy until his arm felt better. He then was back on trck closing 2 games back to back 2 innings each with 10ks over 4 innings and a week later threw a 2 hit shut out against a great team in Schenectady NY.
There was no pain only a weird feel in his elbow. Pitchers also get tired arm witch slows them down. In the frustration of trying to get velocity they also open up their front side too often resulting in reduced velocity and control problems.

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