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I posed this question on the Ga. site and I am wondering what othes think about it. In Ga. they have what is called the Hope Scholarsip. It is funded by the lottery. I know the in state colleges recuit using it as much as possible. That allows them to use their spors schollarships to go after prime players, especially in baseball.

Just wondering how many other states have simular programs and how do you think it should be, if at all, looked into by the NCAA to level theplaying field. I heard the coach of one school say that he stays out of Georgia unless he can offer a big scholarship to the prospect.
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Florida has bright futures and remember that these scholarships are open to everyone, in sports it's just a little less the coach has to give out. And, one must meet certain criteria to be awarded that money. And it is for tuition only.
One thing, if this was a reason to stay and play instate, why would my son, jmepop's, Orlando's, puma's and Dad04's sons have gone out of state (anyone else) to play. It was not because they didn't meet the criteria. There are plenty of out of state schools that are not afraid to recruit Florida players for that reason. Many fine players in this state, but not enough spots for all of them. The object is to get the best players to come to your program, doesn't matter where they come from and the object is for the player to find the right fit for them. My son gave up his money because he didn't feel staying here would benefit him and yeah it cost more money to go out of state.
The advantage goes to the parents whose son earns free tuition. A bit less out of their pocket.
This may be used as a recruitng tool, but I can't see why the NCAA would get involved to "level the playing field". If that the case, they would have to stop all of the scholarships that are funded by private endowments, and other places they get money from to provide scholarships.

Last edited by TPM
No offense, just discussion.

My son did attend a FSU camp and during the evening session where a discussion of recruiting was taking place. The coach stated that if you were from out of state, you'd need not get your hopes up because of the Florida lottery program. He said that they recruit in state to save the sports dollars and that only out of state studs need apply.
Part of our families recruiting plan involves taking advanatge of florida bright futures, as well as, pursuing out of state options?

Does Texas have a lottery scholarship?

The new NCAA rules allowing each team only 8 players not recieving baseball money ...will stem the afects of the lottery scholarships a little bit.
My reply from the GA Board:

the Hope is an academic scholarship available to any graduate of GA who graduates with and maintains a 3.0 average. Look at the UGA and other state school rosters and you'll see there is a lot of GA talent listed, but then there is a lot of talent in GA to choose from. Having an academic scholly available allows a better package for homegrown recruits and they can divy up the NCAA money for the out of town folks, and a bit for the GA kids. Problem is, if the GA kids fall below 3.0, their Hope money is revoked and if they don't have athletic money, they got nadda.

If the NCAA looked at the impact of academic money on recruiting in GA, they'd have to look at every school that offers academic money to athletes in whatever form it's available. And considering baseball athletes rarely get a full ride, it's sort of petty. I think their domain should remain in the athletic money department without regard to what a kid can pull together through academic merit. JMO.
Last edited by quillgirl
by OS: Ohio Lottery profits are used to cover up the ineptitudes of the Puritanical politicians as well as the thieves who manage the money
gee, why the pessimistic attitude?

btw, our ex-attorney general needs some extra dough to pay off his bimbos ..
AND ... please forward any extra to neighboring states @ 70 MPH - - Wink

thanks in advance

ps- your taxes will soon rise again to cover the loss from more business leaving Frown
Last edited by Bee>
[/QUOTE]ps- your taxes will soon rise again to cover the loss from more business leaving Frown[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you're from Mich. I understand that the newest Gov. raised business taxes and business left the state, dang that Bush, it's his fault they didn't stay.

Sorry, it's political season and I don't like Bush either.
Last edited by obrady

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