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So where do you stand on their popularity with players.

I think it bodes well for the Chicago teams.

On the player side you have the new era spoiled brat, "it's all about me" guy and then you have "old school": Lou & Oz. I'll take old school.

On the other hand only half the players responded and many of that group left some questions
(the more controversial ones)unanswered. At best you could say it was a 33-40% representation that could be very skewed as to the real numbers.

Should Lou be fired, as that great sportswriter Slezak claims?

How bout Hendry? Talk about a guy getting a free pass!!
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C'mon give Barack a shot...we gave the Bush monarchy 12 years!

The weather is going to get much warmer, soon!

The economy will slowly improve and remember we have only our own generation to thank for the fix were in.

Your team is only a few games out of 1st place with more than half a season to go. (with no more bullying by the AL left on the schedule) until.....whoa, maybe I am going overboard!!

Cheer up Bunky!!!!!!! It's the 4th of July. Get up from those doldrum's and play some John Phillip Sousa....
It all comes down to how the players perform and who your players are.

Unfortunately for Lou because of that he isn't looking too good. He has what he has for players and right now it doesn't look like enough. It must be torture for him to deal with Milton Bradley. Lou has had a very nice career in baseball, but I'll bet it is over after this season at least on the field.

As for Ozzie, the season looks more promising unless.....the white flag comes out again. Contenders for WS Champs? Probably not, but I think they will contend for and probably win The AL Central.

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