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Alright - a thread - ecouraging all you long-time lurkers out there to get off your duffs, sign-up, and make your first posts in this thread. Let us know what is on your mind!

For our existing members, what caused you to change your status from lurker to contributor?

For me, I started my journey here at the hsbbweb after my son had already committed to college. I read all the articles and discovered the message board last. I became enthralled with the type of membership we had here with the likes of Bob Howdeshell (the inventor of the hsbbweb), Fungo, Coach May, bbscout and PGstaff as but a few examples that make our site the best baseball site on the planet imho.

I am not known for being bashful, so I simply could not resist chiming in Big Grin

What motivated you (member) to make your first post? What is stopping you (lurker) from now making your first post?
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I found this site while scouring the Internet for information about this great game. Baseball has been important to me in life and im now passing everything i know ( and i can pick up ) to a new generation of kids 11u currently. i also have a 5 year old son that i will be doing the same with. HSBBWeb is a great site with a ton of information and knowledgeable people willing to help. ClevelandDad has mentioned a few. it only takes a few hours reading posts to pick up on the good ones.
I hit 100 posts a week or two ago and I continue to scan the site daily in what can only be described as a baseball addiction. Obviously I chimed in like so many others because I have a son in HS baseball and the posters are so right: there is no better place to get information for ALL things baseball.

Yeah I've stubbed my toe a few times and showed that my lack of shyness can land me in some "corrective modes" but luckily the bulk of the posters are kinder, gentler souls! OK, I said the bulk, not all

Anywhoo, no one should be shy about officially signing up rather than lurking. You'll build the strength of the site that much more and probably make a virtual friend or two out there.

And don't think your post is trivial; it seems everyday someone asks something that really hasn't been addressed yet, or if it has it revives and revitalizes a really helpful string.

Sign up today!
Last edited by RedSoxFan21
We found the sight three years ago when looking for criteria to help "make the high school team." After clicking on the message board button we were hooked.

Started posting this year when our efforts for 2013 in the showcases and college search became more serious and we had lots of questions.

Love that it's a wealth of information from people at all levels of experience and it's particularly nice to find other moms who understand and love the game. I don't feel like a freak here!
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

I hope this helps you some CD. Studying the map it looks like your efforts should be focused in New Jersey for best results.


Wood, I think I may have been one of those NJ people you are talking about! Razz

I asked about an nagging injury my son had that my son had. We ended up getting some great advise, probably the best was go to a doctor, as well several posters who had son's with the same aliment. His recovery was long, but through encouragement of several poster's Dad's, we/I was able to get through it. I've been hooked ever since!
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First posted yesterday. Been reading for months and benefitting quietly since that first day. Yesterday, the collective wisdom of the posters addressing just what I needed to hear (read?), was simply too much to let go without expressing my thanks!

For those of you that missed my initial post, let me re-introduce myself. I'm the mom of two baseball-playing, baseball loving-boys. 13 and 10 (8th and 4th grades). Now that I've broken the ice, you might never get me to shut up.
I first posted so I could brag about my son.

Seriously. Razz

He made varsity as an 8th grader. I thought my friends would be happy for him.

They were not.

I wanted to celebrate! I was so proud! I had no one to celebrate with. Got the newbie smackdown pretty quickly. Big Grin

I'm so glad I stuck with it. What a great place this is.
Thanks ClevelandDad, I needed the push to join in! Have been a silent lurker for well over 5 years now, since our son was in HS...he's now a junior in college! I've always wanted to thank everyone on this site for all of the wonderful information that has been so helpful to us for so many years. My husband thought for awhile that I was a baseball genius...finally had to confess I was getting all of my information from here!
I found the site a few months ago. I have been a long time Little League Coach but was completely naive regarding High School, Showcases, recruiting, the right travel ball etc. I have tried to ask questions that do not incur the wrath of the Site Elders for my stupidity and have received nothing but sensational advice and several members have bent over backwards to help and direct me. My son is an average player and if he is fortunate enough to continue playing into college it will be in no small part due to the help and advice we have received here.

I feel that in the last few months I have obtained a PhD in this stuff. I can't thank you guys enough.
Originally posted by Southmaw:
Thanks ClevelandDad, I needed the push to join in! Have been a silent lurker for well over 5 years now, since our son was in HS...he's now a junior in college! I've always wanted to thank everyone on this site for all of the wonderful information that has been so helpful to us for so many years. My husband thought for awhile that I was a baseball genius...finally had to confess I was getting all of my information from here!

Southmaw and fast - thank you for becoming members here I am a little surprised more lurkers have not come out of the shadows but we'll keep encouraging them!

I made a glaring omission/mistake when I started this thread. My list of names only included men and that was a mistake. What separates our site from ALL others is that men and women contribute equally here and that is a testament to Bob Howdeshell - a southern gentlemen who had little tolerance for rudeness or other nonsense. Many of the very best posts I have ever read here are by our Mom's. Our site would be much smaller without their outstanding contribution.

Again, welcome!

As for you lurkers out there we have not heard from yet, please do not test our patience any more

Do as Southmaw and fast have done and let us know you exist!
I found the site when my son was a young HS-aged player to assist in his recruiting and college choices.....and stayed while he was in his journey...

At that time, there were not many regular umpire posters in the "ask the umpire forum" and a couple that were there were not as helpful as I thought we should be.....

I started posting with Michael S Taylor as umpire resources a long time ago.....and decided to stay ....then one day I woke up and was an "old timer"....
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I just checked my favorites. This link has been on this computer since 2006. I can remember 1st finding this site when my son was 8 or 9. He is now a Jr. in HS.

Thanks to all for all the post that I have lurked over. The great thing about this site is there haven’t been many topics not discussed. All these great posts and replies have helped me stay one step ahead of what we needed to do to help my son succeed. It not only helped my son, the advice benefited many others I coached through the years in the youth leagues.

My son got a sniff of varsity last year, had a great summer/fall. Went to some showcases/camps and he is getting some D1/D2 interest from them. Today his HS team will announce the final cuts. I feel confident about my son’s place on his team it’s a couple of his buddies that I am not sure will continue on. I am sure you all have gone through that process, I always see and think of some of those kids as mine, it will be a rough day for some.

The next couple years are gonna be fun to watch, the next decision will be a new bleacher cushion or lawn chair. I am leaning towards the lawn chair, more places to spit seeds.

Thanks again to all and good luck in the upcoming/present seasons.
Good idea CD.

The only issue I have with lurkers becoming posters is when they do it to complain about coaching, their sons teammates, or their team, etc. It's just not becoming for a first time post or topic.

Other than that welcome aboard!

For those new websters whose sons are just beginning HS, or perhaps college, learn to go with the flow, sit back and enjoy and take it all in.
Nice idea for a thread, CD!

I think I first found the site when my son was 14 - he is 24 now. It has changed servers and owners since then, but fortunately many of the same great posters are still here.

If you've been here a ree-e-e-eally long time, you might remember that the site when down toward the end of 2002 because it had grown too large and busy for the server/hosting company, and Bob had to find a new host.

Does anyone else remember what day the forums went public again? It would be the "Registered:" date for a few of our most "seasoned" Old Timers...

Last edited by MN-Mom
I first lurked when my son was a HS junior, and I was looking for any information on the recruiting process. I read almost everything on the site and found the advice and opinions on the forums incredibly helpful and reassuring. I didn't register until my son started college. He's now a junior, and I'm trying to pay back a little by relaying what I've learned along the way to the next group of parents. I would encourage anybody to register.
The HSBBWeb was originally recommended to me during my son's Frosh year of HS. I probably spent six months "Lurking" before I registered and jumped in and got my feet wet? I have no idea what my first post was about, but I'm assuming it had something to do with recruiting? It may have even been about multi sport athletes, who knows? I just remember initially looking at ShortStopMom's Tagline..."Play both Sports until the Competition tells you otherwise" son was playing basketball at the time before HE chose otherwise.

One thing is certain, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge on this site, and many people that truly want to help. I've had the opportunity to meet a few of the members, and have spoken to many other's via PM's. There are a number of people here that I'd like to meet and have a drink with, too many to mention. Some are on this journey with me, others have been there...done that, and many others are just starting and probably "Lurking" as I speak!

I don't post on any other boards, this site is all I really need. Oh, don't get me wrong...I'll Lurk on other sites, but they don't compare to this place!
I lurked for a couple of years before joining. My son is still a year away from high school. I finally signed up when someone with a younger son had a question I had some experience with.

I figured I'd sign up when I had questions to ask, but basically everything I've needed to know is already here somewhere.

Like others, I really appreciate those with experience and knowledge taking the time to share with us newcomers.
I lurked for a while before joining up.

I wanted to do find out some info for my soon to be HS age son and what he should do to be successful at the next level, and the level beyond that. There has been a lot of great advice and I have him lurk and pay attention so maybe he can not make some of the mistakes that others have made.

More importantly I wanted to find out what I should do, as a father, to help him facilitate that. At the same time I thought it would be a good idea to find out what I shouldn't do, as a father. I've heard all kinds of advice and even if I don't always agree with it I do respect the opinions of the men and women who have experienced the things that both myself and my son are just now starting to go through.
signed up almost a year ago, when 1B decided to pursue baseball only his junior year of hs. Never knew there was so much to know about recruiting, showcases, eligibility, many parents I thought the hs coach took care of all that, good thing I found this site before it was too late.
This site has been such an eye opener and the wealth of info is endless, I spend a lot of time reading old posts, and thanks to all the info, my son is almost ready to commit to a school and play at the next level.
This site has been a blessing...for this not so baseball savvy mom.
Last edited by Momof1B
I lurked for a while, then made a few posts,then lurked again. But you've inspired me to try once more.

I'm not sure how I stumbled onto this website, but I'm glad I did.

My son is a sophomore in high school, who has been blessed with good size and speed. He wants to play college ball in the South. We've used this website as a guide, and it's helped a lot.

We started the recruiting process earlier than most because we weren't sure how much exposure we could get him (he's not a pitcher). He's definitely on the radar of some schools, and he will have the opportunity to play with a very elite travel team this summer - all because of things we learned on this site. As everybody says "Enjoy the ride." We are.
Long time lurker, sometime poster. I admit I usually have a hard time jumping in. I've been coming to this site since 2007 when my now HS JR was in JR HS. He has been on varsity since mid season last yr and now he has had some interest from college coaches. Its still a long journey ahead where he hopefully ends up playing in college, somewhere. He is not hung up on having to play d1 though he does have interest from a d1 coach who wants to come see him play in the spring. Its going to be a busy spring and summer so we'll see. I come on this site everyday, it's one of my "stops". Actually I come here several times a day and get lots of great information. I don't even remember where I learned about this site but I think I just stumbled upon it from another site. Smile
Not a complete lurker, I have posted on this site a couple of times. I found this site while searching for some info about a coach that had contacted me about my 2014 son playing for him in some CABA tournaments. I have read lots of great information on this site which has been very helpful. Hopefully I will be more active here as son progresses through HS. Getting anxious here in PA for season to start his team will be @ Disney next week for spring training (only the second time we have had to miss any of his games,what a bummer) and return to PA for 1st scrimmage 3/22, a warmup game on 3/23, and first league game on 3/26. Thanks to all the posters for the wonderful baseball information so far.
I found the site while trying to learn more about the game and what was happening in baseball beyond our neighborhood. Love reading the advice!

It was a tense week at our house, as high school tryouts and little league tryouts were on going - our oldest made the high school team and our youngest got the call that he was "drafted" for one of the major division teams. So now we can sit back and enjoy!
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I signed up when my son was a high school freshman. I had just been through the journey as a parent and an 18U coach with softball. I wanted to learn the differences in the process. What I learned is the baseball "Who's" and "Where's". I've also encountered generous people willing to help.

The biggest difference between baseball and softball is girls physically mature sooner. It makes the process take place sooner. In softball, by summer after junior year the colleges are mostly chasing the sophomores.
Last edited by RJM

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