Alright - a thread - ecouraging all you long-time lurkers out there to get off your duffs, sign-up, and make your first posts in this thread. Let us know what is on your mind!
For our existing members, what caused you to change your status from lurker to contributor?
For me, I started my journey here at the hsbbweb after my son had already committed to college. I read all the articles and discovered the message board last. I became enthralled with the type of membership we had here with the likes of Bob Howdeshell (the inventor of the hsbbweb), Fungo, Coach May, bbscout and PGstaff as but a few examples that make our site the best baseball site on the planet imho.
I am not known for being bashful, so I simply could not resist chiming in
What motivated you (member) to make your first post? What is stopping you (lurker) from now making your first post?
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