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Its not the meltdown that hurts you its how you react to the meltdown that matters. Every pitcher is going to have a day like that. Every batter will as well. We had a kid a few years back that we put in up 5-0 in the fourth to get a couple innings of work. First pitch double. Second pitch single. Third pitch double. Fourth pitch hr. We have no one up because we are in shock. I go out to the mound and tell him to relax and throw a fb low and away so they cant hit it. We laugh and them I tell him Im serious. I then tell him not to worry we are still up and he will be ok. He throws one low and away and then on the next pitch the kid hits a seed in the gap for another double. We get him out and he is down and out. We do manage to win the game though. Well we put him right back out there two days later and he does great. Later in the year our #1 goes down with a pulled muscle in his back. Our #2 is struggling and we start this kid in the first round of the state playoffs and he throws a complete game three hitter for the win. GET BACK ON THE HORSE it will be ok.
OhBB, pat him on the back from me. My son was scheduled to climb back on the horse, but the game was cancelled due to the other teams' inability to get to our field!!?? So he'll have to wait a bit. That's okay - we've been working on some things and he's been throwing great. Better than ever. That bad game forced him to realize that he needs to keep an open mind and continue to seek improvement. The coach also told the older guys to keep their knees out of the freshmen's tailbones!!

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