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Chris Cody from Manhattan College, remember him, the kid who beat Tulane 1-0 and threw 150 pitches. Well he just beat Nebraska in the regional 4-1. He's now 12-2, with an ERA under 1.4......Not bad Chris and congratulation to Head Coach Kevin Leighton..
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That's why they play the games. Here, baseball can offer something the other sports can't. When your #1 guy is very good and matched with their #1 guy, you can play with any team in the nation. Of course, the premier programs have depth on their pitching staffs. I am guessing this young man will be drafted highly.
Hi, this is just a Coach feeling good about a few of his boys.

I think with Chris we have to look at it a bit differently as compared to most of the front line guys you and I normally see. Chris was 24-4 over his HS career but was throwing 80MPH. No recruiting interest and absolutely no MLB interest. Coach Trimper took him at Manhattan because he lived in the community, saw him throw quite a few games and realized his value.

I watched Chris throw his first college game and again a lot of the scouts for summer league teams were there and were not impressed with his velocity.

Now 4 years later, after a junior year and again not a MLB nibble (40th round or later)? Chris is a senior, figures he'll get his degree pitch all he can for what it's worth and begin his life after baseball. He his such a low key kid, I'm sure he figures once again no one will be interested. He goes out, beats Tulane goes 11-2 with a 1.4 ERA for the season and then shuts down Nebraska....That could be his career. Innings at this point are not important, he had 99 going into last night. If he doesn't get selected on Tues or Wed and/or nobody looks to sign him he'll finish the year with 108 innings....
I watched Chris Cody pitch for about 5 years as a developing youngster - noone was ever impressed - except all the guys he beat and the opposing coaches.

After his games - you used to hear alot of the "they just had a bad day - he isnt that good." Pure BS.

Logically - you have to figure either everyone he has ever pitched against has had a bad day - which is highly unlikely - or he is good.

The kid always got the job done. Nowadays in our "hype driven" environment - that most likely will not be enough.

Congrats to Chris,Matt,Eric and John - great job. Put it in the book. LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
Coach Merc,
I definetly agree with you and as we all know, the college experience is about someone beleiving in you, giving you a chance, and developing into the best college pitcher you can be.
Being a great college pitcher does not always equate to becoming MLB player someday. I see that evenin the top D1 level.

However, it is the dream of every young man to be able to move ahead, to the next level. And many make it there, hurt.

I do not mean to take anything away from this young man, only to wish him congrats for a great year, hoping that if he is given a chance to move ahead, he remains healthy.

I still think the coach was wrong in allowing that many pitches early on, for this reason alone, post season play. But that is JMO.
Last edited by TPM
The kid obviously is a great competitor and his coach obviously has handled him very well and his team has benefitted and they all have had the time of their lives. The folks criticizing obviously don't have much of a clue about this kid, this coach, this school or this situation.

I hope Manhattan makes it to the College World Series.
I think all the opinions here are great, which keeps it interesting and informative.

My point is that if the kid truly does not want to pitch, he won't. Until then, life is a constant management of risks. Sure, 150 pitches is not ideal, but it is not a sentence to sure injury either. There are times when chances are worth taking. The NCAA tournament is one of those times. Any of my sons would be out there with my full backing. And if Cody goes down, he will have gone down fighting and as a hero.

Somehow, though, I doubt he will go down.
There are approx. 100 pitchers in the NCAA who have pitched more innings than Chris Cody this year. ONE HUNDRED.

TR is right - innings pitched doesnt equate to pitches thrown. But CC is just fine.

Opponents batting average against Chris Cody is .199 - Aroung the Top 20 in the NCAA

And he looked pretty darn healthy against Nebraska.

Put the win in the book - and tell the critics to take a hike. Sometimes the Big Dogs go down hard - regardless of the HYPE. LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
I don't look at any of this as negative. I know exactly where TPM is coming from and I believe that if Chris was a 90 MPH+ kid with scouts all over him as most of the ACC kids are there would be reason to belive there should be more monitoring. Chris went into this season as if it's his last, hopefully it won't be. He threw 150+ in game one vs Tulane and I believe his pitch count was 140 for the Nebraska game.... Yes different time of year, same result and late in the last 4 games he was stronger at the end.

It's and TR have both seen him throw and I think Itsinthegame has seen Chris and his results many times as we faced off with "D". Chris is just a great young man and a lot of fun to watch. As some say, he pitches backwards, establishes his change and surprises you with his fastball. It's almost as if his fastball is his 3rd pitch, tops out at 87 while cruising 85....

I hear you - but he aint no little boy any more.

I think it is a shame when a young man goes out - and kicks butt - and still - a negative has to be thrown into the equation. Cant keep it positive - something bad has to be thrown into the mix - however subtlely it is done.


It is exactly what I tell all young kids - when you are successful - there will always be someone out there - off the field - saying something bad - or just downright lying - to bring you down.

Just the way it is.

Bottom line - he kicked ***. The Little Dog ate the Big Dog - whole. LOL
What do radar guns and guts have to do with number of pitches thrown--- many guys have had great careers with loads of innings and pitches thrown, get drafted and then the arm explodes--can we all say MARK PRIOR--- and who was the bigP from LSU that was drafted and is no longer on the scene-- Ben Donaldson

I am not taking anything away from his record etc but lets see what happens down the road

Don't think there was anything said negative about him or his performance, ever, just concerns about pitch counts, which has always been a hot topic around here.

Being negative and being concerned, to me is not the same, but that is my opinion.

I do agree with what you have said though, and I hope others will read it and think twice when they really do say something negative about a player or team.
Last edited by TPM

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