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Originally posted by SultanofSwat:
This is an NFL that is passing-oriented. Tebow cannot perform in this league as a QB. When rookies are setting the world on fire, and Stafford has a 5000-yard season...

How many playoff games did Stafford win last year?

Also, over the last FIVE years, Peyton Manning has only one more playoff win than Tebow. One.

Personally, I think both QBs are projects that deserve another chance.
I didn't realize Tebow was one big win behind Manning for induction to the NFL Hall of Fame. The best lame reasons are at Some posters there are showing stats where he's BETTER than Manning, Brady and Montana. Should Marino be tossed out of the NFL Hall of Fame and replaced with Trent Dilfer? You give me the same roster and I'll take Stafford at QB every time. If you're honest you would too.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Doughnutman:
Tebow will probabaly go to Miami. Florida boy, wildcat offense in place, pretty good fit for all involved.
Miami hired the Green Bay offensive coordinator as coach. He's implementing GB's version of the west coast offense. The west coast offense requires a QB to come to the line, read defenses, quick drop, check down receivers, quick release and hit recievers on the break. Tebow lacks all these skills. Tebow should go to the CFL where they play wide open football.
Originally posted by J H:
I wonder how many career wins this guy was projected to have when he was released by FOUR teams in the early 90's...

Sometimes, unorthodox is beauty.
Moyer only lacked velocity. He understood hitters and had great command. Tebow is lacking in all fundamental quarterback skills.
Last edited by RJM
Most people would say that Tebow is far from a top passing QB in the NFL. Some say it with hatred, some say it simply because it's true.

I think Tebow has a lot of value. Everyone seems to concentrate on his weaknesses rather than his strengths.

First and Goal he becomes a strength. As a wildcat type QB he has strength. As a run threat he has strength. Short yardage situations he has strength. Leadership is a strength. Attitude is a strength. He adds a different dimension to a team. And most importantly he creates interest. Example: He is a football player and perhaps the most talked about person ever on HSBBW.

Is it impossible for Tebow to become a true NFL passer? Maybe, but I think he adds a lot as a backup and situational QB. If he stays in NY this is going to get interesting no matter what happens.

BTW, Didn't Tebow and the Broncos actually beat the Jets and Sanchez last year. I know... just lucky! The naysayers will talk about the Patriots game, the supporters will talk about the Steelers game.

The Pittsburgh playoff win was the biggest win in 6 years for the Broncos. Tebow threw for over 300 yards including the 80 yard pass that ended the game in overtime. Whether someone likes him or not, he has a way of coming up with big plays in close games. If Mark Sanchez stays he will need to produce or it will be Tebow Time in NY. Maybe this move will make Sanchez better this year.

Also, I will predict that the Jets will now have the #1 selling jersey and it will be the backup QBs. It is a business!
Tebow and a seventh-rounder has been shipped to the New York Jets for a fourth-round and a sixth round draft pick. All picks are for 2012.

Two QB's of questionable ability, the NY fans, the NY press, the pressure of NY, Rex Ryan and Tebowistas. I can't get any better than this.
Last edited by RJM
RJM said....Two QB's of questionable ability, the NY fans, the NY press, the pressure of NY, Rex Ryan and Tebowistas. I can't get any better than this.

Bingo, Yahtzee! Just when you thought NY was getting boring.....the Jets will have their pantees in a bunch for years to come. As a Pats fan, I love it!

Did Belicheck show enough interest in Tebow that he baited Rex into snatching Tebow? Kind of looks that way. PS....Denver showed a lot of reserve by waiting two nanoseconds (not one) in unloading Tebow.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
I think the Jets got a steal. No matter what happens, they have become a lot more interesting to football fans from coast to coast. There will be many new Jets fans this year. It might not pan out on the field, but it sure looks like a smart business decision. And Tebow's salary is less than most backup QBs in the league.

RJM, you are correct. At least from an interest perspective, it doesn't get any better than this. Both in Denver and in NY. I can't wait to see all this play out.
Did Belicheck show enough interest in Tebow that he baited Rex into snatching Tebow?
The New England rumors were started by two newspaper articles examinging the possibility. They both closed with unlikely. Any conjecture regarding the Patriots was based on Belichick having dinner with Tebow three years ago at the request of his friend Urban Meyer.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
This is all just too funny.

Biggest media market in the world.

My sincere hope is that Tebow goes wild with the bible stuff - and drives the religious bigots nuts.

Just all too funny and too ironic.
Picture the discussion boards discussions between Tebowistas and NY'ers on newspaper websites.

Last edited by RJM
Tebow can't even be traded without drama:

Tim Tebow trade to New York Jets for Broncos draft picks hits snag

Jets' management looked closer at Tebow's contract after agreeing to the deal. The contract says any team acquiring Tebow has to kick back more than $5 million to the Broncos in advanced salaries from the 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons, according to an NFL source.

Tebow received $6.277 million in salary advance during the 2011 season. The breakdown of that advance: $1,213,750 in 2011 (the Broncos paid); $1,425,000 in 2012; $1,691,250 in 2013; and $1.92 million in 2014.

The Broncos expect the Jets to pay them back those salary advances from 2012-14 per Tebow's contract. The Jets are balking. This deal may die.
That explain the low consideration the Jets sent the Broncos way. But if you're suggesting, RJM, that the Jets reached an agreement on the trade not knowing this, I don't believe that for a minute. But then again, maybe the Jets are as stupid as the Mets are.

On the Saints penalty...WOW. Talk about being made an example of. The NFL front office is making it clear in no uncertain terms who is in charge.
How did the Jets not know this, before the supposed trade? If they (Jets) agreed to the trade, they're stuck- a loser in arbitration, if it goes that far. Ha, Elway should demand more picks, or players, in exchange for a $5 million forgiveness. Then, it would be a heck of a trade for Denver.

Tx-Husker, I agree with both things you mentioned. The Jets can't be that dumb (can they?)

and the Saints got hammered.
Last edited by AntzDad
Originally posted by RJM:
... vs one of the greatest post-season QBs of all-time.
And this statement would be to incite reaction?

The purpose behind any post or thread is to incite reaction. Otherwise, these boards would be very boring with very little exchange, ideas and opinions.

Should that matchup ever occur, reaction would go thru the roof. This would be a media dream spectacle and you know these comparisons would come up all over the place between the Manning brothers. They already won back-to-back SB MVPs and with Eli getting his 2nd, puts him in rare air. The numbers don't lie. Payton Manning has had a brilliant career in the regular season but mediocre playoff success (sub-.500 record)while Eli has had very good success as a regular seson QB but the most cluch 4th QTR QB to play the game and one of the best playoff QBs in the business with his 72.7% winning percentage in the playoffs including those two SB wins & MVPs.
Last edited by zombywoof

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