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I wonder what the Red Sox might have been like had the other players on that team produced with their AB's and at the same level as Manny.

It unfornunate that Manny has to be compared to all the other players on his teams that don't produce like he does and in my opinion probably don't even belong in the majors but take up a lineup slot anyway. He gets bored playing with mediocrity and I don't blame him.
Ummm, mediocre players?

Jonathon Papelbon...23 2/3 postseason scoreless innings
Josh Beckett...Ace
Dice K...never throws a strike
Tim Wakefield...knuckleballers are odd
Curt Schilling...former Ace
Mike Lowell...MVP
Jsson of the best game managers
Dustin Pedroia...2008 MVP
Kevin Youlklis...quickly becoming my favorite player of all time
Jacoby Elsbury...another amazing youngster
JD Drew...scowls...and hits!

You must be a Yankee fan. There's no other explanation for you to call these players mediocre.

Oh yeah, I forgot, two of these in the last four years!!!!

Last edited by biggerpapi
He gets bored playing with mediocrity and I don't blame him.

I wonder if Ted Williams felt that way? Or, Mays? Or, Aaron?

I guess as long as he has enablers, and a new owner who thinks "He always give US 100%"...then Manny has a place.

But, wait until he signs the new contract, and all his non-hitting goofs begin to surface. I give him until Aug, 2009 until his new enablers figure it out.

In the mean time, Boston has a left fielder who produces a little less offensively, but gets the extra base running heads up (not running through signs like Manny being Manny) and makes nice diving catches (not flopping around on the ground loooking for the Manny against the Angels in what I still think was the second most embarrassing defensive play I have ever seen).

Don't get me wrong, the fans in Boston loved Manny.

But, when the teammates take a vote and say it's time for Manny to go, and the manager says they are a better team with the new leftfielder, and former teammates are coming out with stories of what he was like...then it's not about fan-love. It's about the t-e-a-m. The clubhouse is a little less disfunctional now. That makes for a better team...regardless of Manny's numbers.
Last edited by wayback
We all know Manny has had his moment of not hustling but nobdy has brought up the MOST IMPORTANT PART.

Manny has but admitted he purposelydid not hustle and lacked effort in the filed and at the plate. He consciously performed below his abilty in order to NOT have his option picked up. In addition to this, Scott Boras may have coached him into this approach.

Did any of this behavior effect Wins & Losses? The Red Sox did not win the Eat and do not have home field advantage.

If this was football or basketball, the word fix or tampering may have been brought up!

He is a shelfish jerk that likely effected the outcome games.
Originally posted by BBkaze:
I wonder what the Red Sox might have been like had the other players on that team produced with their AB's and at the same level as Manny.

I wonder what the Red Sox might have been like had the other players on that team produced in the field at the same level as Manny. No doubt they would all be watching the playoffs right now.
It's funny that so many like to slam Manny for not being the greatest fielder there ever was.

There have been thousands over the years. Heck, most first basemen are there because they don't field well, right? But they can hit.

Or DHs. Can't play in the field, but can hit.

I suppose someone could do a study on how many games Manny has won with his bat vs. how many games he has lost with his glove. That would be interesting.

Wait, didn't Bill James or someone like that come up with a stat called "win-share." Anyone have any info on this and how it might relate to Manny?
It's funny that so many like to slam Manny for not being the greatest fielder there ever was.

It's a trade off. A team is willing to put up with a certain level of it. But, there comes a time when they may not put up with it.

When he throws a 63 year-old traveling secretary to the ground because he didn't get Manny enough tickets...and...he hits another player because that player was frustrated with his own at-bat...and...he refuses to go into a game because it was a scheduled day off...and...he pinch hits in the 9th inning against the Yankees during a potential comeback and never takes the barrel off his shoulders for three straight strikes...and...he limps on one leg on one day then shows up limping on the other leg the next day while refusing to go for an MRI...and...his teammates have generally had enough of his lack of commitment...then the trade-off swings the other way and the fielding issues tip the scales away from what he brings to the plate (if you can even count on him to come to the plate since by his own admsission he was dogging it...).

Fot the record, their offense has been more productive without him. Their winning percentage is better without him. The manager says the team is better. The players say the clubhouse is better.

Yet, the Manny defenders still exist.
Last edited by wayback
Waooo...the times have changed too much. How to compare the times of Ted Williams with today times. Our today society values are messured in different ways, today we give more importance to negatives(usually are less than possitives). So even Manny has more possitives than negatives, but
we, the ones with no ability at all, the ones with may be, the worst attitude around our work, or around our family and friend groups are the ones that judge Manny taking in consideration just his negative behavior, and overlooking at his possitives.
Last edited by Racab
we, the ones with no ability at all, the ones with may be, the worst attitud around our work, or around our family and friend groups are the ones that judge Manny taking in consideration just his negative behavior, and overlooking at his possitives.

nooooo, his teammates and coach judged him...and voted him off the island.
Last edited by wayback
OMG! Do you mean to tell me that pro athletes are enabled to act like spoiled brats if they are really good? What a shocker! It has been going on for years. Why would anybody be amazed by it and why would people take time out of their day to hate on it. Reality check. Some people like him some don't. Makes no difference. He will get paid either way. I mean, it is a business after all.

I love the way baseball calls it a game one minute and a business the next. When they cut someone it is a business and when someone isn't behaving, they call it not being a team player, it is a game. Who allowed it to become a business inside of a game? We all did when we bought tickets and cheered when a player was good and booed when he wasn't. When we bought more gear when the team won and sales dropped off when they stunk.

Manny did what was best for Manny. Boston did what was best for Boston. It is a business. Do I like the way Manny behaved? No. Do I like the way Boson and the press try to spin it to make themselves look blameless. No.

Manny loved the fans and hated the press and the lack of privacy. In LA he is just another celebrity. In Boston he was a rockstar. Believe it or not, that was unbearable for him. He wanted to live a life and not be hounded 24-7. He can do that in LA. To all the Manny haters. Get over it. It is a business. Spin it the way you want. Without him in the line up.... Boston ain't as good without him. jmo
Manny is one of the best pure hitters and the greatest clutch hitter of this generation.

Hopefully he won't waste his talent in LA and sign with the Yankees so he can help get Yanks get back where they belong. Manny will also take the heat off and provide protection for ChokeRod. And while he's at it, he can stick it to Boston 19 times a year.

Yankees need more starting pitching but I want Manny in pinstripes in 2009.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by zombywoof:
Yankees need more starting pitching but I want Manny in pinstripes in 2009.

That statement makes me sick. First, the thought of a former Red Sox player being a dreaded Yankee..."

Like Johnny Damon?
Any way who cares about Manny... the Phillies are in !!
Last edited by njbb
Wait, isn't this the same guy who can't stand media scrutiny....and NY is going to be easy? Maybe he should talk to Torre before signing.

I guess if they're the highest bidder (just like when he left Cleveland for Boston). He'll just do whatever Boras(s) says. Disgusting!

LA is the best place for Manny. He's shallow, self-centered and superficial. He'll fit in just fine in LA.
Last edited by wayback
Originally posted by zombywoof:
Originally posted by Dad04:
If he goes to the Yankess he is officially washed up. The list is very long.

LOL..I'm not so sure about that. He did hit around .400 the second half with LA and hit .500 in the postseason. Can't see Manny just losing it like that. I'd take him for 3 yrs.

um...Randy Johnson, Carl Pavano, Johnny Damon (not a complete bust but very average since he went there. The huge CF further exposed his rag arm), Kevin Brown, Danny Tartabul, Kenny Rogers, Jaret Wright, Jose Contreras, Jeff Weaver, Chuck Knoblauch, Jason Giambi, Brien Taylor, Drew Henson. The Bronx is the kiss of career death. How did Mike Hampton get away from them?
Last edited by Dad04
It's bvious that Manny is not allowed to show any "chinks" in his armor.

Based upon the lack of appreciation for his talents with the Red Sox it is obvious his reaction was to find a way to remove himself from the "negative hostile" environment.

Quite frankly, the Red Sox ought to be happy that Manny didn't sue them for creating a "hostile work environment" that is covered by EEOC regs.

Manny just wants to play baseball, and like so many ballplayers I have known will find somewhere else to play if the "jerks" rule the "team environment".


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