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My 2018 is an RHP w 4+GPA and 34 ACT. Minimal outside involvements besides baseball and playing an instrument. Did Perfect game and headfirst showcases this summer. I know we are SO behind in the game. However he was injured and unable to play last summer when he probably should have been doing showcases. Again, this is all so foreign to me, as I can help guide the regular college application process, but this seems like a whole different animal! Here are notes and Q's:

-After HF received several emails and subsequent texts/calls from coaches whose schools he was interested. (He politely declined if zero interest). Pre-reads have been decent for Amherst (try to get those grades up, but your ACT is good), plus he played ball w one of their players whose dad coached the travel team. Has asked us to visit/spend night/etc (we would pay). I am wondering if the admissions dept comment means there's little chance he could get in. His next grades aren't easy until Dec. so how would that work?


-just visited Davidson. I guess unofficial since we paid and didn't get itinerary. But this was a coach invite and he went to a class, met a few players, and tomorrow will pitch. Million dollar question: what is next? 


-for the coaches that say "you'll be fine" regarding admissions, is that just lip service, or are they sincerely confident? (I guess no one would know that except for the coach)... just wondering because 4 asked for pre-reads, one (JH) said his numbers aren't high enough so he is not pursuing that school. I already mentioned Amherst, and swarthmore and haverford said "looks good" but no actual pre-read. Is it common for a player to be invited into a team, only to have admissions give thumbs down?


last question (sorry so Long!)-in the miraculous event a college tells him after a visit "we want you!" What is protocol for making the invite official/binding? And is it appropriate to still go on more visits or does that usually lead to a withdrawal of the offer?


any answers would be much appreciated! I feel like I am totally lost and this is the first place that seems to have real people answering similar questions. Thanks again!-His Mom

Last edited by MOMJBBALL
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Your son's grades and ACT score are excellent and in the high academic ballpark for sure. 

I'm not completely following where he's at in the process, nor do I have a sense for his baseball skills. 

Did he showcase this Summer?

Does he have a vetted list of schools he's targeting?

Does he have roster spot offers anywhere?

What is his fastball velo and his height/weight?

Happy to iterate via PM if that's easier. 

You're talking D3 schools so there are no official visits, therefore it's always on your dime. Heck, most D1 visits are unofficial as well, but that's another topic.

In our experience coaches won't ask you to visit campus unless they are pretty sure the kid can get in. But if you're not certain about it, he should ask.  At these schools usually at least some of the players need to get through admissions on their own, but coach should have a pretty good idea. As I'm sure you  know a 34 ACT helps a lot.

There is no contract anything else to sign with a D3 offer. If coach says he can get your son through admissions at one of those schools, I would believe him, but it's a handshake kind of a deal. Same goes for your son's acceptance of such an offer.  In any case nothing is official until your son gets his acceptance letter from admissions. And even in that case there is never anything but verbal promise that he will make the team.

Last edited by JCG

Branson baseball,

I'm not completely following where he's at in the process, nor do I have a sense for his baseball skills.-and I apologize, I should know more technical terms to describe.  He is a PO, has a decent curve,change-up and fast ball. He played HS ball and was starter often. Is a senior.

Did he showcase this Summer? Yes, perfect game and then Headfirst. That's when the coaches started to email etc... "I saw you pitch at ___and know you could make an impact on our team. We'd like you to come visit," etc

Does he have a vetted list of schools he's targeting? His targeted schools has changed a TON since headfirst. Previously dreamed of big well known schools,esp. ivy leagues. However, None seemed actively interested, and my son decided he wanted to hopefully baseball plus academics, so he changed targeted schools to these smaller ones. Based on his mini tours and coach interest, he is communicating w schools I mentioned (Amherst, haverford, swarthmore, Davidson and wash U) The coaches are all in touch with him via email or txt/calls.

Does he have roster spot offers anywhere? No-

What is his fastball velo and his height/weight? Fastball is usually 86-87 Hit 90  this summer but that's not his norm. He is 6'3", turns 17 in a month (yes, is a baby!) and weight 175-180.


So he's looking at liberal arts colleges that are ranked in the top 10 - 15 in the country. 

At 87 mph, 6'3", 175, and only 17, I would think he'd have some high academic D1 interest...but it's late in the D1 timeline. You'd already know if Davidson or other D1's are interested. 

JCG gave some good input.  

If your son has been in active communication with coaches at schools he wants to attend, and your son has expressed his interest in these schools to the coaches and admissions, it's time to ask some questions.

I'm really interested in SchoolName.  Where do I stand on your board?

What are the next steps?

Can you help me with admissions?

Can I have a Spring 2019 roster spot?

There's a tactful way to ask all this.  As we approach September, your son needs to get a sense of where he stands with his targeted schools. 

For many D3's, they'll commit a Spring roster spot to a player who applies ED and gets in. The amount of baseball pull/assistance with admissions varies by school.  And ED deadlines aren't too far away. 

Branson Baseball posted:

So he's looking at liberal arts colleges that are ranked in the top 10 - 15 in the country. 

At 87 mph, 6'3", 175, and only 17, I would think he'd have some high academic D1 interest...but it's late in the D1 timeline. You'd already know if Davidson or other D1's are interested. 

JCG gave some good input.  

If your son has been in active communication with coaches at schools he wants to attend, and your son has expressed his interest in these schools to the coaches and admissions, it's time to ask some questions.

I'm really interested in SchoolName.  Where do I stand on your board?

What are the next steps?

Can you help me with admissions?

Can I have a Spring 2019 roster spot?

There's a tactful way to ask all this.  As we approach September, your son needs to get a sense of where he stands with his targeted schools. 

For many D3's, they'll commit a Spring roster spot to a player who applies ED and gets in. The amount of baseball pull/assistance with admissions varies by school.  And ED deadlines aren't too far away. 

It may be late for a D1, but it's not too late to try.  Things happen. If they like him, the can find a spot. 


I read my last reply. I didn't mean to imply ED acceptance means baseball roster spot. 

A common way this works at high academic D3's is that a coach asks the player they want to apply ED.  The player will want from the coach some assurance of support through admissions and assurance of a spring roster spot.

ED can be used once per cycle, e.g., ED1 with a 11/1 deadline and perhaps an early to mid December decision.  Early Action (where offered) and Regular Decision can be used at anytime. 

Bottom line is now that showcasing is over, your son needs to understand where he is with his targeted schools. 

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