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Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
Originally posted by gametimer:
Maybe Husker is saying that if he were a HS baseball coach, he wouldn't touch this job???

Why wouldn't any coach want to take a job with a future first rounder? Michael Gill is the real deal.

I don't know if his draft projection is a good reason to take the HS coaching job. But Gill's going to be a Sr. with 3 years Varsity experience, and at least two years of deep Varsity playoff experience. Including several quality starts.

That kind of built-in leadership has got to be attractive to any new HC.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
Correct, if I were a coach I wouldn't touch it.

I can understand that point. There do appear to be a lot of landmines with that job - starting with the number of FB players in the upcoming BB Junior class, then add on the prior two years of playoff runs and the associated expectations. Then, if you don't get a good NDI/Draft for Gill...your fault. Lots of weirdness for the new guy to deal with.
I can understand that point. There do appear to be a lot of landmines with that job - starting with the number of FB players in the upcoming BB Junior class, then add on the prior two years of playoff runs and the associated expectations. Then, if you don't get a good NDI/Draft for Gill...your fault. Lots of weirdness for the new guy to deal with.

I would suggest there's a lot more below the surface than that. Marcus has been very successful in baseball, yet there's no stability in the head coaching situation. Yet, football hasn't been any where near as successful and seems to have all kinds of stability. Big red flag to me. There has to be a lot more than people are talking about openly.
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
I can understand that point. There do appear to be a lot of landmines with that job - starting with the number of FB players in the upcoming BB Junior class, then add on the prior two years of playoff runs and the associated expectations. Then, if you don't get a good NDI/Draft for Gill...your fault. Lots of weirdness for the new guy to deal with.

I would suggest there's a lot more below the surface than that. Marcus has been very successful in baseball, yet there's no stability in the head coaching situation. Yet, football hasn't been any where near as successful and seems to have all kinds of stability. Big red flag to me. There has to be a lot more than people are talking about openly.

I would suggest there's a lot more below the surface than that. Marcus has been very successful in baseball, yet there's no stability in the head coaching situation. Yet, football hasn't been any where near as successful and seems to have all kinds of stability. Big red flag to me. There has to be a lot more than people are talking about openly.

Interesting observation. There seems to be quite a truckload of other notable successes at that school (s0ccer, basketball, girls softball, to name a few), which I would think that any self-respecting AD would want to nurture, and assure their future success. **Maybe even get out in front of them, to take a little credit???** Surely he recognizes those successes become even more valuable when the football program is mediocre at best. Surely he realizes that winning at football alone is not worth cashing in all those other great accomplishments, especially when one can't seem to win at football.

Or are you suggesting that someone might be getting a little panicky about MHS FB's lack-luster performance? Maybe in his panic, he's becoming obsessive about the time shared with star atheletes who can't concentrate enough on pre-season football drills, because they just can't seem to get free of those pesky baseball playoffs? Perhaps you're sugguesting that its a little uncomfortable when he has to share the field grass with one of the best boys s0ccer teams in the nation, or knowing that the basketball team will probably be in the playoffs for at least two more years no matter what he does to their coach...then to realize its only going to get worse when he gets thrown into the 8-5A district?

So what to do...what to do? Turn to an ex-profootball star to gamble on the power of his genetics ?

Nah...that would too desperate...wouldn't it????
Last edited by wraggArm
Please stop with the rock-throwing based on nothing but supposition, hearsay and message-board gossip. I assume none of us were inside the school, programs, or meetings so we have no real idea what happens there.
Pointing the finger at the FB coach, the principal or at FD(as happened in an earlier thread) is only going to lead to this thread being closed down as well due to the personal attacks.

What's done is done-I have kids coming into Marcus the next few years, and would really prefer to find out information on who might be the new head coach, rather than a bunch of "who's to blame" for what is already done. Just my 2 cents worth....go back to your personal attacks if you wish, but it seems you are better than that.
Last edited by handyrandy
Originally posted by handyrandy:
Just my 2 cents worth....go back to your personal attacks if you wish, but it seems you are better than that.

Since you really have no idea who I am, I'm going to assume that telling me how good I am is a disingenuous attempt at being condescending. But you might want to check yourself before you start lighting up your own scoreboard on my account.

If you're coming out here to get the real scoop on who the new MHSBB coach is, don't'll find out...right about the same time everyone else does.
Last edited by wraggArm
Originally posted by handyrandy:
Please stop with the rock-throwing based on nothing but supposition, hearsay and message-board gossip. I assume none of us were inside the school, programs, or meetings so we have no real idea what happens there.
Pointing the finger at the FB coach, the principal or at FD(as happened in an earlier thread) is only going to lead to this thread being closed down as well due to the personal attacks.

What's done is done-I have kids coming into Marcus the next few years, and would really prefer to find out information on who might be the new head coach, rather than a bunch of "who's to blame" for what is already done. Just my 2 cents worth....go back to your personal attacks if you wish, but it seems you are better than that.

Then I would suggest you get off the message boards and start getting involved in your school to find out what is going on.

Yes I went to Flower Mound but grew up with, played sports with and go to church with a lot of people from Marcus. I care about those people and this community. Marcus has been blessed with some very good coaches including Coach Senato and whatever is going on over there needs to be addressed because it is the kids that are getting the short end of the stick.

I also went to school with the principle's children and he is a very good man as is Coach Mayes. That leaves the AD. Talk to other Marcus parents and find out. Not talking about it will not make the issues go away.

I wish your kids luck at Marcus and hope that these things are resolved before they get there.
Originally posted by Pick Johnson:
Originally posted by gametimer:
Maybe Husker is saying that if he were a HS baseball coach, he wouldn't touch this job???

Why wouldn't any coach want to take a job with a future first rounder? Michael Gill is the real deal.

First off, he isnt a first rounder. Second, he announced yesterday that he will no longer attend marcus
Originally posted by Xgirl:
according to rumors around the office all applicants for the Marcus job have withdrawn pending King Gill's annoucement on where he will play next year. His handlers are currently in negotiations with several sports networks bidding on live coverage of the event, details to follow.

Originally posted by wraggArm:
Originally posted by Xgirl:
according to rumors around the office all applicants for the Marcus job have withdrawn pending King Gill's annoucement on where he will play next year. His handlers are currently in negotiations with several sports networks bidding on live coverage of the event, details to follow.


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