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The McKinney Marshals have announced fall baseball tryouts. 2011 and 2012 grads will tryout at Parish Episcopal School in Dallas (Midway and Sigma Road) on August 23 and 24 from 3pm to 5pm. 2009 and 2010 grads will tryout from 5pm-7pm. The cost to play fall ball for the Marshals is $400. For more information, please email us at
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Bump and a joke

Baseball Heaven?

Two old guys, Abe and Sol, are sitting on a park bench feeding pigeons and talking about baseball, like they do every day. Abe turns to Sol and says, "Do you think there's baseball in heaven?"
Sol thinks about it for a minute and replies, "I dunno. But let's make a deal: if I die first, I'll come back and tell you if there's baseball in heaven, and if you die first, you do the same."

They shake on it and sadly, a few months later, poor Abe passes on. One day soon afterward, Sol is sitting there feeding the pigeons by himself when he hears a voice whisper, "Sol... Sol..."

Sol responds, "Abe! Is that you?"

"Yes it is, Sol," whispers Abe's ghost.

Sol, still amazed, asks, "So, is there baseball in heaven?"

"Well," says Abe, "I've got good news and bad news."

"Gimme the good news first," says Sol.

Abe says, "Well... there is baseball in heaven."

Sol says, "That's great! What news could be bad enough to ruin that!?"

Abe sighs and whispers, "You're pitching on Friday."
Good for Shayne.

My guess however is that others from those organizations rumored to be involved occassionally read these message boards: if history proves anything. I find the collective silence 'interesting'.

I'm not saying that an Uber-team to compete with East Cobb or the Banditos or Midland (pick your local uber-team) is a bad thing. Certainly has its plus/minus. I'm just saying that it is interesting that at this time of the year, when folks start to consider what they are doing in the fall and spring that a cone of silence has descended upon the rumbling.
Originally posted by OldDude:
Good for Shayne.

I'm not saying that an Uber-team to compete with East Cobb or the Banditos or Midland (pick your local uber-team) is a bad thing. Certainly has its plus/minus. I'm just saying that it is interesting that at this time of the year, when folks start to consider what they are doing in the fall and spring that a cone of silence has descended upon the rumbling.

hummmmm....Let's see....the Metro Scout League loosens up the traditional teams loyalties....the rumor of a merge between DBAT/Mustangs.....rumors of Cade meeting with East Cobb organization in past 6 months.......rumor of a new announcement after the Scout League is over.......

IMHO, sounds like someone may be setting up to model after the East Cobb format:

Metro - Astros ?
Metro - Braves ?
Metro - Yankees ?
Metro - Mets ?

By the way, not a bad model to copy, if true? Perhaps hosting a Perfect Game showcase tournament here in the Metroplex is also in the future. Maybe skip PG and simply host a "Metro Showcase Natl Tournament" could be in order instead. Could be a big financial winner for those who are involved (DBAT, Mustangs and perhaps Marshals) and a good opportunity for the local players/families. This could be a win-win plan if managed correctly by reducing the overall travl costs for the local teams.

Could it be? Many questions, very few answers!
Consider the Mustangs or Marshals or Austin Slam or other orgs today. Will combining the organizations -- not saying that will happen -- be much different? Different names on the uniforms? The DBAT group would be making adjustments to accomodate more is that a bad thing? I'm surely naive, but if good baseball men work together to advance select baseball in the Metroplex (like last fall's MSL), where is the downside? One fewer "A" team perhaps? As we've discussed on many occasions -- there is ample room for the select groups. Maybe I will have a different perspective as MD, but let's see where the dust settles before leaping to wild conclusions.

These guys are good at creating intrigue though....gotta give 'em credit. Cool
There is no reason to believe that fewer players will participate in a combined organization -- there are how many Mustang teams? Just 15 fewer players on a single "top" team, if that occurs. As tychco indicates, all teams should receive the benefit of the exposure. The Georgia kids certainly seem to be doing ok.

CU is right (of course) -- forming a cohesive TEAM is key.....although few teams finish their seasons with the same roster.
Last edited by Panther Dad
BTW, the reason everyone is so hush/hush is that the people involved don't want any problems before the Metro Scout League season starts.

if this is so good for everybody then why are they avoiding telling everyone now? why wait?
If it was going to be great for everyone I wouldn't be able to wait to tell the world.

I think Texas Crude has got it right. It's about money... not telling anyone until they have the Fall money locked in.
Originally posted by Panther Dad:
Left out of what?

Well if you keep condensing the teams down there has to be kids left out. The ones that don't make the cut on the top tier team. I am saying if there is a creation of an "Uber-team" created from 3 teams. If you do the math around 40 kids wont be on that team.

Now if the idea is to create multiple "Uber-teams" with comparable talent then maybe no one gets left out.

Texas Crude has made some good points.
Last edited by P1tickethead110
What is "Uber" (I'm usually decent at acronyms - I would have understood "Fubar")? Cool ALL organizations have a "best" team, right? I suppose everyone thinks their kid belongs on that team. Some do, some do not. Some belong on the "better" team. Some belong on the "good" team. It will be up to parents to understand how the season is going to lay out -- how the kids will be promoted, featured, showcased, etc. Do the scounts at East Cobb watch only one team? Naaa.

So, set goals, do research, ask questions, and form an opinion on the best path for your son. I think the guys involved with these teams (among many others) can help. Their skins on the wall should count for something.

Last edited by Panther Dad
Can I comment?

Well, I will anyway.

I don't know if there is any truth to the merger rumor, but I will say this...

DBAT has grown from an instructional facility into a multi functional operating business.

I can remember the night I met with Cade in his dirty apartment. He was excited what was to come and wanted all involved to be as well. He gave each instructor a free glove and a place to earn a living.

Over the years, DBAT has added wood bats, clothing, equipment, camps, leagues, and the topic of this thread............teams.

It's obvious the success that has come with each venture.

How many other baseball facilities do you know that has had the finacial stability and operational success of DBAT? For that matter, how many even stay in business?

My point is, Cade and Kyle Griffis are pretty sharp individuals when it comes to new ideas for amatuer baseball. Now their deer hunting decisions may be left to question.

Do they make decisions for a profit? Of course. But in my opinion if they can feed their families in trade for the thousands of families they've helped..........I'm alright with that.

Just a few years ago, I was part of a merger with DBAT and the Knights. I'd like to think that those teams added to the national recognition that DBAT teams have today.

If a new merger is upon us, I think the thought process behind it be well thought out and a plan will be in place.

For those who fear some players will be outcasts...

Guess again.

If a player is removed from any team, he plays for another which makes that team better or worse.

If 15 players are removed from a so called "A" team, those 15 players will make up another "A" team. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if several new organizations are a direct result of a possible merger. Those organizations may bring a better product than what's been in place. Who knows?

When it's all said and done, Cade and Kyle (and even Kirk) are good people. They want what's best for their families, young aspiring baseball players, and amatuer baseball in the DFW community.

As for Shayne and the Marshal's, can't speak for much other than the product on the field. I was always impressed with the organization and presence shown by them.

As for Sam and the Mustangs, I'd hate to see the target removed. I loved coaching against them because they had my respect. (and Cade, I don't think any team I coached lost to them. For you, I understand the "if you can't beat them, join them" approach if that's what your doing. )

I don't always see eye to eye with Cade on some issues, but we usually hash those out at deer camp or at the regional tournament. I believe our disagreements only help the friendship we've shared for so long.

Bottom line here folks, as long as the important issues remain at the forefront of any decision, the outcome will be successful.

That is to develop young men, teach discipline and responsibilty, and promote amatuer baseball under the "team" concept.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
since when are these three teams the best someone can play for? there are lots of places to play here and everywhere... you don't have to have all D1 players to do well... it is the best nine, not the nine best....

if ya want to play for a good team, play for Miracles or Raiders... last I saw the Miracles dropped Mustangs, Tigers and DBAT... and they were just a bunch of dirtbaggers....

Texas Crude has almost nailed it.. b ut who really cares.... besides "helicopter" parents...
Last edited by Diablo con Huevos

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