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Well, as coincidence would have it, my catcher went after a foul pop in no man's land in front of the 3rd base dugout a few hours ago and suffered a mild concussion when his face hit the leg of the 3rd baseman who was also going all out for the ball. I shudder to think how much worse it could have been had he not kept his mask on, even going after pop ups, as I have told him to do!
I've been trying to have my son keep his mask on for plays at the plate but it's hard for him when I tell him to keep it on but other Coaches/parents are telling him to take it off.I've even showed him MLB and College games where the players are keeping it on.I would like him to start young and get a habit of keeping it on,he says he can see perfectly fine with the helmet he has.

JMW37, hope your players is allright.

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