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[QUOTE] Unfortunately for the Red Raiders, the most devastating blow came on a play at the plate when catcher Matt Smith was injured on a sliding play by Eli Rumler. Smith took a shot to his left knee and will most likely miss the remainder of the season.[QUOTE]

Just found this on the Texas Tech web site. Say a prayer tonight for Matt. He's a great kid and son of FormerObserver. Hopefully there's not major damage to the knee. If anyone has details, please let us know.
"You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time"
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Matt received an injury to his left knee last night on what will become a very questioned sliding play at the plate.

He has a level II+ strain of his left medial collateral ligament. A level III strain is a complete tear of the liganment, so the doctors exam indicates some tearing.

This injury does not usually require surgery because the ligament will heal itself, unfortunately for Matt, in about 4-6 weeks, essentially the remainder of the season.

We have been very fortunate that, except for some broken fingers, our boys have never suffered a serious season ending injury while catching a baseball game, a possibility that we always knew existed.

Ironically, our internet connection was acting up at the moment the play happened, and we did not see (but could hear) the play. The video portion returned just as Matt was walking, with a limp, off the field.

We were fortunate to see Matt walk off the field, know the injury could have been much worse, and are thankful that it was not.

Matt has enjoyed tremendous success and recognition in his baseball career. Our family does not take that success and recognition for granted and know that every game could be the last.

The really bad news is that he had to be at the trainer's office this morning at 8:00AM.

Here's links to the articles about the game.

Thank you for your concern and prayers.

We play again today at 1:00PM.
Last edited by FormerObserver
FO -- very sorry to hear the news -- I know it's very disappointing for you, but also for all of us that have followed his season and enjoyed his success. I too will pray for his speedy recovery -- hoping to see him DH in the tourney. If there is a positive side to having to endure such an injury, I suppose we could say, "at least it's not next year!" when MLB will be lined up to get a shot at him in early June.

Keep us posted on his recovery.
Last edited by Panther Dad
There are really no words that can make one feel better when these things happen. I understand and will pray for Matt that he and his family will get through this difficult time and look towards his bright future.

These injuries are just getting to be too much for the HSBBW family.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
In the words of 33 and 2 "We got yer back" Hope Matt has some great news after the training room this morning. He's a gamer, he'll be back better than ever.

And, the whole team did, and seeing that was just overwhelming to me....................

Ice, heat, (I think) brace today, crutches, and a regimen for the rest of the body to be maintained so he will be ready when the knee is.

The trainers are very, very good.

Were you watching?
Last edited by FormerObserver

I am so relieved to hear it's not a major tear. I know it's devistating to have what happen, happen, but it sounds like it could have been much worse. He'll bounce back in not time I bet.

Good luck to AS the rest of the way with the Dawgs. They're gonna be tough to beat with the arms and sticks they have.

Keep your head up and know that our prayers are with Matt and your family right now.

I wasn't gonna say or post anything about the slide and just let the processes take care of themselves.

And, I think they will.

But, I was looking at those pictures in the paper again after hearing others express their observations about the slide, and noticed these things.

First you can clearly see that Matt is on the infield in front of the plate.

Second, you can see the runners RIGHT foot across the foul line. So, then think about where the runners left leg is.

Third, you can see the back of Matt's left foot behind the runners right knee.

The throw was on the way, Matt could have blocked the plate. In fact you can see the ball at the mitt in the other picture. He allowed plenty of room for the runner to make it to the base.

All the runner had to do was go wide to his right and stick his left hand out across the plate.

Umpires call?

Safe at home.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Because I would probably have every word edited by modiraters I will simply say "A picture is worth a thousand words" If this were the NFL, which the runner is acting as if he's in, there would be a hefty fine awaiting Tuesday morning.
Hard nose baseball is hard nose baseball, this is not!
PS Sorry for all the misspelled words and english errors. What can I say, I'm a C student.
Well, I didn't think enough before I posted that
and didn't realize the anxiety that it causes some, including you Swinger.

So, swinger, I'll have a special PM for your viewing pleasure later.

For the rest of you, you should know that the runner and the batter that drove the run in that smiled while he was on second base and Matt was down were intentionally walked later in the game.
PM might be a good idea or we stand a good chance on when is it OK to plunk at the college level thread. I'm afraid I'd have to give my 2 cents worth on that topic due to this incident. I don't want to get one going, so everybody just take a deep breath and have a Great Easter. 1 more thing ~ Thank God for shingaurds! It could have been twice as bad.
FO - I am very sorry to hear this news. Matt was dominating this season. My prayers for a speedy recovery.

I will take it one step further than some of the other comments. From the photographs alone, the slide looks like a dirty play designed to injure a player. No need whatsoever to take the catcher out because the plate does not appear blocked pull_hair
Originally posted by infielddad:
Also hope the Big XII reviews this situation and takes the appropriate action for what appears to be a runner going way outside the baseline, and for no reason.

Ditto that comment!

I know Matt will take this set back and turn it into something positive. Unfortunately, we don't always get to pick and choose our life changing moments, but we do get to decide how to deal with them.

Prayers for a speedy, full recovery! Matt's one of the good guys! God speed!
FO - just returning from the weekend and very sorry to see this news about Matt --- yes, it looks like a cheap shot to me as well. The silver lining is that it is the MCL and not the ACL which would have required surgery and a six month rehab. I will include Matt in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Let him know many are praying for him. I saw firsthand how powerful that is with my own's injury last summer. Take care and God bless.
Thank ya'll again for your support.

Matt is dealing with it very well and so are we.

NO need to bear ill will.

We are disappointed that it has happend now right when the team seems to be gaining momentum for a potential run in the playoffs.

PantherDads comment about returning as a DH really provided a positive spin on things.

Sometimes these things heal pretty quickly, so or enough, that he might be able to return in A DH capacity before the end of the year.

Good things do come from bad.

With distance and maturity, parents perspectives are more removed on college teams. Reading the comments from other players and noting the teams reaction, provided an insight to his contributions to the team in leadership and respect that we did not realize.

He's taking it in stride, so we will too.
FO - We joined the hecklers on Saturday afternoon and Eli had a rough day. The Tanya Harding chants were strong and several references to his Hobbitt like physique. We started at the first pitch and finished about 20 minutes after the last out. He was 0 for the day with 2 k's and a big error in the 6th. His trip to Lubbock was less than pleasant. I am already marking my calender for next season because I believe he is an underclassman.

It was obvious the team missed Matt. Keep him positive. This should be a bump in the road. Keep us posted.
Didn't speak with Matt today. They are playing Arizona State right now and ahead.

Matt's diagnosis was not iffy. The trainer knew the diagnosis when they were on the field. A physicians assistant and the physician did separate exams and both diagnosed II and II plus within just a few seconds.

Matt said that when he was trying to stay in the game, he squatted and moved side to side and said, "my left knee just rammed into my right knee and I couldn't stop it".

This one will have a happy ending but its gonna be a few weeks.

Poignant paragraph in the Lubbock paper today.

Zachry readily admits he won't be able to replace Smith's offensive production. Smith entered the Kansas State series ranked 14th in the league in batting average (.370) and ranked in the top 10 in hits (54), home runs (7), walks (22), doubles (14), RBIs (41) and total bases (90). They were numbers that put him in serious contention for all-Big 12 honors and landed him on the watch list for the Johnny Bench Award, given annually to the nation's best collegiate catcher

Glad you enjoyed yourself Vanlandingham. That'll get in your blood and is more addictive than the hsbaseballweb, ain't it?

And while I reviewed those intentional walks with a coworker today, she pointed out that they headed directly to 1B, mouths closed, with no body language, as apparently instructed....

Maybe they learned some baseball this weekend.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Here in Lubbock today, lots of discussion on the local radio shows about the collision and the expected action after review by the Big XII. The whole sports community in Lubbock is outraged and all of the Raider fans are sick for Matt and for the huge void it leaves in the team.

He's got lots of prayers and support here in Lubbock!
Youngest Collikar sent Matt an email today. He was very impressed with the LAJ stats listed for your boy. Said he wanted to be just like him when he was older. He's a great role model. Apples don't fall far from the tree.


I've known the Smith family my entire life. I grew up with Tony's youngest brother and played baseball with him in HS. I can tell you that there's not finer people anywhere on earth.

It sickens me to watch the video of the collision. There's no doubt in my mind that the guy did it on purpose. And to see the guy that hit the ball standing on 2nd base smiling. I wanted to choke him as he stood there. Man, it makes me mad!
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
Youngest Collikar sent Matt an email today. He was very impressed with the LAJ stats listed for your boy. Said he wanted to be just like him when he was older. He's a great role model. Apples don't fall far from the tree.


I've known the Smith family my entire life. I grew up with Tony's youngest brother and played baseball with him in HS. I can tell you that there's not finer people anywhere on earth.

It sickens me to watch the video of the collision. There's no doubt in my mind that the guy did it on purpose. And to see the guy that hit the ball standing on 2nd base smiling. I wanted to choke him as he stood there. Man, it makes me mad!

Just a note to follow up with everyone else. What collikar failed to mention is that a few weeks ago she relayed to FO that our 10 YO was a catcher and wanted to play catcher in college someday. FO passed that info to Matt. He took the time to send our 10 YO an encouragement email and have a baseball signed to give to him.

Taking the time to do encourage a 4th grader speaks louder than any stat he put up this season (although his stats are incredible). And no amount of dirty players can take that away from him.

I was saddened to hear the news about your son...but it sure appears that Matt and the rest of your family are dealing with his injury as best as possible...that's the only way to go actually! The Smith's are obviously a good family...worth going to bat for...a distinction that is earned.

And I would like to make a request...can I become an honorary Texan? The amount of support that you're getting from around the country is great, but your fellow Texans are awe inspiring...truly!

If I were ever up against it I would feel a whole lot better knowing that I've got Texas buddies like you have watching out for me...way to go Texans!


Even though we have 2 of the fastest growing counties in the country in Collin, where FO lives, and Rockwall, where I live, we would love to have you down here with us!!

It was 102 here yesterday, so you might want to wait til this fall though. It looks like it's gonna be another hot one this summer as usual. It's starting awful early this year!

Those were nice words by the way to a family that deserves them. Thank you for taking the time to write from up there.

By the way, Rockwall's catcher, Chad Noble, will be up in your neck of the woods this fall at Northwestern University on a baseball scholarship. If you're ever at one of their games next spring, tell him hello. He's a great kid.
Played for Coach Hays in 87 and 88 and would expect nothing else from him. Class man and class family.

I have seen the replays and was at the Saturday game and talked to baseball guys that saw the play. The fact is that the play was bush league. It is no different than a guy running down the first baseline and stepping on the first baseman's foot. Rumler can deny his motives all he wants, but people that know the game, recognize what he did. That is why I was all over him like a cheap suit on Saturday. Never fear though, baseball never forgets. When you disrespect the game or the guys you compete against, eventually baseball will get you. It might be a SS being taken out on a double play or a 5'7" hitter taking a fastball under the chin. Baseball never forgets. I don't blame the coach or the University. It was an awful split second decision that has repercussions. Baseball never forgets. There will be accountability for the actions on Friday night. Sleep well young Mr. Frodo and remember there are no team mates with you on 2nd base or once you step in that box. BASEBALL NEVER FORGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Vanlandingham
The fact is that the play was bush league.


People want to have fancy titles like commissioner or director and make lots of money. When it comes down to it, that is many times all they really want and often shirk the required responsibility that comes with the job.

Sure it would have been tough to craft something in general for this situation but they should have made a specific example out of this knucklehead. Rules can be read in anyone's favor and they obviously chose the path of least resistance.

That was C-R-A-P. I showed the picture to my son and the first thing he noticed was where Matt was and where the runner was. You're taking it very well, Tony, a helluva lot better than I would be. I'm going to be out in Lubbock before the season ends so I hope to stop in and throw a "hey" Matt's way. On another note, it looks like the younger son is making some noise again this year. It'll be fun playing with you guys again this summer.
Last edited by justabitoutside
Oklahoma at Lubbock this weekend (Cox Sports Saturday night) (Matt ain't in the lineup)

Nebraska away

Missouri home

OSU away then to OKC for BIG Turd Tournament.

If you go out the weekend of MO, let me know, I'll tell Matt you are coming.

Lots of life lessons here including a 20 year old's learning that as humans we don't always do the right things, learning to truly forgive and the freedom that provides, and that obstacles come our way in a variety of forms, many of which are frequently discussed here.

Matt has been fortunate to move on to college and continue to have success, another formidable obstacle that we all face.

And, a few days ago, while I was reviewing the qaulity of stats in the DMN, I see Nick F L A B I A N O (Highland Park) in there amongst the leaders.

There is a guy getting over some obstacles.

This guy has too

1 Rueda, Willie INF 5-9/150 FR El Paso, Texas/Bel Air

Willie is the season starter at 2B for the Red Raiders and he plays because he can HIT.
Last edited by FormerObserver

To keep all the poop in the same pile, I'll put the one week update here.

You all know the distance between the high school baseball and football programs are huge.

The distance is even greater in college than high school.

The injury volume in college football is high and they have the corresponding capacity for treatment. Matt said they have about 25 training tables in the football training room.

Matt's injury is similar to a clipping injury in football, so they have tremendous expertise in that area.

He works out at rehab for about two hours. Walks in a special pool (football's equipment) with a treadmill in it where they can vary the temp and the speed.

He said he has been walking forward in the pool at about 1.3 mph, but not starting activity that will require side to side movement until next week.

He has also been walking forward out of the water with a neoprene brace (football equipment) that the football players use after trying several other braces.

They have a variety of excercises that he does with various weight machines (football equipment) to strengthen the knee.

After the workout, they have equipment (football equipement) that is used to cool the knee joint down, the way a pitcher does after the game with an ice wrap on the elbow and shoulder. With that equipment they can maintain the temperature and time that they need to get it cooled down after a pretty strenuous workout.

He used the crutches (football equipment) for only a few days and that neoprene brace allows him to walk forward on his own now.

He says that he already feels some strength and stability returning to the knee in his forward movement.

When I talked with him yesterday, he had just finished working out and he was exhausted and grouchy like after a game, so that tells you how hard he is working.

It appears that he will not travel to Nebraska next weekend, so he may come home for a visit, and maybe get to see Andrew's last game of this season.

Collikar, he will bring that ball with him, so we won't have it Tuesday when ya'll come to McKinney.

Now, for those of you that can appreciate the famous parking cops at Texas Tech, and for GrandpaPDiddy. At first light on Monday after the injury, Matt endured the bureaucratic BS of Texas Tech parking system and, after a day long process, obtained a handicapped parking sticker for his 400+HP Red/Black Chevrolet SS Camaro that, unlike GranpdaPDiddy, he has never gotten a traffic ticket while driving.

So, can't you just see this muscular athlete in that car stepping out of the handicapped parking place on the Texas Tech campus?

So, he is on the phone a couple of nights ago with mamma, while he is going to the grocery store (no crutches now) and officer friendly catches him on the way out of the store headed to the car and queries him about his handicapped parking sticker. "Yep, I got one." "I hurt my knee playing baseball." Officer, "Oh, you're THAT kid."

Officer, "Well, we just wanted to hear you start your car, anyway."

Thank God for football.
Last edited by FormerObserver
Well, he either has a very pretty girlfriend --- or he avoids Runaway Bay -- or both! With gas prices as they are, it may be cheaper to fly. I'm glad Matt will have a chance to see Andrew play -- although everytime PSI comes to see PSIII play, he fizzles. Smile

The Red Raiders had better kick it up a notch or they will have an early summer break. Frown
Last edited by Panther Dad

Thank you for the very detailed explanation of Matt's progress. I'm glad he's feeling some strength coming back. That's a good sign. Good luck to MN in the playoff's and to Andrew. We finally pretty much clinched our playoff spot yesterday with a big comeback win against Mesquite. It was a big day for the seniors, winning the game and then the Prom last night. I bet there's a lot of kids over here still asleep as I type!! Any truth to the rumor that LA said last week about Coach Milam going to Boyd? That would be a shocker to North I'm sure.

I just wanted to say that I am very sorry about what happened to Matt. I just recently realized the connection between you and Texas Tech baseball. I have always enjoyed your posts and consider you one of the "good guys" on the hsbbweb. I was able to watch all 3 games of the series this weekend with OU thanks to Tech's internet video webcast. The Raiders definitely missed Matt behind the plate and at the plate! I'm sure the OU staff and team will be on the alert for Rumler when Kansas State comes to Norman the weekend after next. I also imagine he will be barraged with a bunch of not so kind remarks from the hecklers. Heck, I might even get in on some of that action! Razz Well, probably not..just because I'm a little too old for that but I will bet that there will be plenty of OU fans who will voice their displeasure towards him during the weekend. Razz

Good luck to Matt and hope he has a speedy recovery. Smile

FO ~

Sounds like it's the same campus cops that were there twenty years ago...not much has changed in that department.

Great update! One day at a time. I'm sure it is frustrating and monotonous but the payoff will surely be worth it.

Young collikar has a double header Tuesday, so we'll have to meet up during the playoffs. (I'm thinking positive here. Wink)

Keep the posts coming!

Go Tech!
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:

Thank you for the very detailed explanation of Matt's progress. I'm glad he's feeling some strength coming back. That's a good sign. Good luck to MN in the playoff's and to Andrew. We finally pretty much clinched our playoff spot yesterday with a big comeback win against Mesquite. It was a big day for the seniors, winning the game and then the Prom last night. I bet there's a lot of kids over here still asleep as I type!! Any truth to the rumor that LA said last week about Coach Milam going to Boyd? That would be a shocker to North I'm sure.


The information about Milam going to Boyd was announced on shortly after the game on Friday night.
Thanks DawgDad!! I really can't believe he's leaving after having so much success at North. 3 straight district championships in the first 4 years of the school playing varsity sports. I bet there's not many HS coaches who can say that on their resume. The guy is a great coach and an even better person. I wish him the best of luck at the new school. Do you know who all on the currentroster is going to be moving on to Boyd? It must be several kids for him to be leaving. Good luck through the playoffs.
FO – there are many people who are following this story. I know in our family, even though you do not know us, really do care and have Matt in our thoughts and prayers. As an alumnus of TT and being a north Metroplex local, I have followed Matt from HS to Tech.

More importantly, the type of injury hits close to home. My son tore his MCL, ACL and PCL. The later two were torn from the bone. Four surgeries later, he will be off to college to play baseball next year. Even though he has chosen another position to play after the injury, he has been given a green light to catch without a brace from his doctor.

Tell Matt to keep the faith and know that he will overcome this set back.

Young Collikar (10 yrs old) got an email from Mr. Texas Tech today and was glad to hear from him. He told my son that he was working hard at rehab, etc... etc... (don't want to break their confidentiality, lol).

Once again, speaks highly of this young man to take time out to write my son.(They've never met.) Told him he'd be in town this weekend and was leaving something for him. I tear up cry just thinking that here this injured young man is, and he's thinking about making sure he gets this 10yo a ball. Unbelievable!

prayMATT SMITH you ARE the MAN!

Last edited by collikar
Originally posted by FormerObserver:
even though you do not know us, really do care and have Matt in our thoughts and prayers.


Send me a PM, FanOGame, I'd like to hear about your son.

Another Red Raider. Not enough of them in the world. Big Grin

collikar, I guess we'll send him some money for gas to get home.

angel Sweet angel boy just wants to see his mommy and daddy and little bubba... Smile

Been an interesting day.

A week off for final exams, so an extra week available for healing. Didn't look at the schedule closely enough.

Some jumping rope going on. (Slight understatment)

Some BP early, early before a game.

Can't squat.

A base running attempt coming up.......

One ball delivered...........

One lab technician scorched while analyzing a pee specimen....... Roll Eyes

No response to some questions to the Big 12 and the NCAA.
Last edited by FormerObserver

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