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It never hurts to understand how things work, and be able to explain it to someone.   One of the schools that recruited & offered son (on an Unofficial Visit) got him talking about the physics of pitching and specifically the knuckleball.  Oldest son wrote a high school physics paper on the knuckleball after becoming infatuated with it watching Tim Wakefield and reading his book.   Son threw it a little bit in his younger years including high school which was a genuine swing and miss pitch.  My son, the head coach and the pitching coach talked for 30 minutes on this topic in incredible detail.   A few days later, my son had his first offer so I think he did something right.


2022NYC, little good comes from stereotyping groups of people, regardless of whether the stereotype is good, bad or indifferent.  We should judge each other on our own merits.  That's the beauty of baseball and this kind of forum.  90 mph is 90 mph, 450 feet is 450 feet, courage is courage and a 6.5, 60 is a 6.5, 60, regardless of whether the player is Jewish, Black, German, Irish or Asian.  So, let's keep this forum as great as it it, and avoid that kind of talk, even if your intention was solely to be funny.      

jbench posted:

2022NYC, little good comes from stereotyping groups of people, regardless of whether the stereotype is good, bad or indifferent.  We should judge each other on our own merits.  That's the beauty of baseball and this kind of forum.  90 mph is 90 mph, 450 feet is 450 feet, courage is courage and a 6.5, 60 is a 6.5, 60, regardless of whether the player is Jewish, Black, German, Irish or Asian.  So, let's keep this forum as great as it it, and avoid that kind of talk, even if your intention was solely to be funny.      

He’s joking about a previous post in another thread I made on the same day. I’m Jewish.

Last edited by RJM

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