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It’s pathetic that some people put their own dishonorable agenda over restoring and maintaining the integrity of baseball.

But those people are out there and there are even a few on this board whose attitude is enabling this to happen. Where’s the outrage?

It’s also pretty bad when McCain has to point out the obvious to people who know better. I wish he didn’t have to do it, but he did and I’m glad someone is.

Don Fehr and the players union are disgraceful. Selling out the integrity of the game and the safety of the players for money.

As far as I’m concerned, Henry Aaron will always be the homerun king until someone beats his record fair and square. Looking at the top, active homerun hitters, there’s no one even close.
Does anybody see the conflict of interest here?
Let's face it, modern professional sports is really becoming or has become a bit of a freak show. Home runs that travel 500' and 100 mph fastballs sell tickets. Eek
Does anybody believe that we have all of a sudden found a population of 300+lb linemen to fill NFL rosters? And does anybody believe that the NFL's drug testing is much more than a public relations front?
If all we need is a facade that makes us feel like its being cleaned up then model your drug program after the NFL's, catch a couple of cheaters and make yourself look virtuous and clean. Razz
Until the money is separated from the testers and the tested then the freak show will continue! duel
The United States government, including 635 popularly elected politicians, is going to save baseball. The same outfit that took 6 years to agree on the percentage of peanuts required to be in peanut butter. The same bunch that when the Federal Paperwork Reduction Act was passed, required that every agency file, in triplicate, a report on how it was going to comply with the Paperwork...Reduction...Act. The same bunch that put in the Internal Revenue Code that Cows and Steers are not "like kind".

Why am I not comfortable over this....
The old saying never more true: How great must the game be that it can survive the actions of those who run it.

Look, the owners managed to mess things up by installing their puppet, Err Bud. They changed the powers of the commissioner's office and now seek only to go back to the good ol' days, when they stuck it to the players.

The players have been sticking it to the owners at any and every turn for the last roughly 35 years. The best thing you can say about the union's leader is that he's getting old and he won't be around much longer.

The only time you hear "For the Good of the Game" is in a movie title.

While it is documentable truth that politics and sport do not mix, I'm not sure anymore the politicos can do anything to hurt baseball.
Poking fun at politicians doesn’t change the facts. And the facts are that steroids and other illegal substances have been a serious problem in sports for quite sometimes. Some sports are taking the problem serious and unfortunately baseball is not one of them.

Coming up with a solution to fixing a political football like social security is complicated. On the other hand, there should be nothing complicated about banning steroids in baseball; real testing and real penalties for cheaters.

I’d say McCain is simply saying what many of already know; baseball had plenty of time to fix the problem but chose not to and if they can’t do it, someone else will fix it for them. Now go ahead and get the **** thing fixed!

He is saying the same thing every fan should be saying. Stop the cheating! We are tired of cheering on the cheaters and we sure as hell don’t want our own kids doing what they are doing.

To you probably well intentioned individuals who by your words or inaction are enabling the problem to exist, rethink your position and join the vast majority of us in calling for all of baseball to make it known that cheating in the future is not allowed and cheaters in the past will not be rewarded.
Last edited by SBK
Where is McCain when the talk of the 527's and all the money that was brought INTO the election cycle this year?

Wasn't McCain-Feingold supposed to clean that up?

Of course not, it was just 1.) a way to get his name in the press and 2.) something to be able to point at and say "At least we tried"

What a bunch of garbage.

He needs to worry about the state of baseball in Pheonix.
If MLB does not want Congress involved in their business then they should either clean up their own house or give back their anti trust exemption. I also find it interesting that many respected baseball people such as Tommy Lasorda are so disgusted by the steroid situation they are also calling for the Feds to jump in if MLB can't get the problem under control.

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