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When lawyers and agents speak and use the media for attention it's called posturing. I'd take all of it with a grain of salt. Clemens and any other named player is allowed due process not being the victim of a "burn the *** at the stake" witch hunt.

Clemens doesn't have to be innocent. He only has to be not quilty. Of course then he'll be judged by all the media of strong moral fiber who vote for the HOF. A

ll we have is the word of a questionable character. Where's the evidence and/or the line of witnesses? This is the least any of you would want if you were accused of something that placed you in the forefront of the news and impuned your character.

Is Clemens innocent or guilty? Who knows. We weren't there. If Clemens is guilty he's trying to place enough doubt (not guilty) in the mind of the public to protect his HOF status.

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