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I've never been to perfect game before. Maybe you've seen me somewhere else. I've been clocked in one of my college games this year at 94. The hardest I've ever hit was off of my mound, which you see in the video, was at 97. My dad bought a jugs gun so that I could track my velocity and play with my mechanics to see what works and what doesn't.
Last edited by ShepFPC28

Good arm action, ur a hoss!

I think that you should stay focused on the plate with your head and eyes. One the 2nd and 3rd pitches you drop your head down to watch your back plant foot. One thing that I am always telling my pitchers is that the more you can focus your vision on your target and the hitter and less on your body the more successful you will be. You dont have to watch your legs and feet, all of the action is up at the plate.
Take that radar gun and see if your can throw FB's between 88-92 to go along with that flame. See what type of movement you get when you throw your FB(work on both 2 & 4) at 85-95% max. Always work on that Change!!!

Justin Stringer
hey guys thanks for the feedback. The head thing is something i've been working on since high school. I've gotten better at it because it used to be worse and I'm still working on correcting it. Here is some videos of me crow hopping and pitching last fall. I have the radar gun in these videos, take a look.
Shep#1, I have been back to watch those streaming video clips a half dozen times since sending you that PM and I am here to tell you,
I will do everything in my power to help you get signed if that it is what you want and I think this was a very wise move on your part posting those clips because they are stunning!!!! Very seldom I have ever seen 98-99MPH balls from crow-hops like that and I see great potential and so do others here. peace
Shep (the pitcher). Have you been injured? Just trying to sort out why a kid throwing mid 90's at Franklin Pierce has only tossed 3.2 ineffective innings (4 walks, five hits, 1 K)? There are 13 other kids with more innings pitched on your team. I don't mean this to focus on a negative. That arm speed and those results don't add up.
Last edited by 4bagger
To 4bagger:

Ill give you a couple of reasons why I haven't been pitching.

1. We have 8 pithers who can throw into the 90's
2. A lot of the pitchers who have recorded more innings than me are either juniors about to be drafted or seniors that coach feels really confident with.
3. Our starting pitchers have pitched many complete games and haven't left many opportunities for our bullpen, which I happen to be apart of.
4. We have 5 pitchers who are going to get drafted onour team some as high as the 3rd round.
5. I will list in order our hardest throwing pitchers an their highest game recorded velocity:
Top Velocity
1. Grabowski - 95 - Junior
2. Shepard (me) - 94 - Sophomore
3. Presutti - 93 - Junior
4. Fournier - 93 - Junior
5. Jenkins - 93 - Junior
6. Mather - 92 - Senior
7. Berberian - 92 - Junior
8. duplissie - 91 - Senior

6. One other thing is that I have yet to prove my self and on a team this good it's kind of hard. Ya I can throw hard, but that's not everything in pitching. I'm on my way up and have been progressing steadily for a year now. I'm pretty raw right now, but I definitley have the potential.
By the way the video is not edited and when the weather clears up I will be happy to make another video. I was planning on it anyways.

If you don't believe me you can contact my coach Jayson King. I'm here for positive feedback not hoaxes and jokes. So maybe you should do some research. And if you want to see me in person you can feel free to come over and see for yourself.
Last edited by ShepFPC28

Interesting first post! How did you figure out who this pitcher is and where he was going to college? I don't remember him mentioning it on here.

I don't see a problem with your post, but just curious why your very first post was this one.

There could be many reasons for a lack of innings in addition to those he mentioned. We can not see his other pitches (would love to), or his ability to command the strike zone. The one obvious thing and I didn't need to see the radar gun readings or the crow hop, is this kid has a great arm and a good body. I know I'll be following him in the future just for interest sake if nothing else. You don't see arm speed like that every day!


I recognize a few of those other pitchers. Your #1 is very good as are some of the others.

One question... We had an Eric Grabowski who was involved in our stuff a lot. He was an outstanding athlete with a great body who could run like a deer and he had a big time arm.

He was an OF/RHP in high school. I thought at the time he would have a great pro future. Kind of lost track of him over the past couple of years. He went to high school in Mass I think.

Is this the same Eric Grabowski? If so would you please tell him hello from me. I really liked that kid a lot and wish him the very best.

Are you a scout with a team? A birdog? Or a feelancer? And for who? Just curious. Thanks.

Appreciate you asking Coach but due to unsolicited phone calls to various front offices through the years from curious people, I have chosen to remain anonymous here on internet for the most part except with the player I am directly helping as far as the organization I am directly making recommendations to. Hope you understand and I'm sure you do. Know Ed Creech very well Smile He was with Expos for years when I played college and pro. I also know some other pro coverage scouts for Pirates. Hope Eric is doing well and wished the Pirates had an affiliate here in FL State League because that would probably clear a few things up for you and a couple of others like you know who Smile Glad to see your getting some help from PantherProud down in TX forum. That is one busy forum. With all this in mind, I would like to invite you up to see FL State League game in future. I mainly use Vero as home base but do go to Port St Lucie and a few other parks on this side of state. Pick out a game close by and I would like to meet you and spend some quality time with you, maybe even swap a few ideas about some player recommendations and so forth. If you meet me at gate, I have scout's pass and can get you in. I can do that in the scouting position I'm in Smile Kinda like it that way too because in the past, like when I was under contract as associate with Baltimore Orioles for ten years, and when I was under associate agreement with Texas Rangers, I couldn't swap ideas with others like yourself and many players I couldn't help if my organization didn't have interest in player. I know who you are and glad your here in S.FL and certainly look forward to meeting you.
peace, Shep
Don't worry buddy there will always be haters, most of them are just jealous and shallow.

3.2 ineffective innings (4 walks, five hits, 1 K)
If this is true you need to tone down some of that great flame you got and get the ball to the black and down by the knees. If you take some velocity off of the ball and mess around with different pressure points and grips you can get the ball to move more. Is your FB at 94 straight? Your FB at 89-91 will move if you work on it, then you will have 2 FB speeds.
After watching your 3 pitches a couple times again I really think that you should focus on developing more fluidness and rhythm in your delivery. You are really stiff and ridgid and then bang, a great powerful movement. I think that if you loosen up your body and work on balance and rhythm that you will be more effective in throwing strikes with all pitches.
I'm sure the reason that most of those pitchers are ahead of you is that they can locate more than 1 pitch down and on the black to go along with the good hard FB. Pitching is not about how hard you throw, it's about where you throw.

Keep us posted.

Justin Stringer

Any 19 yr old who demonstrates that level of arm strength will get attention and a lot of it.

Don't know what your intentions are 4bagger but the ball is already in motion for this prospect. Early birddog catches the wave and rides it out like in surfing. (no pun intended)
That sounds better than worm anyway. peace, Shep
Last edited by Shepster
Originally posted by CubanLefty:
Sorry for the thread hijack but by any chance do you have a clip of Cole Hamels Flipp?? I know you've got a bunch and I wanna see this 86-90 lefthander that is dominating pro players

I apologize for not responding sooner but I was gone all weekend at a baseball tournament. I do have a clip or two of Hamels and will do my best to post a clip online for you in the next day or two. I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday though so I don't want to promise anything. If I haven't posted a clip before I leave I will definitely do so when I get back.


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