My son was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in March of 05. For those of you who don’t know about bipolar disorder, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes severe mood swings. It is typically treated with medication and provided the patient is diligent they can live a normal life. It really isn’t much different than having diabetes except that the medication is a bit tricky. It took some time, but he is now on medication that appears to be working and he has been stable for the past 6 months. He sees his doctors once a month or more if needed. He missed his junior year playing baseball as a result. He has fought back and has worked himself back into shape and has decided to tryout for the team. Prior to this setback, he had some success attending the Underclass WWBA in 03, and several showcases before being invited to play with the Goodwill Series in Australia over the Christmas holiday in 04. He is a good hitter and has played with some success at third base.
There is such a social stigma that surrounds mental illness that he is facing some pressures that most kids don’t have to deal with. Most of his team mates are fine with him being back as they all seem to genuinely care and want him to play. It’s the coaches and the parents that are the problem. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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