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i'd like to wish you all a merry christmas,i hope your able to spend it with loved ones. if not i hope their safe.

i'd just found out the guy's name in the nativity scene, the big one way in the back. it's round john virgin,the things you learn.

merry christmas to all.

baseball......a big business disquised as a little boys dream.

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Round John Virgin 20dad? Standing next to Patti O'Furniture I suppose? Wink

Thank you for the Christmas wishes. I hope you and yours have a very joyous Holiday.

I'm hoping Santa brought me what I've been wishing for...a digital, wireless, and programmable ice scraper. Take that Suzy Snowflake! I'll be tap, tap, tapping on my keyboard and scraping her light diffusing nonsense off past each A-pillar!

Rudolph! Get in the car!

Merry Christmas to all! Did everyone get to spend some time with family and friends?

This afternoon I went skating (for the first time in years) with my hubby at an outdoor rink, and I did not break any bones! Actually I didn't even fall, but my hockey skills are worse than rusty. Luckily there was no goalie... Wink

"Don't go through life without goals!"

Have a Happy 2009!

Last edited by MN-Mom

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