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When my youngest went off to college and I sold my business and moved to my summer home. But I traveled to see them every two or three months. They returned to where they grew up for their professional careers. Due to Covid I haven’t seen my kids since last Christmas.

i  was treated by hugs from my daughter at the train station. My son almost knocked me over with a hug when he came through the door at my daughters house. To hell with Covid! Love conquers all.

RJM - Are you one of them there toxic parents? 

Merry Christmas + Happy Holidays if you are not of the persuasion.

I am up bright and early for the first time in 20 years since my kids were young to get stuff ready for the grandchildren.  When they come bouncing down the stairs in the next little while... I will have a full heart knowing I have lived and made something good and worthwhile while I was here.

If you can look in the mirror and say that then God has smiled on you and you should count your blessings.  And you will have peace in your heart and mind.  Not a terrible way to go to pasture.

Merry Christmas to all!

Had a great Christmas with my oldest daughter and my three grand children this morning and visited my Mom and sister (sister traveled from FL for the holiday) earlier this evening (Covid be damned).   Son surprised us with a visit earlier in the week.  Only my 2nd oldest daughter didn't travel home from FL and that's okay.  We had a good conversation over the phone.

May 2021 be far better than 2020! 

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