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Round robin tournament results through today.....


DBAT 18 d. Dallas Tigers 18 (8-6)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. TX Blackhawks 18 (3-2)
Dallas Tigers 18 tied Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (6-6)
LH Wildcats d. McKinney Marshals (12-2)


DBAT 18 d. Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (7-3)
DBAT 18 d. McKinney Marshals 18 (4-3)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. McKinney Marshals 18 (12-2)
LH Wildcats d. TX Blackhawks 18 (7-0)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. LH Wildcats (9-8)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. TX Blackhawks 18 (13-3)

-- Formerly Dallas Knights GM

Last edited {1}
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I have been a long time observer of these message boards, but just recently decided to share my opinions online. I have always enjoyed following summer baseball, especially the good programs (Tigers, DBAT, Mustangs, Marshalls, Frozen Ropes Blue Sox Wink) and watching the supposed "studs" from high school ball all get together and play eachother. However, I will have to agree with diamond pro in that there are a lot of overrated 08's, and they have huge egos as well. I saw a Dallas Mustangs team that was heavily senior led, behind the bats of 07 Casey Johnson and 07 Michael Choice and 07 Dan Evatt. None of their 08's impressed me with the bat, and their little act of throwing their hats after their third homerun in a row was completely out of line. I'm not trying to rain on the 08's parade, but I just haven't seen as much talent as in the '07 class such as Beavan, Green, Reid, Hill, Workman, Thomas, Stafford, Fleece, Pair, Bruening, and Doran, and that is only the pitchers from that class. However, these are all just my opinions so I apologize if I hurt any feelings. BTW, diamond pro, I hope the thing with Enrique doesn't end up bloody.
Last edited by Lavender and Cream
ARF is correct, please refrain from negative comments about individual players. I'll allow L&C to clean up his own post....and if not, I will do it once we return from today's games. Although we all enjoy colorful discussion about the teams and kids we know, the purpose of the site is to promote HS baseball -- not to criticize teenagers. If you want to discuss behavior and specific incidents, the comments should be generic when it comes to naming players. We all know someone that we can call if details are important to us. Thanks.

Concerning the reports from JAFO, I understand there were college coaches at the games --- seems some kids would want to be on their best behavior.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Wow! I'm relatively new to this board having been introduced to it a couple of months ago by a friend. The single most impressive thing to me in monitoring the board during that time has been the quality, tone and tenor exhibited by virtually every poster. In my view, the board moderators and frequent poster do a fantastic job of keeping the tone positive while also ensuring meaningful information is being shared.

Now to the content of my first of what will be infrequent posts....again, wow! DiamondPro's post is so inappropriate, or maybe better said, so out of character with the nature and spirit of this board, I was stunned to read it. I know most of the '08s referenced in your post and those of subsequent posters and I couldn't disagree more with your characterization of them -- for example, Nico Taylor is one of the classiest kids I've been around. Moreover, it doesn't really matter whether your characterization is accurate or not, that type of post adds nothing to the quality of information being shared, or further what I perceive the purpose of this board to be.

Lastly, I'd add that at least some of the facts around the events cited are inaccurate, misleading or taken out of context. In this case I think posters might want to exhibit some of the class that they're all too quick to criticize 17 year old kids for not having.
I thought bashing individual players was out of line here.

If its not it should be. Bash the 18 and overs, not the 18 and unders.

If you are an 08 and took what Lavender and Diamond said to heart, dont worry. Anyone who will judge you on a bad game or weekend dosnt understand the failure involved in this game, and is not qualified to pass judgment on you or anybody else in regards to baseball. Trust the opinions of the professional scouts and coaches that selected you for the AC games.
DP4E,,LaC,, Every player has there moments,(some more than others...some a lot more) but negatively singling out a player is very wrong!!!!

If you don't like there behavior wait till the end of the game and respectfully tell thier coach or parents how YOU feel. I have done that to two H.S, coaches (and too many umpires Big Grin) in the long run they tend to respect that...

**editied by moderator -- while I'm editing, I thought I might as well include this post**
Last edited by Panther Dad
Randall Thorpe just yesterday hit a bomb with a wood bat...I think Kaleb Merck was taken more for his arm than his bat if I'm not mistaken. There are ego issues but you can not judge players based off of one game...I think the two posts bashing players, though they are entitled to opinions should be moderated or at least names taken never know who reads these forums.
Originally posted by DBAT GM:
Round robin tournament results through today.....


DBAT 18 d. Dallas Tigers 18 (8-6)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. TX Blackhawks 18 (3-2)
Dallas Tigers 18 tied Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (6-6)
LH Wildcats d. McKinney Marshals (12-2)


DBAT 18 d. Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (7-3)
DBAT 18 d. McKinney Marshals 18 (4-3)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. McKinney Marshals 18 (12-2)
LH Wildcats d. TX Blackhawks 18 (7-0)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. LH Wildcats (9-8)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. TX Blackhawks 18 (13-3)

Just in case some of you posters forgot what this thread was about!
Thanks all for your concerns about moderation on this topic. Some of you understand little about human nature. If you or your homies continue to come here and talk-up your favorite players, then there will be some that can't wait for them to fail ---- and those few will have pleasure in pointing out their failures. At that point, it's all up to me to moderate, eh? I recently received my monthly paycheck for moderating -- three figures! $0.00. Cool

I agree with those of you that point out that these strong players will not be judged on a single game or even on a group of games. The HS kids are being "judged" on tools. And the ones mentioned in a negative light in earlier (now edited) posts have tools.

Have a happy Sunday ---- oh, and thanks for sending the liquid to Atlanta. Big Grin

Thanks TAB for reminding us --- I can't wait to see results from today's games.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Now back to the topic at hand. The 2nd METRO Classic was a great tournament this weekend as a tune up for the AABC State and the Premier 18U World Series. Thanks to the Mustangs, Blackhawks, Marshals, LH Wildcats, Tigers and DBAT for their participation. Witnesssed some great games this weekend; the AABC Tournaments leading up to the Connie Mack World Series should be some very competitive games.
Last edited by SWAC
Rumor has it, manager got tossed, 3rd base coach got tossed, SS got tossed and 3rd base coach off spring got tossed.

But I wasn't there. Again must be at least a little truth here.

If this is directed at the Mustangs and you are implying that any of this happened in the Mustangs game against the Marshals, you should be ashamed of yourself for FALSELY implicating all of these people. In fact, there were NO Mustangs personnel of any kind tossed from the game. I suggest that you keep your unfounded accusations and gossip to yourself unless you actually witness something happening.

As for the earlier post about one of the Mustang players "classless" scoring from second on a passed ball, the situation was 2 outs with a 3-2 count and the runners were going. The Mustang on second was nearly to third when the pitch went past the catcher. The Marshals pitcher failed to cover home and the Mustang player never stopped running on what was an instinctive, hustling play.
Last edited by Uncle Ethan

DBAT 18 d. Dallas Tigers 18 (8-6)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. TX Blackhawks 18 (3-2)
Dallas Tigers 18 tied Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (6-6)
LH Wildcats d. McKinney Marshals (12-2)


DBAT 18 d. Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (7-3)
DBAT 18 d. McKinney Marshals 18 (4-3)
Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter d. McKinney Marshals 18 (12-2)
LH Wildcats d. TX Blackhawks 18 (7-0)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. LH Wildcats (9-8)
Dallas Tigers 18 d. TX Blackhawks 18 (13-3)


DBAT 18 d. LH Wildcats (12-5)
DBAT 18 tied TX Blackhawks 18 (4-4)
TX Blackhawks 18 vs. McKinney Marshals (?)
Dallas Tigers 18 vs. McKinney Marshals (?)
LH Wildcats vs. Dallas Mustangs-Carpenter (?)
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Lavender and Cream,
I tell you what. I will agree to binding arbitration on this issue - will you? The Mustang player who scored was a HS teammate of Former Observer Son #2, who was catching for the Marshals. I would guess that makes FO in a position to be as unbiased as anyone. Therefore, I will bow to his wisdom in this case. What say you FO?

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