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?gotwood4sale, our school had a meal for "Bosses Day" and one of the dishes was Chili. Getting me in the mood for some home made of my own and before you know it, I'll be singing White Christmas.

Until then, the Cardinals have some serious or is that series work to do! took it on the chin. Could Chrismas come early for the Redbird Nation

The Metropolitans looked awe inspiring last night and my beloved Redbirds are in some serious danger. It is pouring rain now and so, I don't think that they will play tonight. At least the weather front seems to stretch all the way westward to OK.

I am still keeping the faith and waiting for that early Christmas Present!

Coach, and the game before Soup shut them out. It's just the best two out of three now. Enjoy the games (well, as much as anyone can with McCArver calling.)

But how come when the Cards shut out the Mets 5-0, the MLB headlines read:

Immediacy proves crucial for Cardinals
After early flurry, Redbirds shut down by Mets' Oliver

But when the Mets outscore us 12-5, the headlines read:

Swagger returns with powerful display
Mets set or tie several offensive franchise records in rout

It would appear the difference between a Flurry and a Rout is 2 runs Wink. Big Grin
Incredible Game 7, and quite a series. Congrats to both teams...

But especially to my Cardinals!

The Fox commentators have already mentioned the lack of Pedro & El Duque...but didn't mention the Cards are missing Mulder and Izzy, and that Edmonds, Rolen, Pujols, Eckstein, are playing injured. As classy Willie said, "that's baseball".
As a manager, what would you have done in the 9th last nite when the Mets had 2 on and nobody out down 2...Pinch hit Floyd as Willie did and look for the 3 run HR or bunt both into scoring position and look to tie the game on a single.

I thought it was a very risky move considering how easy it would have been to double up Floyd in his condition. I would have bunted them over and looked for a single from Reyes or LoDuca. IMO having 2 in scoring position with 1 out would have put a lot more pressure on Wainright.
Last edited by NYdad
Orlando and CoachB25:

Although I'm pulling for the American League and Detroit, I hope it turns out to be a great series. Given the way each team stumbled down the stretch during the regular season I would guess that anything is truly possible.

If my favorite, David Eckstein, has a tremendous series I would be happy. He's such an inspiration to all of us closer to the ground guys.

Congratulations to your Cardinals and the Redbird Nation.

Get that chili ladle ready may be seeing alot of action!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
gotwood4sale, I only wish that you could be in my home, on my new carpet and vinyl btw, rooting for those Tigers while I root for myRedbirds. Of course, we'd have a huge pot on the stove, the mixings out on the table and we'd be taste testing the chili all afternoon until it was just right. BTW, that's be just after the Redbirds pulled off that first upset. LOL!
Last edited by CoachB25
Thanks for the kind thoughts would be fun.

I'm certain you would want me to lay off the chili tasting and reserve my bowl 'til towards the tail end of the game. My...ummm...bean converter gets quite noisy after its been fired up, and after awhile the noise isn't the biggest nuisance if you know what I mean.

I could've had a good career in crowd abatement if I'd played my cards right...totally eco-friendly, no harsh chemicals, noise levels well under those reserved for enemy combatants.

If your Cards play right, there may be some crowds, but they won't need to be abated.

Seriously...enjoy the run to the World Championship. As a Chicago White Sox fan I'm going to miss that feeling this year, but it is nice to know that many of my fellow HSBBW's will be pulling for their team and enjoying it intensely and immensely!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
My son called me tonight and said he couldn't believe the game from last night and I told him the same. That game was all that is great about baseball. No sport provides more drama. I wish there was a game tonight.

I never thought much of Jeff Suppan until last night. What kind of performance was that!

What about Oliver Perez? Talk about second guessing/monday morning quarterbacking, what were the Pirates thinking

The snow cone!!!! Maybe the greatest catch of all time given the circumstances.

Did the ball slip out of Scott Rolen's hand or was he still thinking about being robbed?

Did anybody notice the expressions on the Met's fans faces when Willie Randolph decided to pitch to Albert Pujols with 2 on and 2 outs in the 5th inning?

Willie Randoph is my favorite manager right now. I am not going to second guess the Cliff Floyd move. Yes, I would have put someone into bunt but he knows his team and he was right way more than he was wrong in this series. Showed lots of guts and class.

Had no idea that Scott Rolen and Tony LaRussa were not speaking. That was a nice hug after the game though.

I enjoyed Tim McCarver's call of the game last night and I liked Louis Gonzolez. I liked this line from McCarver "The 2 standing O's recieved by the left fielder who made the great catch was probably 2 more than he had received in his whole career"

I don't second guess Beltran or Floyd for striking out. Wainwright's stuff was unbelievable imho.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Was it Valentin that got hit by the pitch that skipped on the ground and then flew up to hit him in the face? I think it was.

McCarver actually asked "Did the ball hit the ground first?"

First of all, I'm amazed that McCarver didn't see the pitch that was delivered to Valentin. If he had seen it, he would not have asked that ridiculous question.

Secondly, the fact that if the pitch didn't hit the ground first there wouild be no possibility of Valentin standing in the box...a pitch directly into the face would have put him instantly on the deck.

And 20dad...those to go cups really live up to their name after they've been emptied and the bladder is spitting instructions back up to the know...when you really have to go. Recycling in its truest and best use!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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