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Did anyone else find this as sickening as I did? For years I thought the Miami Athletic dept was nothing more that a playground for the socially challenged athlete disquised in Academic garb. While FL International can use no excuses this is a yet another example where some athletes who have been given the "gift" of education turn around and spit in the face the giftgivers and put a black eye on college athletics. This was not Miamis first issue in '06 as they pulled a gang type demonstration at Louisville earlier this year. Thugs to the Nth degree. Many on that team including their coach say that Miami is the #1 place to play football, I say, It is probably the only school that would let them play. It comes down to respect for the game and those who support your team inside and outside the University.

It's bad enough that the team was involved, but then LaMar Thomas one of their 1993 alums who broadcasts the games sits in the box and flys into "gang rap" that he wished that he was on the field kickin butt. Very SICK and and a further example of "Cane" mentality that goes back years. I would never allow my kid to wear those colors regardless of the sport.

Then, a 1 game suspension is handed down and I'll bet that even though there were white "animals" also invovled, the "discrimination screamers" will be out in force. If an athlete in any sport has any balls they would be asking for transfer papers today in order to get out of that zoo. I say that many of those players on both sides should be gone for the year at least and Comcast fires Thomas today.
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Very SICK and and a further example of "Cane" mentality that goes back years.

Agreed. It's been my opinion for a while that the Miami football team has historically been rather 'undisciplined'.

I say that many of those players would be gone for the year at least and Comcast fires Thomas today.


I would never allow my kid to wear those colors regardless of the sport.

Not even baseball? It's been my opinion that Coach Morris is a class act.

In any case it's a shame how the actions of those "students" affect the image of an entire university, and it's a sham how little discipline they received.
Not even baseball? It's been my opinion that Coach Morris is a class act..

I think you are right about coach Morris but I've also heard there is an "aire" of arrogance with that team. Besides as far as the Univ of Miami sports is concerned the saying that "the nut doesn't fall far from the tree" may apply.
Last edited by rz1
IL2008, Thanks it has been corrected.

Shalala, that little munchkin Wink. I work for the Univ of WI and I love her. She was great for the UW, did a nice job as a Presidential Cabinet member, and having met her a few times myself have always had the utmost respect for her. She, I'm sure is up in arms, and because of her "bleeding heart" will be in conflict wondering how she can fix this without ruining lives. However, heads will roll and she won't be far from the ax.
Last edited by rz1
From ESPN:

"Shalala, the trustee said, is standing by her committment to Coker, at least through this season, adding that the fight was "embarrassing" but "not cause for dismissal."

"Saturday's on-field melee has no place at the University of Miami," Shalala said in a prepared statement issued during the meeting. "Regardless of who started it, this was an embarrassing display of unsportsmanlike behavior."

"FIU President Mitch Maidique and I talked by phone shortly after the incident on Saturday night. We both expressed deep disappointment and apologized to each other on behalf of our institutions," Shalala said in the statement. "The ACC maintains rigorous behavioral and academic standards for student-athletes. We are satisfied with their decision."

Miami has suspended 13 players for at least one game and it is likely some will be suspended for multiple games.

Miami plans to have some of its suspended players participate in community service projects, the trustee said.

Florida International called a news conference for later Monday, at which time further "much harsher penalties" would likely be announced, coach Don Strock said.

"This is certainly embarrassing. It's disgraceful. It's amazing. I've run out of words," Strock said Monday. "There's no place for it in college football or football period. This is way overboard. I apologize to all the fans of college football for this taking place."

In my view, Shalala, Coker and Miami are on "spin" control.

Take the quotes and approach of Don Strock and compare them with Shalala and Miami.
Saying it is an "embarrasing display of unsportsmanlike behavior" is an obnoxious insult. Saying it is "disgraceful" and harsher punishments are in the offing starts to get close to reality.
In my view, Shalala, Coker and Miami are on "spin" control.

Take the quotes and approach of Don Strock and compare them with Shalala and Miami.
Saying it is an "embarrasing display of unsportsmanlike behavior" is an obnoxious insult. Saying it is "disgraceful" and harsher punishments are in the offing starts to get close to reality.

To blame this all on the UM is crazy. Two teams were out there and FIU was the team who started the fracas. Late hits, the extra push on the ground, the taunting. As i have said in the other post, i certainly dont condone this behavior, but dont lay ALL the blame on UM and the coaches.
If she doesn't think that the conduct of the football team on the field warrants a coach being fired, I feel sorry for her.

Biggest disgrace that I've ever seen in a major college football program.

If the head coach is not gone now, I can't see how he can survive the rest of the year.

They had "problems" earlier this year and this "takes the cake"!!!!!!

In my opinion, he should get launched.

Have any of these football players heard of practicing "SELF CONTROL"?

I used to get check marks from the nuns for talking with Suzy while the nun was teaching.

This goes far beyond anything that I've heard of or seen.

Launch the guy!

Launch the players, UM!!!!

Or, don't you have the "c.....s" to do so?
The players and coaches on that field are 100% responsible for what occured. At least verbally, Coach Strock is standing up and saying so and saying it is a "disgrace." Miami says they are "embarrassed." When you hear the Miami color analyst on the broadcast, you see a player use his helmet as a hammer, you see players kicking a guy on the ground, you see a street fight. If that occurred outside the stadium and without uniforms, people get taken to jail and charged with crimes.
The entire situation is the example of what needs to be corrected. There are no excuses to be offered on either side. Both acted like thugs and both need to be punished in the most severe way possible. Ending the season of both wouldn't be too harsh, IMO.
Originally posted by Redhead:
Today on The Dan Patrick Show, DP reported that it was "Join a Team, Not a Gang" Day, and that the local police had provided 700 tickets for kids to be in attendance. I think I would start pulling scholarships and firing coaches.

I was listening as well. And that was my first thought. Coker is a short timer.
The sooner UM cuts their losses by firing the #1 enabler Coach Coker, the sooner further degradation of their athletic program will be mitigated. It is spiraling down the we speak. Before long they could be just an ugly characature of their proud legacy. Well, I guess they actually are now.

The baseball program has seen better days as well. They are still recovering from their own violations that cost them scholly's in 2004 and 2005. More parity and natural shifting dominance has eroded them as well.
Last edited by Dad04
Lamar is a former Cane and Dolphin. Most people here are not happy with his behavior the other night. Many are, because they know him and have always liked him. The general consensus is, you can take the player out of the street but yu can't take the street out of the player. Lamar Thomas was one such player as well. He's a former football player, shouldn't have been doing what he was.

Someone in the football program,(I forget his name) left UM last week to become the AD at FIU. They say he left because he figured he'd leave before he was fired.

From people I know who went to the game, the fighting was going on WAYYYY before, even during pre game, most of it was instigated by FIU. Yet no one outside of FL talks about FIU's role in saturdays brawl. Officials made little attempt to curb anything that was going on, they also will have to answer to why they allowed this game to continue. Many of the players from FIU/UM were rivals from HS, the two schools are half hour from each other, that's why they never played before, too many rivalries among the players. The fans were fighting in the stands and urging the players on. Lots went down that fed the atmosphere.

As far as UM, everyone here is calling Coker a lameduck coach, their is little direction or leadership in the program including from the AD.

Most of the media and fans down here do not like Donna. Many blame her for what's happening to the UM athletic program. She's all about appearances, everything is ok as long as it doesn't look too bad. Let's turn a blind eye.

I don't think Miami handled things well but Miami is taking a bigger hit than FIU because they are Miami. A bigger program, ACC and winner of NC. Every program has major issues, but rarely talked about, UM is BIG news.

What Dad04 posts is correct, football, baseball and basketball programs have all had their issues, serious issues. Many people predicted that with the joining of the ACC, the program would erode. Parity and shift in dominance has eroded the program, causing frustration on all sides.

TR, I do care, because UM football is BIG here, HUGE, it's South Florida's college team, a big part of our lives here. I have been a Cane fan for many years, but saddened by so many changes in the past few years.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by infielddad:
The players and coaches on that field are 100% responsible for what occured. At least verbally, Coach Strock is standing up and saying so and saying it is a "disgrace." Miami says they are "embarrassed." When you hear the Miami color analyst on the broadcast, you see a player use his helmet as a hammer, you see players kicking a guy on the ground, you see a street fight. If that occurred outside the stadium and without uniforms, people get taken to jail and charged with crimes.
The entire situation is the example of what needs to be corrected. There are no excuses to be offered on either side. Both acted like thugs and both need to be punished in the most severe way possible. Ending the season of both wouldn't be too harsh, IMO.

What word is the one that miami should have used? They know it was a disgrace, anybody who watched that game knows it too. All i was saying is that, all you hear is how UM was stomping on players and swinging helmets, when FIU was doing the same. One player from FIU was swinging his crutches. The first kick to the head came from FIU, watch the video.

Coker and crew were gone after this season anyway, thats why hes not going to get canned right now. Miami should clean house starting with the AD on down, and not just because of this one incident.
First of all lets look at FIU. They started the fight. They are to blame for starting it. Lets look at their past history. Can you even give me one example of a past history?

Now lets look at Miami. They did not actually start the fight they just instigated the fight. They then proceeded to justify their bad name. Taking off helmets and swinging them. Kicking and stomping on players. How many off field incidents can we name? Numerous. How many programs would have a kid come on a recruiting visit commit crimes , have the university learn that he is basically a habitual felon and then still offer the young man a scholarship to attend the university. They have indeed earned the image that they have. They continue to feed that image with their actions on and off the field. Coker is toast after the season. But others should be toast as well. Everyone that hires fires and has anything to do with the current program needs to be replaced. If I were an alum of the "U" I would be outraged. The football program is a disgrace in every since of the word.

When ever I hear the words Miami of Florida all I think about is undisciplined thugs that dont respect the game their opponents or anything for that matter. The team is a reflection of the coaches. Its time to clean house and start all over. Maybe they should start by getting a coach that will recruit kids with character. The demand to win has become so great that the quality of the players character means nothing at the "U".

Air Force. Army. Navy. Vanderbilt. Northwestern. Ill start with those five schools. Name me some incidents? I pull for the schools that do it the right way. They have not sold out. Big time college football is what we got folks. Win at all costs. Even if its a total embarassment to the university itself.

The funny thing is if Miami was at the top of the polls winning like in the past alot of the Miami fans would be defending their actions. The only reason they are coming down hard on their program in light of this situation is they are using it as a reason to justify getting rid of Coker. What a joke.
Hello to all. My son was at that game. Before I say anything, I'd like to say that I was appalled at what went down that night.
My son has a photo of what a UM player did that "started" or incited that disgusting brawl...let me say this, arrogance should never be met with violence. FIU does not have a history, but UM certainly does. BUT, as I have taught my kids, when you lower yourself to someone else's are more wrong, because you've been taught better. TPM, the cameras did not capture what UM's kicker did...which inflamed the FIU players. ...still does not make it right. FIU is thrilled to get the AD that was supposedly going to be "fired"! (Garcia) (If they are NOT going to fire Coker, that tells you about their quality control!) As far as who took the bigger "hit"...FIU disciplined more players and lost more starters...In actuality it is the "smaller" program that takes the bigger hit they don't have the money to begine with!

FIU and UM baseball play each other twice a year, no fights...but lots of rivalry and every year Morris talks in the Miami Herald about how FIU players all wanted to play for him and have a real grudge...spin control if FIU wins...I guess!
As far as Morris goes...I know of several incidents...first hand. A policeman friend of ours, asked a man to leave an area (locals will know where I'm talking does FSU coach!) He had binocculars, stealing signs. Several years ago, our friends son (baseball player) had his wallet stolen (along with several other players)...wallets returned...nothing happened to players who entered locker rooms and took them. etc. etc.

One of FIU's players that was released, was swinging at someone that had kicked him, as he swung, the UM player was shoved aside and the FIU player knocked out the UM chaplain. Very ugly. He will not play but FIU will allow him to complete his education (he's a SR). This young man is not a thug at all, he's never been in a bit of trouble, but that bad decision will be with him...always...and he feels truly remorseful and terrible. It is a fineline these athletes have to walk, they are coached to be a TEAM in every "be there" for the TEAM. This can be where they cannot find that fine line. I know this; on many teams with chemistry, if something happens which causes an outbreak on the field, the ones that sit on the bench and stay clear of trouble are often castigated later by their teammates. Blame can fall in every direction and it is prudent not to point.
Lee Corso of ESPN said this..."from what I gather 90 percent of those guys, or 99 percent would love to have gone to UM but were quote un-quote not good they get a shot at them and they said "we'll show you. If we can't beat you on the football field, we'll beat you up" ....I am not 100% sure of this, but I heard he had ties to UM. ...arrogance.
So, are we to assume that the UM kicker REALLY wanted to go to FIU? Yes, UM is on "spin control"...they are very experienced at it. Strock is beyond disgraced...he's furious.
I don't have a dog in this fight, and I agree that there was so much going on from both sides.
The point I was making, here as well as on TV, it's Miami did this and Miami did that. Their team is more high profile, higher expectations I suppose. You can't blame one side. As few years back, Clemson and USC had a brawl, each side blaming the other, but in reality, it was a disgrace. As punishment, BOTH teams, all players, regardless of their involvement or non involvement, were not able to participate in their bowl games. Several players on each side had suspensions the following season. That's a lot harder to swallow for players and fans than missing a game. I think that is the disgraceful part, there was not enough consequences.
And a disgrace on the side of the officials for allowing it to get out of hand.

Both coaches, both schools should be furious and disgraced. Not at each other, but their own players.

Garcia left because his days were numbered, along with everyone else involved with the football program, was not derogatory on his part.
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You are exactly right TPM...and I like that saying..."I don't have a dog in this fight"...neither do I! Did not think you were being derogatory to Garcia at all... My grandma used to call comments like that a "backhanded compliment"!
Strock was furious at his players...not at UM.
As for consequences, FIU took the high road, they layed it on hard, swift and devastating. Most were starters....they were already on the field. Hmmm.
They are doing a pretty good job with this so far, though it bears watching. Several players have been dismissed from the team, and I would hope, from the school.

There is nothing about this happening on a sports field that exempts it from handling under a school's code of conduct (meaning they could be expelled) or, for that matter, under the criminal laws of Florida (meaning they could be prosecuted and sent to jail).

This kind of thing will stop when the perpetrators start going to jail. We need some prosecutors with guts.
Wow, you all bring up great points, and all valid i am sure. But to watch it from afar (Cali), it was horrible. Regardless of who was at fault it takes two to tango, and BOTH FIU and UM are at fault. Right or Wrong, Strock and Coker should and will take the blame. It is their responsibility and no one elses. Will UM get the brunt of this? Absolutely, because they are the powerhouse program that everyone hears about. I didn't even know their was an FIU before Saturday night. Oklahoma kicked Barry Switzer to the curb, when his program got out of control, and the inmates were running the asylum, the same should be said for Coker. It is an absolute joke that Shalala still supports this man. Does she not see what it makes her university look like? The game should have been wiped off the books, players should have lost scholarships, and coaches should have been fired. In the NFL a player was suspended 5 games for the actions of what some of those players did on Saturday. To give them a 1 game suspension against Duke, is nothing more than a day off. At the very least they should have been suspended for the rest of the season, and released from their scholarship and told to transfer. And in the press conference Coker says "he absolutely has a grip on this program". If he is not careful, one of his players will have a grip around his neck. Strock and Cocker should been suspended for the rest of the season. You have to take responsibility when things like this happen on your watch. Sorry, it may not be your fault, but the next time you want to recruit the thug who is all-world, maybe you will think twice about it. Just my opinion.
That would be oHIo!
umm, Tressel's "thugs" pray pregame & sing to the band postgame Big Grin
in between they just play hard with no time aloted for gang fights & such -
they hand the football to the official after a score - AND ...
their potential Heisman candidates do NOT dive over the goal line "for effect" & espn - Smile

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Okay, I'm going against the grain on this one. Please don't bash me!

1) So a bunch of football players had a fight. It's lame! They knock each other upside the head on every play, anyway!

2) The audacity! We baseball players NEVER have a brawl!

Seriously, though, it's unprofessional and should not be tolerated at the collegiate level--the suspensions and dismissals are warranted.
Last edited by Bum
Bum has a point. Unfortunately baseball hasn't exactly been brawl free. And in MLB's case it's not college kids. It's grown men, fathers and even grandpas. And the juvenile manager tantrums set good examples too.

The whole taunting culture that has infiltrated sports over the last few decades is a disgrace. These brawls like the FIU-UM incident IMHO are a result of this ugly culture that has been allowed to "blossom" and even be applauded by some.

I miss the day when it was common for a player to reach down and help his opponent back to his feet.

Well that's my 2 cents worth or less.
Does anyone else notice that in college baseball, if a player is hit by a pitch, he runs to first and acts as if he didn't feel a thing, while in the pros, we get the obligatory glare from the hitter, sometimes a few words, sometimes a lot of words?

There have been fisticuffs in college ball, but most simply run to first. What a great concept.

In college football, you don't see this preening, trash-talking nonsense in D III or D II, or even most of D-I. You see it most with some of the "Big Time" programs, with the cameras on them all the time. Unfortunately, my beloved Hokies have displayed far too much of this garbage for my liking over the past few years. Suspensions for several games and benchings would fix this in a heartbeat, if the coaches have the guts to do it.
AP: Miami officials have enacted a new rule that any (future) athlete who fights will be dismissed from that team, a “new standard . . . zero tolerance” policy, Shalala said. That, along with 12 one-game suspensions, one indefinite suspension and orders that all players involved in Saturday's brawl with Florida International do community service, is sufficient punishment, Shalala said.
liberal solutions always have the opposite effect Confused

ZERO TOLERANCE is the lazy way out - you'd think Shalala at .5 mil+/yr could come up with something better than shifting the consequenses of the fight to "U"'s future athletes. Razz

Smile on the upside tho, that future should also bring more inside pitches & more purpose pitches by opponents not on a zero tolerance deal "ie:everybody" (oops that one just got way - ouch Wink) -
AND a more cautious approach by Cane's pitchers who now can ill afford to p anyone off & become a punching bag while the rest of the team/coaches remains quietly seated in the dugout watching. Eek

q - will they also have zero tolerance on the Canes stealing signs via tv and/or binocs??

PG: I just knew that would come up, but Tressel tried mightily to make a silk purse outa Mo

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If it looks like people are picking on the "U" it is because they deserve it. Even before the punishments were handed out everybody outside S FL knew the U would be using weasel words and slapping wrists. FIU at least acted as if they really knew something was wrong and dealt some pretty severe sanctions. This is the U's third altercation in seven games this year. The really sad part of this is I'm sure one of the fine gentlemen involved will tell his story and let us know it was all caused by someone being "disrespected" If any of these gentlemen actually understood the concept of respect we wouldn't be discussing this ugly episode. Think this could have happened @ Penn St. with Joe Pa ??? Coker must be held responsible for this criminal behavior.
I understand holding coaches responsible for the actions of their players. A lot more plays in here than just this fight as far as that is concerned. The coaxhes did not have the respect of the players involved in the fight. the ones who did respect the coaching staffs stayed out of it. Coaches should release the players involved or they have no spine.

As for the schools, these are their students. They should be sent packing. If they want to come back to school as a student and pay for it or get admitted like any other student then fine. Otherwise, find another place to further your education, you are not wanted here.

I don't see where a "zero tolerance" policy for further action of future athletes makes a statement of any kind. Kind of like our politicians putting guidelines in place now concerning behavior with pages. There was no policy in place so how could they know they should not act like complete idiots.


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Not much difference between OSU and Miami, imo.

In fact I'll take Coker over Tressel in ANY ethics contest.

What Tressel did with Clarett was tantamount to ethical piracy. He did nothing but exploit, win a NC,(undeserved) and lie about all that transpired with MC after thier NC year.

At least Larry Coker owns up to both his short comings and his outright failure's.

Sweater boy Tressel covers up like a Nixon clone.
Last edited by soxnole

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