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Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Originally posted by powertoallfields:
Thing is, there is no breathalyzer for pot yet.

That may very well be true power, but there is a tried and true field test to determine if someone has been whiffing the weed...

... if a quick scan of their lips reveals a cheesy orange Cheetos© hue coupled with their inability to answer even simple questions like "where is your left shoe?" or "how come your pocket is full of grape jelly?" it is probable that the person is under the influence.


I do agree that we all have a life of our own, and what you do in your "off" time is your business. Unlike MLB, he is not accountable for what he does when not in competition.

TPM I agree in principal but disagree in certain cases. Phelps should be held accountable. Athletes, religious leaders and most police officers need to be held to a higher standard because they have a major influence on the impressionable children of the world. While I personally don't care if an olympic swimmer gets stoned every day or an olympic diver choses an alternative lifestyle, I DO NOT want my son or daughter (while in their formative years) to have either one of those people as a role model! I may pick my kids clothes but they pick their own role models!

It's hollow words to say: "Drugs don't hurt drug users --- it's the drug laws that hurt drug users". Good grief! That sounds like something some of my old drug buddies would say when they were stoned out of their minds and just after they snorted a whiff of amyl nitrate!

Thanks for the advice Bum.

I made an appointment for 9:00am...under the garish neon lights.

I waited around 'til a little after dame! What a shame!

I had to do the laundry all by myself...didn't have enough quarters until I hit this...

...and fortunately for me it paid out seven of these chits, just enough to finish my load.

It goes without saying (and you know how tough that is for me) that playbaseball was pleased.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Honestly I haven't read everything in this thread. I don't need to read everything in this thread to make up my mind. I made it up years ago.

I am against drug use of any kind and that includes pot. I am against drinking of any kind and I am against cigarettes of any kind. You will never convince me otherwise. In my time on this earth I have seen all three destroy people I care about.

Drugs, alcohol and cigarettes have done more to destroy lives, families and property than they have ever done to help lives, families and property. Nobody knows how this stuff will affect people - some can start / stop whenever they want and others can become addicted on the first time.

You say smoking pot isn't a big deal then tell that to my sister who lost her job, her car, her marriage and custody of her daughter over drugs. She is now clean and sober and rebuilding her life but if you put drugs in front of her she will take them. She got started with alcohol and moved to pot and then finally got hooked onto the big stuff. Pot may not be a gateway drug for all but it is for some.

I grew up with a guy who was killed when a guy who was high shot him in the face. The guy who pulled the trigger got his start with alcohol and pot.

There are countless stories like this and ones that are even worse than mine.

Those who have said they tried drugs back in the day I'm not judging you. I'm not saying you are a bad person or anything. I'm just saying I cannot see the logic in allowing or glamorizing things that can destroy lives just because some aren't affected by it.

The so called war on drugs we started back in the 80's with Reagan - we are losing badly.
Originally posted by Fungo:
I do agree that we all have a life of our own, and what you do in your "off" time is your business. Unlike MLB, he is not accountable for what he does when not in competition.

TPM I agree in principal but disagree in certain cases. Phelps should be held accountable. Athletes, religious leaders and most police officers need to be held to a higher standard because they have a major influence on the impressionable children of the world. While I personally don't care if an olympic swimmer gets stoned every day or an olympic diver choses an alternative lifestyle, I DO NOT want my son or daughter (while in their formative years) to have either one of those people as a role model! I may pick my kids clothes but they pick their own role models!

Fungo, I agree with you 100%, I just brought that up as per another discussion about off season drug testing with MLB. I was comparing that MLB pays your salary (part of the year anyway) as compared to an athlete who doesn't get paid, in this case the IOC. I may not be explaining it right, but I am sure you get my idea. I feel the way you do, I do not want any drug user, whether minor or major to be a role model for any children.

Whether weed use is minor or not, it's use is illegal. Stealing a pack of gum is minor, but it's still stealing.


Bad press for USC east as well. This hurts more people than Phelps.
Last edited by TPM
He wasn't caught, only on camara.

I heard that USC not too happy with the bad press, no school needs bad press. They are trying to recover from the fire that ocurred last year and some of their students died.

BTW, very strict in SC. No alcohol purchase or consumption in public allowed on sunday (blue law state). Minors caught with alcohol is a serious offense and can include jail time, where in other states it's a misdeanor.
Life is crazy isn't it? Our last 3 Presidents have all used drugs illegally and the jails are full of guys who did the same....

Today at our school a woman spoke to our students, she was a survivor of a drunk driving wreck that killed her mom, brother and 2 friends...

just my stream of consciousness flowing; i realize there is nothing original with my thoughts here...

good postings folks, but this topic seems to be like the weather; everyone talks about it but nobody does anything about it.

Blessings to you all
Last edited by trojan-skipper

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