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Let me guess, the principle got beat up a few times in middle school and the name gives him nightmares.

***psssttt...I think Woody's finally gone off the edge. Big Grin

How about, "Golden Gophers" ? Wait, isn't there already someone striking fear into the hearts of opponents everywhere with that name?

I guess the guy's just taking his lead from PETA. Their latest initiative is to rename fish. They want to call them "Sea Kittens".
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by CPLZ:
Let me guess, the principle got beat up a few times in middle school and the name gives him nightmares.
It's the same principal who once attempted to mandate no one be cut from sports teams. The one season she pulled it off the baseball team had 26 players splitting 7 innings. The new varsity baseball coach put an end to it. I'll guess he got concerned when all the good baseball players signed up for lacrosse rather than bother with the school baseball season. The previous year the team went 0-fer.
With all the problems in schools today they think a name change will fix the problems. It's nothing but smoke-n-mirrors because districts have refused to manage and discipline.

In my Liberalville aka Madison WI, the school board wanted to show diversity and name a school after Hmong military leader Vang Pao. It was voted on, and passed.

Madisons big claim is a top notch educational system. Maybe the School board should have asked the students what they thought. Days later it was found out that Gen. Vang Pao who led his CIA-backed forces against communists in Laos three decades ago had long has been accused of drug running and summary executions of troops, and now faces federal charges in California of plotting to violently overthrow the communist government in Laos.

Back to the drawing board for three more months of committee meetings to find a new name.

IMO, The National educational system has been reduced to "window dressings" led by administrators who have no concept of the issues today's youth faces. They continue to throw funds into useless programs for those who could care less, and ignore the majority of the student population that will mold our future. That does sound cold, but................

Sorry for the political statement but mascot changes only scratch the problems we face today in our schools.
Last edited by rz1
The funny thing about renaming a violent school nickname, the district is so violence and crime ridden kicking a trash can is a major crime. The high school now has undercover security following a food fight that got mildly out of hand. More inner city solutions for the well to do suburban class. The high school mandated clear, see through backpacks for the students. So many families ignored it as foolishness they stopped busting kids two days after sending home a warning when it was ignored the first day of school.
School administrators have way too much time on their hands to make this stuff up. Must have something to do with being out of touch with the real world living in that protected shelter called public education.

These are the same kooks who wonder why young school kids are fat and unruly and they take away the 45 minute recess to excercise, play outside and blow off steam and replace it with a short 15 minute lunch and rush back to class.
The second worst thing for education is the politicians who come up with things like No Child Left Behind. How many of our legislators came from an inner city school or an overcrowded rural county school? They are the ones who have no clue and rely on psychological "experts" who have never been in a classroom as to how kids learn.

The worst thing for educators is terrible parents. There was a study a few years ago where poor uneducated people were having 5 - 6 children while middle class educated people were having 2 kids. At this rate educated people will be on the endangered species list in 4 generations.

The greatest teacher usually cannot overcome bad parenting.
Originally posted by mythreesons:
rz... don't you mean "udderly"?

Yeah, he does, but he was in a cheese trance at the time, seeing pictures of Holsteins, dreaming of Gouda. I've seen it before, it elicits a Jim Jones like quality among the cheesers, with only a slight hardening of the arteries as an after effect.
Last edited by CPLZ

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