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Wish I could say that the worst thing I ever did on a baseball field was slap the ball out of someones glove. It took several slow motion replays to even see this dastardly deed! I sure hope the player wasn't injured by this attempt to win a game.

Some seem to think it's OK to throw a 97 mph fastball at a hitters head, and it's OK to end a catcher's career with a shoulder shot trying to score, but don't ever slap the ball out of another players glove.

That would never be talked about with almost any other player.

The thing that bugs me the most about A Rod is the facial and body gestures he makes. But I don't consider that being classless or being a jerk.

Are we really talking about a Major League player slapping the ball out of another players glove?
I could see were ARod would be talked about as Classless.
If He got away with the slap of the glove.

But he did not get away with it.
He was caught doing it.

He has those big hands in brand new white batting gloves.
It was just reactional at the time of the game.
Nothing planned?

So I would not call him Classless. Just a Gamer.

PG, Now that you mention it.
ARod does have funny looking Facial and body gestures when he feels he's been wronged.

It just shows that even the best have to work hard in the offseason to improve there flaws in there game.
Its a Perfect Game, But nobodys Perfect.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Some seem to think it's OK to throw a 97 mph fastball at a hitters head, and it's OK to end a catcher's career with a shoulder shot trying to score, but don't ever slap the ball out of another players glove.

I have said this over and over again. He was trying to win a game...that is all. I guess you can tell who has played competitively before.

I owe you an apology...I wrote and posted before I read your latest. You're right, reasonable minds can/do differ.

To me, A-Rod's attempt to slap the ball out of the glove was as blatant as his denial. Numerous, knowledgeable members witnessed that same activity and have an entirely different “take.” To them, he's competitive; a "gamer" just doing his utmost to help his team win (just don't play golf w/ him for $). Wink

This does leave me wondering where such subtle distinctions lie. Couldn’t steroids, doctored baseballs, corked bats, coming into base with spikes up, head-hunting fastballs, etc., all be considered efforts by a “gamer” trying to win? The "Ain't cheatin'/Ain't competin'" philosophy seems such a "slippery slope."

I've always looked at baseball as primarily a game of technique and finesse...make pitches, make plays and hit...if it's not enough, tip your hat and move on. I know if one of my kids intentionally cheated, lied, or tried to hurt another to win a game, I’d be very disappointed. In my own unsophisticated, Pollyanna mind’s-eye, that isn't showing respect for others, or the game. JMO.
Originally posted by redbird5:
I have said this over and over again. He was trying to win a game...that is all. I guess you can tell who has played competitively before.

Pete Rose was trying to win that All Star game when he effectively ended Ray Fosse's career on that extra innings play at the plate, and what he did was legal.

Poor comparison. All Star game vs. play off game. Just my opinion.


Actually, I thought it was pretty smart...he tried to make it look like he was just running down to first and "accidentally" slapped the glove. Again, I guess it is something that those who have played the game competitively understand. Corking the bat and steroids are no-no's. Spikes up and rib hunting FBs are part of the game.


I agree. Gloveman's retaliation is acceptable and expected. ALso, come in spikes up with me and you might get one in the head. I will make sure you get low. Wink
Originally posted by theEH:
He should be out,
Arod is totally out of uniform.
And that purse is not the right color for that uni.
It should of been white are even a pastel??

The bag matches the shoes though. The Yankees drop 7 in a row. It looks like a career year for ARod could be for naught.
Last edited by Dad04
Please! Please! The only thing that could make that photo funnier is if the purse were PINK!

I dare you! It will be the #1 photo ever on HSBBW. Not that it isn't already. Big Grin

I'd do it myself if I knew how. BTW, still think we might be watching the guy who will someday go down as the greatest player who ever lived. By the numbers anyway!
BTW, still think we might be watching the guy who will someday go down as the greatest player who ever lived. By the numbers anyway!

My family's from Seattle. When Alex was 18 years old an a Seattle Mariners rookie I told pop he'd go down as the greatest player who ever lived. Really! Dad just laughed at me like I was a knucklehead with a pink purse.

His initial nickname was not A-Rod. It was "Alex the Great". That stopped after a few weeks (I guess they didn't want to give him a big head!)
Catch43 said: I don't understand why people have to hate on A-rod...I am a big yankee fan, and as a baseball player, I can understand that you can''t get a hit every time. And why every at-bat that he makes out, "arod choked!"...thats ridiculous!

JMO but to net it out, back in the 50's when BB players were idolized because fans really identified with the players on their hometown teams, why? 1. because players stayed with teams longer, most had lengthy careers with one team. and 2. because players were more blue collar, not millionaires.

Now you see the avarice that money creates on both sides, it corrupts with envy and sours the joy of the game with unrealistic expectations.
Comparing statistics of three players in league playoff games
A - .218 batting average - 43 for 193 - 8 HR - 23 RBI - 44 SO
B - .280 batting average - 37 for 132 - 6 HR - 16 RBI - 32 SO
C - .216 batting average - 29 for 134 – 5 HR – 18 RBI – 23 SO

One of the above players (C) holds the all time HR record.
One of the above players (B) has been called a choker, the cooler and Mr. April.
The other player (A)is well known as Mr. October!

Note: If Alex Rodriguez gets 6 hits in his next 62 at bats (.097 BA) in league playoff games and if he hits 2 home runs and gets 7 RBIs in those 62 at bats, he ties Reggie Jackson’s all time statistics in playoff games.

Reggie earned his famous nickname playing in the World Series, but he did less than ARod in the playoff games to actually get to the World Series. His team mates helped him get there. On the other hand, ARod has yet to play in a world series and I guess will be considered a choker by some people until his team wins the championship.

There are some of the best players ever that couldn’t get their team into the World Series. Ted Williams, Ernie Banks (name any Cub), Barry Bonds not until he was 37 years old.

Without ARod the Yankees wouldn’t even be in the wildcard race this year. Yet, that won’t count if he doesn’t have a good playoff. He will be booed and even more fans will join the ARod hate club. That’s baseball!

ARod = Amazing
Last edited by PGStaff

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