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It has just been announced that ML baseball is returning to St Catharines ONT CANADA.

It is just annonced that the former owners of the Niagara Stompers has just bought the Pen League single A Oneida (SP?) team and is moving them to the city of St Catharines. This time with the blessing of the city council. They will renovate the existing stadium where they played before and start plans for a brand new stadium.

I am absolutely giddy with excitment. The council finally recognizes the tremendous impact the team had on the youth of our area.
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Doc I was in shock when I found this out. Same ownership and team name. They start lay in 08. The city had their chance to keep the team and they screwed up. The new council is pro sports and jumped at the commitment. They took a lot of heat over losing the old team which went to New Jersey. The owners made sevral million on the sale but didn't want to sell. I talked to them several times and they just wanted new facilities. Hockey gets 4 pad arenas and BB gets the shaft.
Doc I think that is the team and as I understand they bought the franchise but they will move to St Kitts. I believe they are a Detroit team but the new team will be named Stompers and I would think it will be a Jays club. The owners are all tied to the Jays. The old players I would imagine are dispesed to other dtroit clubs.
Sorry I have not had a chance to look them up but the team has played in the Penn for many years.

This is thye link:
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Stompers return a dream come true

Bill Potrecz
Sports - Wednesday, July 04, 2007 @ 01:00

It's the phone call I've been waiting eight long years to receive.

I could hardly believe my ears when I picked up the phone and on the other end was Terry O'Malley with the exciting news.

"I wanted to give you the scoop," O'Malley said, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. "We've got the team back!"

"You're kidding," I replied. "You mean the Stompers?"

"Yep, the Stompers are back," O'Malley said. "We'll be playing at Community Park beginning next summer."

I was dumfounded. After all these years, how could it be? How could O'Malley, who was once again teaming with most of the original ownership group including Nick Cannon, Mike Katz and Chris Nitsopoulos, bring a team back without anyone getting at least a hint of what was going on?

It seems O'Malley is a crafty guy. For a couple of years now he's been working behind the scenes to bring a New York-Penn League team back to St. Catharines. I don't know how, but he somehow convinced St. Catharines council and mayor Brian McMullan how valuable and priceless a commodity a professional baseball team can be to a city. "What do you think people remember more, that Vernon Wells once played here or that we had the world rowing for two weeks?" O'Malley asked.

Good point, Terry.

Even more unbelievable is the fact O'Malley has somehow persuaded the city to kick in at least $500,000 to upgrade Community Park for the short-term and work with the ownership group on finding ways to finance a new ballpark to ensure the team is viable financially for years to come.

O'Malley said plans for the new park would include the Brock Badgers baseball team, the St. Catharines Metros senior club as well as the Niagara Spears football teams.

"It would have to be a multi-purpose stadium, but with the Stompers, Badgers, Metros and the football, I could see it working," O'Malley said. "If I had my way, we'll work out the finances, get a site, and start construction before the end of the year."

Speaking of sites, O'Malley hinted the low level parking lot was the first choice.

"Don't rule it out," he said with a chuckle.

Big plans, but I've never heard O'Malley so positive, so enthused and so sure a deal would work out.

O'Malley was soured last year when the city turned down his plan to bring an Ontario Hockey League team and new arena to St. Catharines. Now, all that's changed. He sees the Stompers (yes, the name will remain, although the original logo may be updated) as a way to get St. Catharines back on the sporting map, and he's correct.

Can you believe it? First the Niagara IceDogs and now a New York-Penn League club? All we need now is a WNBA team and we'll be considered a first-rate sports city!

O'Malley said the group has bought the Oneonta franchise from longtime owner Sam Nader.

Damaschke Field in Oneonta, which opened in 1906, has finally been ruled unfit for a pro team and Nader doesn't have the willingness or resources to fight for a new park.

For at least a year or two, the team will be affiliated with the Detroit Tigers. O'Malley hopes to try and get back the Blue Jays' affiliation, but wouldn't mind seeing a Yankees farm club here, either.

More good news: O'Malley confirmed former Stompers general manager John Belford has been pursued to take over as GM, despite his success as senior territory manager for Heinz Food Service.

(Look for a lot of ketchup at the ballpark!)

O'Malley has also contacted former play-by-play announcer Colin Bannister and offered him his old job back doing the games on 1220-CHSC. O'Malley asked if I'd be interested in reprising my role as Bannister's colour man, but my Italian isn't up to snuff.

As well, Rod Mawhood of The SCORE Television Network will be back as PA announcer for most home games while retired police officer Marcel Landry will act as the main official scorer. Sara Cannon, daughter of owner Nick, will do the music.

It feels like shades of 1996 all over again! In fact, the news is so good all the way around it almost seems like a wonderful dream.

Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
The Auburn Doubledays are the Jays.

Now last year the Muckdogs were a Phillies affiliation (now Cards) and last year the Cards were the Mahoning Valley Scrappers, now an Indians affiliation. Eek Maybe the Jays will become the Stompers and the Oneonta Tigers will become the Auburn Doubledays?!? Big Grin
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